Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference - Nov 1st-3rd
Do We Really Need "Government"? OR is REAL Freedom the Answer!
Liberty on the Rocks 2024 - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference is Now Streaming for Free + Picture Gallery from 2024 at and
In my book: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! I explain how “Government” is best thought of as a technique for robbing and controlling populations, along with the impossibility of having a moral and legitimate “government.” The book also exposes how an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking has been controlling the information the population receives about the legitimacy, necessity and desirability of “government” using mandatory “government” schools, scouting, Explorers, JROTC, ROTC, police and military training, monopoly media, propaganda woven into Hollywood films and television shows, and the algorithmic censorship of the internet.
The indoctrination and propaganda have been so successful that many people have never been exposed to the alternative to top-down “government” control. Many falsely believe that voting in rigged elections for the lesser evil is their only choice.
On November 1st-3rd, The Art of Liberty Foundation will be hosting Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference.
Discover the option that is NEVER offered or discussed by the MainStreamMedia or the MainStream Alternative Media: REAL FREEDOM!
The Biggest Secret in Global Politics: We don’t really need “Government!”
Voluntaryism—The free market, mutual aid societies, armed protective service companies, arbitration providers, insurance companies, and genuine charities would better provide all the legitimate services provided by monopoly “government.”
Without the government’s mandatory inflationary money and confiscatory taxation, the economy would prosper and the population would be much wealthier and better able to help the poor, needy and disadvantaged.
Come join some of the country’s leading economists, legal experts and political philosophers discuss how the world could have more harmony and prosperity without “government”
Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona 2024 – The Voluntaryism Conference - In-Person or Virtual – November 1st-3rd
Summary: The Good Karma Alternative to Voting for the Lesser Evil – Do we really need “government”? What if you could get all the legitimate, non-redistributive services provided by “government,” better, faster and cheaper from the free market, mutual aid societies, armed protective service companies, arbitration providers, insurance companies, nonprofits, and genuine charities without the waste, fraud, abuse and extortion of monopoly “government”? Join many of voluntaryism’s leading economists, political philosophers, and legal experts to discuss how a world without “government” could lead to more harmony and prosperity for all!
Discount Code: Etienne5 – 5% Discount
Event Schedule
Friday Night, Nov. 1st – Ultimate Light Mission - Opening Party & Concert
4:30 - Doors Open
5:00 - Frequency Friday with Sedona Quantum Consciousness – Bio-charger-enhanced guided meditation led by SQC founder Mark Szymczak with sound bath by world-renowned harpist Peter Sterling.
7:00 - Opening Party – Food for purchase
8:00 - Concert with Grant “Prezence” Ellman and Larken & Amanda Rose
Saturday – Nov. 2nd – Ultimate Light Mission - Conscious Conversations
Buy a $40 ticket to the virtual event and get a free copy of Etienne de la Boetie2’s upcoming book: Voluntaryism - How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! when released (domestic US, foreign get ePub)
Ryan Cristian, founder and host of The Last American Vagabond, will be conducting a free “Behind the Scenes” stream with interviews with the speakers and the closing panel. Sign up for free at
8:00 - Networking Coffee with Speakers & Attendees
9:00 - Introduction & Welcome - Etienne de la Boetie2
9:20 - Larken Rose - The Illegitimacy of “Government” and Rebooting Humanity
10:00 - Etienne de la Boetie2 -The Free Market Mechanisms That Deliver Public Goods for Free without the Waste, Fraud, Abuse and Extortion
11:00 - David Friedman - Law and Law Enforcement Without the State
12:00 - Lunch - Food for Purchase - On-Site (included with VIP Ticket)
1:45 - Walter Block – Privatizing Roads, Oceans, and Outer Space
2:30 - Derrick Broze – Exit and Build: How to Live the Principles of Liberty Now
3:45 - James Corbett -And Now, A Public Service Announcement From the Ministry of Toothbrushes
4:30 - Speaker Panel - The "Hard Questions" of Voluntaryism - Immigration/Borders, The Environment, and Defense (will be streamed live on Ryan Cristian’s free “Behind the Scenes” stream at
5:30-6:30 - Networking, Mocktails and Expo
7:00 – 10:00 - VIP Dinner @ The Canyon Rose Retreat Center
Sunday – November 3rd – Sunday is Fun Day on the Rocks of Sedona
9:00 - Coffee Meet Up - The Secret Garden Cafe in Tlaquepaque Village
– Yoga on the Rocks – 9:30 - VIP Shuttle Departs Secret Garden,
10:00 AM Everyone Meet @ Trailhead for Yoga on the Rocks
- Group Hike led by Grant “Prezence” Ellman and an alternative car tour for those that don’t hike 10:30 VIP Bus Departs Secret Garden Cafe with Hikers
11:00 AM Everyone Meets @ Trailhead for Group Hike
11:00 AM - Ecstatic Dance @ Sun Moon Studio – Sedona (No VIP bus option)
1:30 PM - Group Lunch @ ChoclaTree Vegan Eatery & Organic Oasis - Economics: Dutch Treat
6:30 PM - Closing Dinner & Campfire @ The Desert Rose Retreat Center, Cottonwood, AZ - Potluck, donation or food for purchase
Tickets - Click Here to Purchase Tickets and Support the Event!
