Just amazing that all the candidates this year and also RFK are in the pocket of the same group that cannot be named LOL. Definitely a dictatorship. Where are the leverage points to move forward in a real way? I can't find them maybe someone can help me. Not paying taxes well the money can just be printed so that's no solution. Boycott? What about protest? Hasn't really worked well in the past. We obviously don't have a representative government being that .000 1% are in elected positions compared to the general populace. I guess Mass awakening of the public is necessary this article certainly helps. However, a question whether so-called globalism isn't worse.

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The peaceful solution is to widely expose the illegitimacy and criminality of "government." We think you could do that in New Hampshire for $1-2MM which would get $50MM+ of earned media. government-scam.com/corbett

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That's credible. What I think really needs to happen I really can't say publicly. On another note, it seems like the term occult means behind the scenes cult. I prefer the term occultivation which means doing the practices and work to evolve and wake up.

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As we all watch folks dropping dead all around us, both in and outside the military, I wonder when the penny will drop, ie no one will be able to condone supporting such a killing machine as we now find ourselves in.

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It's really tough for people who have been through the "government" school system, the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, JROTC, and military basic training to think independently, but I am pulling for them!!

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The US government, which is indeed a crime syndicate, is owned and controlled by globalist interests through the control of the money supply. People are now taking for granted that they are treated as government assets:


Obedience training started immediately after the Federal Reserve Act of 1913:


The "priesthood" that replaces religion is not the politicians, but the "experts" and the "scientists."


A significant part of the populace doesn't vote, because it would only acknowledge an illegitimate power that could later do whatever it's told, because "the people have voted for it.":


Theoretically, the Constitution is supposed to ensure that basic human rights cannot be voted away, but that idea has been moot since the "Patriot" Act of 2001.

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I would argue the CON-stitution was a bad idea from the start. It failed to limit government... at all.. and failed to protect even the most basic of human rights in the Bill of Rights... It was a scam from the beginning. Check out my Substack Article: The Shady History of the Constitution for more details. Agree completely with your comment about the Priesthood being the easily bought off tobacco scientists!

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The CON(job)stitution was the casket that the Declaration of Independence was buried in.

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YES! I am going to tax that from you!

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lol, please do! It's certainly not original to me, I taxed it from someone else, most likely Jim Davidson of L5 News.

I'm nearly certain you're already familiar with the Spooner quote, "But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain..."

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I concur: the Constitution, when it replaced the Articles of Confederation, laid down the foundations of federal power over the states. However, the idea of a constitution is that it guarantees certain rights that cannot be voted away. I'm looking forward to reading your article (but it would have helped to include an instant link here).

"Scientists" are owned by globalist investment firms, while the "scientific method" is a joke:


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You write:

"Behind the “US Government” is an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking that has been puppeting the US. “Government” and [essentially] the entire monopoly media system to widely control perception and hide/obfuscate its criminal activities."

For my take on how we got this way, please see my new book "Our Country, Then and Now."


Also see:


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The opposite of Social Order is Anarchy, and no better than the DemonRats ala BLM and ANTIFA during the Summer of Love in 2020, who had a license to maim, murder, loot, and steal on display as law-abiding, tax-paying citizens were ushered into compliance with a face diaper and lockdowns; welcome to the "New Normal."

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Anarchy doesn't mean "No Rules" it simply means "No Rulers" but... because the organized crime rulers don't want you to know there is an option on the table called: No Rulers, they have used their monopoly media system and, as I break down in "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed!, control of the dictionary to charge the meaning of the word: No Rulers" to mean chaos and dystopia. The same folks who are tricking people into Statism are tricking them away from REAL Freedom. My next book will demonstrate how you can get everything you want from "government" from the free market, mutual aid societies, insurance companies, armed protective service providers, and genuine charities.

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Murray Rothbard already wrote "For A New Liberty," which I loved! When I offered it in my men's book group, none of the participants could imagine the world he describes. While I agree with him that anarchocapitalism could work, I don't see how one gets there from (way out) here.

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It is going to take the wide-scale exposure of the illegitimacy and criminality of "government"... and a peaceful and orderly dissolution of the federal "government" Voluntaryism-Book.org coming soon...

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Anticipating the Stalingrad of Detechnocratization

...just as Ðiên Biên Phú was “the Stalingrad of decolonization".


and no, I'm not a communist

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