Could this be considered a 'de-fund The Police' program? ;-)

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Replace the monopoly police with free market competition!

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I've been spending quite some time recently revisiting 'this' topic/context,

and while recalling I'm finding new/additional thingks.

I am still processing; and will post more regarding such.


The Road From Anarchism to Pragmatism w/Nick Irwin


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Necromocracy wearing down the subdued ...

DanceFree / SOMA / Get Clearer View!

Holly Golightly - Christmas Tree On Fire







Happy Holler Days!

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How are all these various forms of government not government?

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You can have a private defense agency to protect you but you can fire them if they are rude and don't do a good job. Your defense agency can have an arrangement with a private arbitrator but if they arbitrator is corrupt then opposing defense agencies can refuse that arbitrator. If the defense agency and the arbitrator can't get restitution out of the person who stole from you then that defendant could choose between which private prison will give him the best deal on working off what he is owed. All these are better than a monopoly provider... better outcome... restitution focused vs. retribution... Choices for all concerned vs. one-size-fits-all..

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"You can have a private defense agency to protect you but you can fire them if they are rude and don't do a good job."


So, Your Govt./System would have a clear-cut agreement as to Specific-Performance; which would allow You to fire 'them/violators' regarding violation of said agreement?


Please describe/clarify That 'Process of Firing'


btw, I think presenting as if Your Govt/IT is not some form of government, presents bogus / corrupt, and as such distracts-from/Obstructs Core Current Problem regarding Governments! : CORRUPTION.


warning: trigger-point: Some could say it appears you're helping run cover for current corrupt govt. & stealing people's time commodity via distraction confusion routine regarding such?


perhaps you are instead actually wanting more clearly to sell an 'Opting-Out' strategy from current corrupt / rude government / etc that people find themselves trapped in/by?


which brings up: Where do you plan to set Your govt. up at?

(will it violate current govt. rules? How large is your army?)

How much real estate does Your govt. intend to buy?)


It seems the issue you present to be looking for while running away from is:

Accountability VS Corruption ;-)

anyways: Please describe/clarify That 'Process of Firing'

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Re: Firing - You hire Westec, ADT or Brinks today to be your security firm. If the agent is rude or unprofessional or you don't feel like they are doing a good job in your neighborhood you then call them and say: "I want to discontinue my contract with you... I am going with another company..." THAT is the free market vs a monopoly provider.

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HI, Happy Holidays!

Okay, so that already exists / available.

That's my point.

So what is your USP?

Unique Selling Proposition?

I'm trying to understand.

Thanks ;-)

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I'm not sure whether or not you are actually trying to start 'such' a community; Yet: What about taking-over a County, voluntarily?

I've heard that County Sheriffs have premium power/authority, especially vs The FEDS, and are voted in by county residents.

How's that for a backdrop? ;-)

Decide on a County, ... perhaps pole current county residents regarding your idea/proposal, agreement, and ...

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Most people are mentally enslaved to a paradigm they were indoctrinated with in childhood... I am trying to help them better understand the reality of their situation so they abandon "The Most Dangerous Superstition" (Search Engine that term :-)

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hmmm? Interesting. Better than the 'Anarchy' bit.;-)

(& thanks for the TMDS tip)

btw: Have you ever heard of Richard Grove / Autonomy?


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Than again; if you're just looking for security services you can fire; there are many, already to choose from/hire.

'Gated Communities' too, that you can create/quit whenever you want.


What are you actually trying to accomplish?

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I haven't read it yet, but its such an interesting topic. My thoughts are that you can still have ministries without government. That would receive the taxes and would be operated by the people that are professionals, represented and administered by the ministeries. A milinistry of education a ministry of Law - a ministry of the courts - of highways - of agriculture - although agriculture is also part of the economy which needs associations Richard Greco covers that quite well in his book the End of Money and the Future of Civilization. Rudolf Steiner covers this in his books on the topic - Towards Social Renewal.

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I hope you guys do this again next year. I’d love to promote this up in northern az. So happy to be able to see the presentations that I missed. I was able to watch the early morning presentations… it was fabulous. Everyone involved with this is amazing.

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