Virtual Ticket | $40
Access from anywhere + a softcover copy of Voluntaryism when released in November (domestic, foreign gets ePub).
$40 - Add to CartBasic Full Event Pass | $175
Full in-person experience + your own copy of Voluntaryism. - $175 - Add to Cart
VIP Full Event Pass | $295
VIP Dinner + Lunch on Sat. + VIP Shuttle to Yoga & Hiking on Sunday + a “Swiss Flip” edition of “Government” and Voluntaryism when released. - $295- Add to Cart
Canyon Rose VIP Experience | $1,750
2 VIP tickets + stay with the speakers at the Canyon Rose Retreat Center
(Sold Out) - $1750Add to CartCo-Producer Package | $5,000
VIP table for Eight (8 VIP Tickets) + a room at the Canyon Rose Retreat Center with some of the speakers
(only 1 available!) - $5000 Add to Cart
Day Passes
Friday Night Pass | $55
Frequency Friday + Grant ”Prezence” Ellman concert. - $55 - Add to Cart
Saturday Day Pass | $115
Enjoy a full day of Conscious Conversations. - $115 - Add to Cart
Saturday VIP Day Pass | $205
A full day of honest, no-nonsense discussions + VIP Party with Speakers & Artists. - $205 - Add to Cart
Saturday VIP Dinner Only | $95
VIP Dinner & Party with Speakers & Artists. -$95- Add to Cart
Sunday Day Pass | $55
Yoga on the Rocks, hiking, BBQ… Sedona-style. -$55- Add to Cart
Go Paid on Substack at the $50 a Year Level and get a Free Ticket to the Liberty on the Rocks virtual conference and a free softcover copy of Etienne’s new book, Voluntaryism—How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All, when it is released in November.
Go Paid at the $250 a Year Founding Member Level and get a free in-person ticket to Liberty on the Rocks in Sedona and a signed copy of the “Swiss Flip” version of Voluntaryism AND “Government” when released in November.
Thanks Etienne!
We will get even but it might take time. Be patient and don't get sidetracked by other manufactured or deliberately generated MSM B/S. They want us to forget about 'Covid', 'Gain of Function', 'Safe & EFFECTIVE', 'died suddenly = Excess Deaths, Scamdemics and the next drama they've got cooked up.
I'm still plastering the internet with Vax related injuries and deaths coming with ZERO LIABILITY - as enjoyed by Pfizer et al. They can't be enjoying me continually highlighting such an unbelievable and deadly concession.
Zero Liability means nobody listens to Excess Death stats, Serious life impacting vax injuries. The public seem blissfully unaware of each Covid jab shortening Life Expectancy. It can't be proven, but I still keep telling the world what I suspect is behind the last non-pandemic = DEPOPULATION!
Commiserations for your recently deceased friend!
On a more pleasing note, I spoke to a lady that supplied us with sliding glass doors for our conservatory 10 yeas ago we've got a minor mechanical issue). She told me she's been 'ill' over the post few days. I couldn't help it - I had to tell her NOT to take another jab! She excitedly responded stating she has refused the jab. Admitting she hasn't broadcast her family's decision to decline it!
I told her none of my close family (13 in number) have done so either. She's got quite excited and asked me to relay some of the many Covid, Vax, Big Pharma. US travel restriction stories, as she seems happy to have found somebody else with common sense. I think in he employment, she's quite isolated from cranks like me and my family. I'll send her a comprehensive email over the week-end.
The latest rumour is that WW3 might be kicked-off if the Democrats think they'll lose to Trump again. They could (would) cancel the US election on Nov 5th. That's if they haven't already won by counting the votes posted by dead voters already.
Regards! Unjabbed Mick. (UK).
Good luck with your presentations - Sorry I can't be there, but I'm currently on crutches in the UK!
The fictitious and unreliable PCR tests (a Sales pitch for the DEATH SHOT) helped artificially boost numbers of Covid cases and supposed COVID deaths - justifying billions $$$ £££ to be made from useless injections (called 'Vaccines')!
Then came the miracle injections, created supposedly "at the speed of Science". These useless jabs were more harmful and dangerous than the man-modified diseases they were supposed to nullify.
In reality, at best, the jabs weakened natural human resistance and further exposed the 'vaccinated; to the potential of a viral attack.
The poisonous EXPERIMENTAL jabs, created at "warp speed", caused many illnesses and opened the door to diseases. The 'Vax' injured many, some permanently. Those who did not find their immune system compromised, might have hoped to have dodged the bullet (DEATH BY VAX). But, in reality, I conclude that EVERY vax recipient will now have a limited life expectancy. Difficult to prove, but in 100 years this will be reality!
And Big Pharma has the audacity to deny ALL LIABILITY for their 'Safe & Effective P:OISONS, whilst raking in fortunes with each batch pf POISON!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) Ready to fight (dirty) for my FAMILY'S FREEDOM against those who have decided we are disposable!