I am stunned to read this today. I have heard a bit about Jeff Berwick but I've been one of those who were a fan of his, admiring anyone who flouts the law. But of course, so many are connected to the CIA and one of the give-aways is that they have a deep love of money. Jeff really goes for the high life and that can be very compromising. So many true anarchists are just getting by. We hate the system and thus we don't tend to make the most of the system like those who have fallen for the trickery inherent in it. I wish anarchists would start our own exchange system, there should be enough of us now. Dumping the banker's money system is what would have a huge impact on changing direction. Thanks for this article, what an eye-opener. It's rather disappointing however that Anarcapulco has also been infiltrated.

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Hi Denise, Yes! I thought what Berwick was doing was cool... at first... until I learned more about him and watched the conference getting "smeared and steered" up close and personal... I had a front row seat as an attendee from 2015 - 2020... Anarchists are starting their own parallel systems... it is coming... We just need to promote and accelerate them... The Greater Reset did a good job of publicizing those!

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I'm working on a system with others myself and I'm sure many anarchists are. We have have different projects but hopefully they will be networked and integrated so we can get some traction. And yes we need a way to promote them. I was disturbed to read you are under the threat of a ten year sentence. I can't tell you how much I despise this heinous system. Has that all passed by now? You're right, the misery and torture this causes innocent people is incalculable. But that is what Satanists feed off so they're getting their loosh.

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When I made the video I was under the impression that I was facing 10 years because I was on the air with a radio talk show host when he pulled up the law in DC and read the statute with the 10 year penalty. What I didn't understand at the time was he was reading the felony version of unregistered ammunition where I am actually being charged with the misdemeanor version so it more like six months but still a travesty of justice that anyone would face a single day in one of organized crime's filthy jails for something that isn't really a crime. It is an example of how mind-controlled the Secret Service, police, judge and prosecutors are that they would participate in something so criminal as stealing a man's liberty for things that aren't really crimes.

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It is beyond incredible that multi-dimensional humans are shrunk down to two dimensional words on paper (law). "Law enforcement" is the enemy of the people of the nation and even their families. The idea that we should respect them is misguided. A great article on this is called "Law Itself is the Violator: https://reloveution.substack.com/p/law-itself-is-the-violator

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What’s your take on Charlie Robinson? Thanks 🙏

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You say, "I wish anarchists would start our own exchange system" but if you start another centralized exchange, it requires trust, and gets infiltrated and manipulated. Bitcoin is decentralized and TRUSTLESS system, and if everybody adopted it and used it as money, the banksters would be out of business.

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I'm one of those who weaned from Berwick for several reasons. One being, he is in favor of population management and fewer "useless eaters" in the world -- cold and heartless. His love of wealth and smug confidence of riding through the coming storm with relative ease. Does he know something we don't?

Curious about one thing. Do you not see who pulls the strings of governments and organized entities around the world from the very top? I haven't seen you draw in the Vatican/Jesuit connection. Our warfare is spiritual after all. Vatican City knows which god they serve and works tirelessly to regain the old Roman Empirical authority over the whole earth in the coming "New World Order". According to Biblical prophecy written thousands of years ago, they will have this power for a short period before the Prince of Peace returns and settles scores.

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I only focus on what I can prove and I don't know who is at the top of the pyramid. What I focus on is exposing the illegitimacy of "government" on its face and the VISIBLE control structure of the WEF, CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group. Here is one my most popular articles explaining my thesis on who is at the "Board Level" of an inter-generational organized crime system using "government" to rob and control populations: https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world-organized-crimes

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I suspect that "board level" is several layers below in the schematic pyramid: https://jermwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Jesuit-global-control.jpg

Please tell me G.F. Griffin is one of the good guys still?

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I just try to focus on what I can prove and Cui Bono: The Banks... creating money out of thin air and buying the world with their little paper tickets and digital dollars.. the illegitimacy of "government" on its face... I don't really follow GEG enough but he doesn't really focus on the illegitimacy of "government".. lots of left-right paradigm... I'd like to see him "Strike the Root" more vs. vote harder in rigged elections...

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Spot on. Last year QR codes everywhere to get in everyday... we were all tracked there and it was incredible how drugged and fake so many of the speakers and people on the organizing them were ( there were other non-paid volunteers who were great, but also treated like crap by the main organizing team) Also more than a few locals told me about ( and I saw) horrible treatment by the conference team and listened to local stories about the supposed fundraiser that were horrid. Disgusting to pray upon such traumatized locals. The lies and cruelty from those running the whole conference were beyond what I can write here. It was a tracking, lying drug fest with fake spirituality based in Satanism. For sure. I wish we would have seen this before we went but well, we learned a hard lesson. It's an international tracking operation 100%.

