This is what children muat be taught from day 1

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Oh my gourd, that made my week. So brilliantly explained, researched and assembled. I stand with everything you say. Freedom is essential to prosperity. Without it, we're cactus. Excellent talk Etienne!

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Awww.. thank you Denise! That made my week!

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Oh from my heart. You put things together so well, your presentation would win everyone over. I love how you got examples of people doing it for themselves already. Actually despite government intervention and obstruction. But there is still very little to nothing available for those of us who want to live without the stupid government. No talk about it either. Many people are chomping on the bit to live in such a way. I for one am ready. Why aren't we talking about that in the freedom and liberty community (FALC)

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I wish there were a roughly equal number of women as featured speakers Etienne. It's kinda tiring only hearing from men. I mean we have to endure the patriarchy in all things, hoping to have an equal (roughly) new society built from the freedom community. We need to make it so, to notice ratios! This is the non-patriarchal perspective. Perhaps women feel less confident about speaking their truth, but we have to have it or we won't get through this. Really, that is what I truly believe. What we're going through is going to take ALL the intelligence we can garner.

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There were less women than men at the conference... plenty of women speakers... but proly close to the ratio of attendees... women don't seem to be interested in this very important topic... I notice the same distribution at tech and investment conferences as well

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It's getting slightly better (the ratios) however it's important to have women speakers. Why aren't they stepping up? I often feel there needs to be special invitation to show they are wanted as we still have the legacy of women being thought of as decoration rather than equal thinkers. Very often I see men discussing these important subjects with maybe one woman for 8 men and when she speaks, often, she is dismissed very easily. The thing is women may say things differently and come at things from a different angle because (hey) we're different. And the language isn't ours either. Not that we need to hold back and invent more words and phrases. Thank you for addressing this. It's always good to notice the ratios, so that we go into a new world where there's equal (roughly) people being heard from.

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oooh, that skate graf.

I can smell the paint.

Knowing that everyone thinks "buying ammo" is the thing, in all the post-apoc scenes what do we really see? Overlays of directions to survivors in spray paint. Occasionally there will be a good piece up which means that the place is no longer safe, but there's prolly good loot left behind that's also prolly booby-trapped.

Child of the post 60's so I am completely out of touch with modern humans.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._

°Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unspoken, not unsaid."

*May God nod to ward thee & thine!*

P.S. get a hobo sign book & a box of paint for your cub scouts. ;^}> j/k don't, never saved me from trouble.

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Well you're not going to be any help in this struggle to beat the vampires. Not through violence because we are smarter than the barbarians that resort to might is right philosophies.

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am werewolf. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1734706193215807488?referrer=flyingaxblade 9 second video, see the two above for explanation how i pull runaways from evil men.


You can do it too if you got balls & no fear of death.

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If that's supposed to seem tough, sorry I don't buy it. I am so weary of men thinking they can solve things through violence. That's not thinking, in my book. And now we are at the collective death's door, against weaponry that can mash your brains from afar, which any violence we are capable of would be rendered equivalent to firing a water pistol. It's going to take BRAINS to get out of this one.

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imma smart! <--said like a helpful person of truncated intelligence, not belligerently . 8^)

Just also happen to be practicing healthy activities that are not restricted to fairly unrealistic (imho) bedroom antics.

& cutting bottles is about the least anti-human activity one can do regarding sports with martial activity which is not based on overwhelming distance superiority.

I like it. Studying martial arts to avoid deadly combat in America is radically different than when I lived in a barrio, in America. Mostly I walk the streets at night of my neighborhood & pray for my neighbors by name for the last ...15/20 years now [?] ... across many blocks. Most don't even know that my dog & I are here.

Now, granted, I do not know "what this one is that we are getting out of."

Cherish, etc.

Nodding God, et al.

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I'm with you on doing anything so long as it doesn't harm anyone. And martial arts is a good thing to know in this barbaric culture, I don't blame you. I know you have goodness in your heart.

What I referred to about getting out of is this behemoth of a culture that puts some people over others. It's a deadly game where one cannot live as we were meant to, in peace and harmony. We need to get to the bottom of it, just like analyzing the cause of a disease.

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Hello! I bought your 2 books (paid with BEP20) however haven’t received anything on my email. Wrote you an email and also haven’t got a reply. Can you please help me figure it out? My email is myxomycent gmail dot com

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I just DMed you to get the email you used for the order and will look into this for you.

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"How the Free Market Provides Public Goods FOR FREE ….. "

And then I laughed simply because there is no free lunch simply put, everything comes at a cost and someone pays, usually you the subject or target.

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I am pointing out that REAL Freedom produces what the "government" claims are public goods for FREE... I.E. the Discipline of Constant Dealings keeps most merchants honest without a government beauracracy

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flyingaxblade’s Substack

Jan 28

Pardon me for being a debbie downer.

