Thanks Etienne!

We will get even but it might take time. Be patient and don't get sidetracked by other manufactured or deliberately generated MSM B/S. They want us to forget about 'Covid', 'Gain of Function', 'Safe & EFFECTIVE', 'died suddenly = Excess Deaths, Scamdemics and the next drama they've got cooked up.

I'm still plastering the internet with Vax related injuries and deaths coming with ZERO LIABILITY - as enjoyed by Pfizer et al. They can't be enjoying me continually highlighting such an unbelievable and deadly concession.

Zero Liability means nobody listens to Excess Death stats, Serious life impacting vax injuries. The public seem blissfully unaware of each Covid jab shortening Life Expectancy. It can't be proven, but I still keep telling the world what I suspect is behind the last non-pandemic = DEPOPULATION!

Commiserations for your recently deceased friend!

On a more pleasing note, I spoke to a lady that supplied us with sliding glass doors for our conservatory 10 yeas ago we've got a minor mechanical issue). She told me she's been 'ill' over the post few days. I couldn't help it - I had to tell her NOT to take another jab! She excitedly responded stating she has refused the jab. Admitting she hasn't broadcast her family's decision to decline it!

I told her none of my close family (13 in number) have done so either. She's got quite excited and asked me to relay some of the many Covid, Vax, Big Pharma. US travel restriction stories, as she seems happy to have found somebody else with common sense. I think in he employment, she's quite isolated from cranks like me and my family. I'll send her a comprehensive email over the week-end.

The latest rumour is that WW3 might be kicked-off if the Democrats think they'll lose to Trump again. They could (would) cancel the US election on Nov 5th. That's if they haven't already won by counting the votes posted by dead voters already.

Regards! Unjabbed Mick. (UK).

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Good luck with your presentations - Sorry I can't be there, but I'm currently on crutches in the UK!

The fictitious and unreliable PCR tests (a Sales pitch for the DEATH SHOT) helped artificially boost numbers of Covid cases and supposed COVID deaths - justifying billions $$$ £££ to be made from useless injections (called 'Vaccines')!

Then came the miracle injections, created supposedly "at the speed of Science". These useless jabs were more harmful and dangerous than the man-modified diseases they were supposed to nullify.

In reality, at best, the jabs weakened natural human resistance and further exposed the 'vaccinated; to the potential of a viral attack.

The poisonous EXPERIMENTAL jabs, created at "warp speed", caused many illnesses and opened the door to diseases. The 'Vax' injured many, some permanently. Those who did not find their immune system compromised, might have hoped to have dodged the bullet (DEATH BY VAX). But, in reality, I conclude that EVERY vax recipient will now have a limited life expectancy. Difficult to prove, but in 100 years this will be reality!

And Big Pharma has the audacity to deny ALL LIABILITY for their 'Safe & Effective P:OISONS, whilst raking in fortunes with each batch pf POISON!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Ready to fight (dirty) for my FAMILY'S FREEDOM against those who have decided we are disposable!

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You will be missed! I think you would have fit right in and found your tribe! One of my best friends just "died suddenly" and I too am looking for payback!

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Sep 25Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

great to see this and congratulations for getting this movement out of the hands of that sociopath Jeff Berwick. All power to you guys

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Thank you! I am doing all I can... Its hard to compete with the CIA's money!

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I'll do what I can for this too...passing it along

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I like “Autonomist”

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I think Voluntaryism has more traction but I get what you are laying down!

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Any suggestions on accommodations?

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Hi! I am helping out with this event. Sedona is a tourist town, it will be season and it depends on your budget and what you are looking for. Airbnb can be a great place to find little hidden gems around town. You will want to stay in West Sedona.

Same with hotels... in West Sedona as opposed to VOC (villiage of oak creek). We may have some hotel partners coming on board... stay tuned.

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