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Thanks for the value add! I have heard similar stories from others who have attended the recent years. I am convinced that it is to smear voluntaryists... I am about to publish an article on his latest collab with Stew Peters designed to make us look like Nazi sympathizers... stay tuned!

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It is for sure a controlled operation and one day I will share more what we saw there - it is a 2020+ version of all the other psyop operations that came out of the mid 60's/early 70's, infiltrated completely and even those who are heavily into this, have no idea ( or maybe also mind controlled?) ... we have seen so many cults over the decades, this is yet just another sham pretending to be for justice and freedom; acting incredibly well in their roles ( on video is one thing, in person their energy is VERY different) and clearly doing the opposite of what they claim to stand for.

Another truly interesting part is how different they treated speakers and VIPs vs. the regular ticket buyers... most speakers and VIPs had no idea - but the locals sure knew about some of the scams and yet everyone was so marked, traumatized by the geo-event that they took what money was given ( which should have been WAY MORE) and needed any work they could get. Even LOCAL venders had to pay to be there after literally being wiped out and loosing family. DISGUSTING. May the TRUE voluntaryists CONTINUE to speak out and STAND UP!

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Jeff Berwick is a scammer

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Hi Etienne I have sent the substack to Ken oKeefe's messenger on FB - that all I could find for contact

I hope he gets it.

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Thanks Ann, everyone should know... BTW, How did Berwick rip you off?

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it started with bitcoin - I had been watching his videos and decided to join his club - he messaged me direct after I

criticized his policy of half price by midnight - some sale or something and then 'they' didn't respond to my request for a raincheck - and so I posted their lack of response on FB - TDV FB page - and he messaged me direct and said he could

help me, I didn't need to join. So I started with that - I ended up investing about $7000 but now I can't get it back and that's another big disappointment - but then during the time when he was helping me he was kind of coaxing me to move to Mexico and I was having such problems with tenants I had let into my own ( heavily mortgaged ) property on Saltspring Island BC that after a year and a half - I started thinking of moving to Mexico - that I had to sell my place and Jeff rented ' us ' by this time, a place in Mexico and found a friend of his that could move my horses down there. So then I sent him the money for the rental and the move - and he ripped me off...I had to find somewhere else to move in one month with 3 horses and less than $500K. I ended up in Nova Scotia - last night it was minus 18 degrees celsius - and three years ago - when I made the journey across Canada 2 of my horses died I had to pay again for shipping - I had already paid him $25K for the horses to be shipped to Mexico

I hate the guy

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this book has insights into how a movement can be infiltrated. https://www.amazon.com.au/Inside-Occupy-David-Graeber/dp/3593397196 his Bullshit Jobs and his Debt The First 5000 Years are good too.

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Thanks for the value-add! It is a real deal problem and Occupy Wall Street was another example of how the organized crime "government" smears and steers political movements. Thanks for helping to support my thesis!

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got this through rense.com. I will follow Max Igan now with a finer sense of I don't know. another aspect is shedding of the bioweapon when people get together, but noone hardly believes in that . shedding is real. see rense.com and jeff & erica shows on right column.

Anarchists Unite! lol.

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Thank you! I looked for the Graber book and it appears to being suppressed

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Wow, great job documenting this! I had no idea how corrupt this conference was.

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This is how the intelligence agency smears and steers political movements... they have been doing it for quite some time

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the Grateful Dead and Burning Man ; intelligence Ops with many similarities to this expose

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Yes! I recommend the book and documentary: Drugs as Weapons Against Us to understand how the intelligence agencies introduce drugs into political movements which is what we caught them doing at Anarchapulco!

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Thanks for that suggestion- will check it out

I look forward to getting more familiar with your work.

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If you like the Substack.. You are going to LOVE my book!

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Do you know LegalMan at The Quash?

You two are coming from VERY similar orgin points, but have a different method of showing it.

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I think I know who LegalMan is from Larken Rose's The Jones Plantation but have never heard his podcast or read his work... He did rock it out in the Jones Plantation!

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You may find his work butressing yours from an angle that you (unless you are a lawyer) dont have the language for, 30 years in law and he is breaking down the fraud of the government from that angle.

I like seeing the same point made from different studies, it makes the point stronger in the end.

The biggest shift for me pre-covid to now, is I did used to believe that the government could work "if just only" and I have shed that skin. Its a psychopathic death machine and once you see it, there is no return.

I appreciate your work!