As much as I have read, I understand you have not gone through the 10$ paywall to watch.

DemystifySci has & I listen to them often & it's a delight to watch them grow into a wider world not dominated by establishment science. Even watching them struggle with concepts that are older than they are which have been suppressed but in no wise halted, despite being heretical & anathema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da-60SIOQ6Y it's only 80 minutes. *Telepathy Tapes + Cosmologic Ouiji Boarding - SOLO! Drs. A.V.Bendebury & M.S.DeLay, #311*

2,952 views Jan 12, 2025 DemystifySci Podcast

Shilo and Anastasia sit down for a discussion of the Telepathy Tapes, motivated belief, and the difference between grift and ignorance. For those who don’t know, the Telepathy Tapes is a hugely popular podcast about the telepathic abilities of non-verbal autistic children, where a reporter interviews a bunch of families where the parents claim to have telepathic connections with their children. The kids are reported to have a 100% success rate of reading their caretaker’s mind, are supposedly able to communicate with each other, and carry a message to the rest of us about the need for peace and care on earth. When we listened to the show, we were captivated… until we weren’t. So we paid $10 to take a look at the library of tapes posted by the podcast, and are here to show you what we found.

Cherish is the new love, be well.

May God nod to ward thee & thine!

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Lauren Ayers

Jan 29

I'm glad you provided a critique of the Telepathy Tapes. I ran out of time at 45 minutes but think they are simply looking for weaknesses in the Telepathy Tapes presentations, and haven't set aside their assumptions long enough to see it from any perspective besides skeptic.

It did seem like we watched 2 different programs. For instance, at 20:12 Anastasia said, "In order to prove telepathy you'd probably have to do this without the mom's touch."

First, Ky DID aim to have many of the trials hands free. Second, the point of sharing thoughts non-verbally is dependent on trust. Critics like to say that the non-verbal viewer gets it wrong sometimes. Well, the viewers did an amazing job, far better than chance, so I don't get why Anastasia & Shilo aren't at least a little amazed. And, third, the participants say that one factor that lowers accuracy in describing what the sender is seeing is the investigator's unvoiced assumptions that it's all fake, which in my mind is enough reason to not 'perform.,'

Telepathy is a non-verbal way to communicate that can emerge when there's coziness between mom and child, and once that is familiar to the child, it can be hands off.

Besides, I can't imagine how touching would communicate complex ideas like a 4-digit number or an image. Autistic kids may not like to be touched under various circumstances, but touch that is not demanding or overwhelming is still part of their needs as a child and why not 'allow' it in a trial?

Anastasia and Shilo dropped their post-doc status in at one point and I thought, 'Oh, that's why they have a patronizing tone."

Still, I'm grateful for their calm and non-strident analysis, we all need to hear a variety of insights about anything as amazing as telepathy!

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flyingaxblade’s Substack

Jan 30

Ayyy, correct there is no advancement sans skepticism.

Telepathy & whatnot have to be real if there is so much guvmint $'s getting dumped into Psionics.

Being experiential in my own life, it's a wildly tricky development <-- wrong word, uncovering {a little better ;^}> because Languid, Languish, Language is all designed to dampen proper construction of thoughts, which are generally images or dialogue. Sending dialogue is congruent to "mind control" because of during the share, the projection requires "want you to too" & unless the other person is set to receive or review (like email & chat kinda 8^) the action of sending is domineering.

Also also the inherent issue is requiring commonality, as in, were my sharing of °Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unspoken yet not unsaid." My image that goes along with that is going to be in essence [home invasion by authorities] but that's a Solzenhitzen concept--you can't non-comply in resistance without letting others know, otherwise it's just avoiding that blow, but not anyone else. Once that door is breeched the icky thought is engaged there for the receivers mind, & the °Cherish° core enters the holy of holies (pineal) which is full of the gospel, literally °good news worth sharing°

It requires a "We" not "I/you" that everyone else that is not the recipient is blocked with common dismissal. & the bonus is, everyone that has that specific defense/gate will also receive that transmission. Because it is good for another, therefore it is good for everyone.

The weaponization aspect, to quote my dad, is the spells laid out by mass media that create easy pass gates for the suckers & hence they are not resisting the bad mental promoters . A mental irritant, that is only blocked when in concentration on a task that is important to oneself.

Lucid dreaming, constructing loci is very helpful. I write down my dreams, I can IRL map out the alley behind the mall & the surrounding city, if I so desired to have someone join me in a more real life asleep, not zonked out.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._

*May God nod to ward thee & thine!*

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The Word Herder



You know, I just read this again, more slowly, and doggone it, woof! It's brilliant. Cheers.

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if nact, now is a good time to do such activities.

everyone is looking the other way.

for Denise.

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