What is Voluntaryism? Is it Peaceful Anarchy?
Etienne's Interview with South African Political Cartoonist Jerm Warfare Exposes "Government" as the Biggest Scam in History!
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I recently sat down with South African political cartoonist and radio talk show host Jeremy “Jerm” Nell on his podcast Jerm Warfare. It was one of my best interviews ever on what is Voluntaryism / Peaceful Anarchy. I changed Jerm’s title from What is Anarchy? which I feared might scare away those who don’t understand how the organized crime system has changed the definition of anarchy from “No Rulers” to Chaos and Dystopia.
In this interview, we discuss the real definition, how the organized crime system has used its monopoly media and control of the dictionary to change the meaning of the word over time to scare the population away from the only political system that is fair for everyone and would lead to harmony and prosperity for all. I prefer the word Voluntaryism which I refer to as the “Rebrand”.
If you have ever wanted to understand the REAL definition of anarchy or explain the concept to a friend, colleague or loved one then this is the interview for you!
I am replicating Jerm’s mini-essay that introduces the interview to his audience.
What is Anarchy?
By Jeremy “Jerm” Nell @ JermWarfare.com
Anarchy needs to be understood as a vector toward freedom and not toward chaos.
Etienne de la Boetie2 (yes, with a squared sign and, no, it isn’t his real name) previously chatted to me about why all governments are illegitimate authorities and, basically, why anarchy is not a bad word. Establishment propaganda has done a great job of duping a lot of people into believing that being governed by a self-imposed authority with a monopoly on violence, is equal to freedom.
What is Anarchism?
For clarity, anarchism is a collection of ideas that lead to anarchy, although it’s probably acceptable to use both words to describe the same idea.
Rejection of the state equates to anarchism. But the problem that I have found is that anarchism is misunderstood, whether by design or not. Anarchism (or anarchy) does not mean chaos. Anarchism, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, could be described as
“the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished.”
He goes on to say that
“the state is the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.”
Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.
Governments are a Scam
Etienne‘s book – which is available via his website The Art Of Liberty – is certainly worth buying because it highlights all of the aforementioned talking points in an easily digestible format.
Basically, Government – The Biggest Scam In History is about:
“proving the case that “Government”, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning… and they have been getting away with it… until now… because they have been controlling the media and academia.”
Think of it even more simply.
If an armed gang knocked on your door and demanded that you pay them a percentage of your income, no matter what their reasons might be, then any rational individual will agree that such behavior is criminal.
Replace “armed gang” with “government”.
Our conversation
I really enjoyed this conversation. In fact, it’s one of my favorites.
Get the book @ Government-Scam.com