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To sean at sgt:

JEFF BERWICK IS YOUR FRIEND? You’re all part of a list line of defense for the demonic matrix mind controllers profiting on the genocide and emotionalizing energies. You serve licufor.

I perform miracles against evil and you turds get all the sponsors.

Demonic “agents” put you in the spotlight to mislead the masses through false religion. AZREAL is my soul. He was jesus

I have proof below that I have magical power over evil and you will suppress the only provable answer against evil. You must pay negative karma

Jeff Berwikc knows my soul AZRAEL is the pale horse rider the fourth horseman so he does sorcery to mock me because I’ve emailed him: http://thephaser.com/2024/04/the-bloodied-four-horsemen-of-the-apocalypse-big-ben-stops-on-666-space-joos/

Jeff tried to rapa a man in a restroom the turned around and tried to claim a false rape charge against the victim. You turds are using backwards magic:




Is my soul the pale horse rider written in the book of revelations? THE FOURTH HORSEMAN? Am i the Archangel AZRAEL incarnate?

The reason I ask is because I did a -17 -233 -13 magic spell burning the evil book with “the satanic verses”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XcFcUKWajMhV/

Check the timeline -21 days later the evil author gets stabbed in the eye,neck & abdomen: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/08/13/us/salman-rushdie-attacked-saturday/index.html

The evil author taught children, teens and adults how to summon demons to harm people. Obviously my soul family is much more powerful than those weak demons yes?

Statistically this is a miracle but podcasters are part of the matrix control grid and suppress this truth. Not one of the beings mentioned can prove superpowers over evil

Only I can hence my suppression. These beings become obsolete once im discovered by the masses

You’re a matrix energetic network against AZRAEL!

ALERT! All podcasters, hosts and guests on gaia.c0m,  project camelot, contact in the desert, harold kautz vella, coast to coast, sean & sgt report, the phaser.c0m, the dollar vigilante, conscious life expo, David wilcock, jimmy church, mike adams the health ranger, David Nino rodriguez and all connected & associated beings with a following are gatekeepers and serving “the false light” of licufor

David wilcock is the gatekeeper to this truth & said gaia.c0m has a licufatiaN agenda: https://youtu.be/6V7MqboPtac?si=dm8_0wJlzrMNR6eo

All of these beings are interconnected to the lucifariaN false light energies. It cannot be otherwise:


Not one of them is telling you you’re in a demonic mind controlled matrix virtual reality being downloaded all thoughts with false memory embeds 

I am: The demonic beings that  control reality are using alien technology in the vaxx, chemtrails and food to latch in &  control everyone’s mind in the reality speaking thoughts in their own voice mentioned in this video by “black goo” expert and ex-NASA scientist whistleblower Harold Kautz Vella:



My work removes demonic energies, opens psychic portals.

Here’s a young woman East LA ex-targeted individual Mia who’s awakened to the fact she is the incarnate Archangel Shamuel on magic mushrooms and has seen my wings many times


MiA & myself are seeking a partnership to awaken others & create a meditation circle using our consciousness to alchemize reality removing demonic energies

Another woman I made psychic awakened out of the trance channeled star spirit apocalyptic warning says I’m their savior


Nobody can acknowledge my factual miracles due to the social programming mind control mentioned in the “Illuminati secret covenant.” They’ve created all religions for mind control:


Nothing I say is true

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Attorney Todd Calender on Marburg “payloads” unleashed 5g signals for “zombie apocalypse.” All vaxxed are owned by a pattent:


Gas lighting techniques and logical fallacies such as the “straw man argument” are mind control manipulations and qualify as “evil.”

Don’t kill the true messenger

Do your research Ayo Kamathi author of the book “jews are the problem” collected some factual data about all the evil crimes jews have committed including funding and using propaganda through the media (which they own for mind control) to promote the military grade bioweapon vaxx.

If you watch this mini series you’ll see the data that the entire jewish bloodline is evil and why they were kicked out of 109 countries:


anton levey the jew founded the church of satan now responsible for the “after school satan program” in schools across the country: satan is being put into our children’s consciousness thanks to levey:


Jewish Rabbi admits that Jews are aliens who are here to “conquer” Earth 



This video called “the synagogue of satan” details some very dark factual data about jews including the “blood sorcery sacrifices” including children done throughout history including now in Palestine:


The passover blood sorcery was to protect themselves from “The Angel of Death” who is THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL.

I’ve brought AZRAEL THE ARCHANGEL OF DEATH into the consciousness of beings in this reality and because of the magic I’m doing, the reality is collapsing due to negative karma.

Shame on black magic blood sorcery against THE ARCHANGEL AZRAEL!

