I'm sure Denis is familiar with all the dialogue about how bad the ruling parties are. But really we are missing the point entirely. While we think it's them, we're missing the point. They would be nothing if people didn't care what they dictated. Why have anything to do with those who get in your face? That's only pandering to sociopathy. We need to start talking about solutions. I have worked on these and they are easy to do for every soeverign. Every sovereign is able to do thee things. Some simple some harder but nobody "has" to shop at Walmart for example or Amazon. We can find alternatibes or just go without for crying out loud. Most of their stock is trinckets anyway. Care for the environment alone is worthy of us making this effort. I want to talk about solutions, anyone else? I know it's badder than bad but I also know that what we put our attention to is what we feed. This is a unifying theory of manifestation.

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Agreed, denise. The things I learn when I do not use the typical channels of commerce or communication are much more interesting, and yes, patience and research always required but usually well rewarded. best

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I do that too. I was off the system for over 12 years - no bank accounts and just made my way taking care of people or their property in exchange for living costs. It was always a very satisfying arrangement for both parties. And now I had to go on it and I'm seeing modern life like for the first time. I don't have a car or a cellphone, and didn't have any of the normal ID's for years. They want to know every move we make that's why all the ID checking. And they don't need to ask us everytime, they have all our details at theri fingertips but any chance to undermine us, they take it. I bought on the second hand market and actually I enjoy living that way much more than going to regular stores. It is no fun shopping in them especially since I can see how they are corraling us to get used to Ai.

Best to you also.

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I Just Finished Writing A Book.

It’s Called:

“Vaccines For Dummies”

That’s As Far As I Got.

I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.

My Publisher Agreed.

I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:

“Vaccines For Dead People”

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Third sequel, Vaccines for Zombies.....you have an publishing empire....congrats....

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Just had my editorial, Attack of the COVIDians published and may be of interest:


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For a salient eschatological perspective on the imminent dictatorship coming to the world, delivered through the 5G surveillance-grid when we lose the information war, largely leveled against Israel, please refer to the following article, “Defending the Covid Counter-Narrative is Defending Religious Freedom: Depending on the Fate Of Israel.”


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That the US military is behind all the chicanery which has taken place and is still ongoing, cannot be denied; mentalities such as those that thrive on war and surveillance, are also stupid enough to believe that a large enough number of the worlds population are like the soldiers they have brainwashed and will salute and obey! Ha! No ways is that the case.

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Without wishing to trivialise the impact on the victims' families and friends, 0.4% of the world’s population can hardly rate as a serious 'depopulation' attempt. Following the money trail will nearly always expose the true motive. Drug pushing took over from slavery as the world’s most profitable 'free lunch' activity a few centuries ago.

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We have no idea what the long term consequences are and there is massive evidence of fertility issues. Finally, they are posturing to do it again with Monkey Pox

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