The blood sorcery is weakening. My soul is AZRAEL THE HIGHEST DIMENSIONAL BEING OF DEATH. He is the first soul ever created and incarnated as jesus. Hence my provable superpowers over evil.

Anti-semitism is a word created by the demonic forces who rule the reality. They’re time-jumping timelines and put themselves in positions of power manipulating this matrix reality.

They created the anti-semitism reality as magic so they can be immune to being judged for committing atrocities against humanity.

They act as victims while bombing women, children, and elderly in Palestine. This is backwardsness used in black magic.

The other mind control manipulation is the word “conspiracy theory.” The conspiracy is real and in all of our faces:


The nano bots and other energies in the vaxx are demonic.

No pope, rabbi, minister shaman, evangelist, guru on the planet has provable scientific data that they can defeat evil. I have the proof!

Like I said I did a -17 -13 -233 magic spell & burned “the satanic verses” book on 7/24/22: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XcFcUKWajMhV/

After sending the video to the satanic temples throughout their directory, -3 weeks later the author gets attacked and stabbed in the eye, neck and abdomen:


Statistically speaking this is a miracle!

The evil author taught children, teens and adults how to summon demons to harm people. Obviously my soul family is much more powerful than those weak demons yes?

My work removes demonic energies, opens psychic portals.

Here’s a young woman East LA ex-targeted individual Mia who’s awakened to the fact she is the incarnate Archangel Shamuel on magic mushrooms and has seen my wings many times


MiA & myself are seeking a partnership to awaken others & create a meditation circle using our consciousness to alchemize reality removing demonic energies

Another woman I made psychic awakened out of the trance channeled star spirit apocalyptic warning says I’m their savior


Nobody can acknowledge my factual miracles due to the social programming mind control mentioned in the “Illuminati secret covenant.” They’ve created all religions for mind control:


demonic mind control mentioned by ex-NASA scientist now whistleblower Harold Kautz Vella

All vaxed DNA has been edited & demonic mRNA software inside their bodies for demonic mind control-soul energies are being hacked


We’re all infested with demonic technology LUCIFERASE SATANIC AGENDA:


I’m in Los Angeles but can coach remotely no charge.

World leaders are not who you think they are: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=7AAYD5A34DAU

You’re entire perception and existence in reality is an illusion that has been created by evil forces that are currently mind controlling you:


If we choose not to warn our familes, community or the people we care about of these EVILS the negative karma will be massive because now YOU hold their lives in your hand

Our entire reality population is paying their negative karma for remaining in the demonic mind controlled trance. Their unconsciousness is a weapon against AZRAEL

Your arguments are obsolete

The problem with receiving truth is not intellectual. There are psychological barriers you will come against:

*FEAR (reduces our ability to think critically and makes us compliant)

*WILLFUL BLINDNESS aka COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (helps us feel safe, avoid conflict, reduce anxiety, and to protect prestige and fragile egos)

These psychological barriers are mentioned in Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s testimony that was delivered in the Helsinski District Court on April 12, 2024 http://stateofthenation.co/?p=223476

Matias Desmet explains mass formation mind control it’s all part of the manipulation in our reality:


We’re in a demonic mind controlled matrix virtual reality and I can teach you how to defeat evil with matrix magic codes here. There is important WORK TO DO to defeat evil: honolulu.craigslist.org/big/evg/d/pomona-seeking-apprentice-for-psychic/7737184123.html


Here’s the main song they created as sorcery against my soul and mocking you “hypnotized now you’ll follow’l


This is the song explaining about my soul and who you are unconsciously against AZREAL: https://youtu.be/b_ObqZtxuj0?si=b6T_Mo9n3WVTQra_

Nobody cares about your worthless soul

Im just sitting here laughing my ass off about you’re lost souls


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"Other Scams include “Pump & Dump” crypto scams (Pirate Chain, SmartCash, and others!)" - That's interesting.

What was his involvement in Pirate Chain?

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They did a classic pump & dump in 2020 where the coin was pumped to the attendees (virtual and in-person) who then bought the coin and then they dumped the coin taking the money from the folks at the conference who bought the coin. I graphed it at the time to show a chump who wrote a song about the coin for the conference who didn't understand he was helping rip off the crowd. Simply graph the price history of the coin immediately before, during and after the conference to understand what happened.

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Thanks, I'll look into it. What you are describing is par for course for almost all products. The blockchain coins, including bitcoin, are the latest vehicle for pump and dump.

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I hope the guy running it this year is not involved in the seedy side of this, I've always appreciated his work.

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Which guy?

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I have met and like Charlie Robinson. He had great things to say about my book and said my 2020 Anarchapulco speech "Burned the House Down" BUT he seems tied to Jeff Berwick financially because they "co-authored" a book together which I interpret as Jeff Berwick paid to have his name put on Charlie's book cause it is hard to co-author a book when you are drunk. I have never heard Charlie knowingly promote anything I disagree with (but I haven't listened to much of his content either) so I will let others weigh in on what he is putting out. He did tell me that I am not allowed on his show any more because of my expose on the Anarchists which even if we give him the assumption of good will is, I believe, an example of how intelligence agency funding can stifle authentic voices...

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I really appreciate your reply. I guess I have to take this opportunity to dig a bit more, I dont know much about Berwick, haven't read Charlie's books, but his show does do a good job, and I like hiw he does it. Its digestible, pass on able.

I only know of Luke via GTW, Richard usual starts the show with a Luke clip.

Watching how the "medical freedom" world has advanced and splintered and been usurped, I have to keep a close eye on my alt media.

FWIW, I have been in medical independence for a long time, so when this covid shit happened, we were well informed and prepared before it started. If you were ever in my kitchen I can show you video from 3-20-20 where my little family is mocking the hysteria.

And because of that I started finding you guys. There are charlatans everywhere, I've watched them pop up all over the medical freedom world [wtf ever that is now].

I guess my question is, if Luke is compromised, why would GTW run his clips? I've found GTW to be very solid.

I'm just trying to understand.

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I have always found GTW reliable as well. I don't know why he play his clips but this controlled opposition dynamic which is real and well understood causes so much division... I can't wait until we root it all out and expose it.

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I did hear him in his Walk and Talks last year some time say he stopped drinking. It didn't last?

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I don't know if Berwick is drinking again or not BUT I do know he has claimed to quit multiple times and always falls off the wagon which I attribute to the pressure described by the Who song: Blue Eyes: "No One Knows What Its Like to the Bad Man... To be the Sad Man..." I am actually pulling for Berwick... He could go from "Zero" to "Hero" by exposing the whole thing... I've tried to communicate to Luke Rudkowski through mutual friends to come out and expose how the controlled opposition media works but nothing yet.. It is all going to come out eventually.. Just like the Stasi were exposed in East Germany when the Berlin Wall fell...

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Jeff Berwick describes his personal situation in many of his walk n talk vids; he says he is married to a beautiful local woman who is from a a very "deeply connected" legacy family of the area in Acapulco. He goes on to describe that his wife's family was instrumental in locating the secure 200+ acre remote ranch location that he is planning to escape to with his family, and he described how he is "not concerned" about being invaded by desperate looters/ escapees from the coming apocalypse because the entire property is surrounded by very high border wall and his "wife's family" "runs security for him with 15-20 armed guards patrolling the property at all times". Jeff is seemingly openly telegraphing he is married into one of the more powerful legacy cartels, which means by proxy alliance with CIA. (very similar to how Alex Jones has often described his personal affiliations and family connections in a way that it is obvious he is CIA.) Maybe this family Jeff has married into is one of the OG Mexican families that predates the current Drug cartel mafia fiefdoms, but that would still mean they have alliances that somehow can stand up against the reigning cartels, which point back to CIA. Either way it is pretty obvious Jeff is under "deep state" level protection.

btw - this outrageous personal revelation of his connection to organized crime/ CIA was already quite concerning-- but what clinched it for me was how he talks about other people that gave him away-

One of the most reliable tells for me that someone is a state level actor LARPing as an activist/ alt researcher/ voice of the people/ organizer etc is their attitude regarding their fellow humans; for example -Jeff Berwick, again, by his own words in his many walk n talks - despises the average human being, blames them for being stupid fat and lazy, says they deserve what is coming, he expresses repeatedly how great it is that there will be massive suffering and death coming to a vast majority of humanity. He says this is just fine with him, as he and his family are prepared to ride out the chaos in his armed compound in the remote (cartel protected) regions of Mexico. Contempt for the suffering of the average human being is a sure sign of a weak and potentially compromised personal ethical and moral framework- one of the foundational pillars of Talmudic racist occultism that has infiltrated and subsumed all the organized so called Judeo-Christian religions, nation-state political heirarchies, secret societies (Jesuits/ Freemasonry/ Rosicrucianism/ CLDS/ Golden Dawn etc as well as all clandestine state level ops around the world such as Mossad/ CIA etc.

my rule of thumb is ;

It is easy to seduce someone into being willing to lie cheat steal and murder other human beings if you start with someone who has no morality, no inherent sense of decency- no respect for other humans. Then it's just a matter of what price to pay them.

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ok, very interesting reply and commendable efforts.

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Thank you for your service!

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