I syndicated that in the Daily News when it first came out :-)

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The king of Saudi Arabia and his finance minister were vehemently opposed to the 400% spike in oil prices and both wound up dead, that was the protection racket on offer and when I posted that on PentagonTube last year, I was banned from posting comments unless I acknowledged "Hate Speach" rules, and that's when you know you are over the target

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Thanks for the value add!

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What a pity you had to include the dozens and dozens of moronic ‘you knows’. Makes it very hard to read without wondering about the individual’s, you know, mental capacity.

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Sorry about that... AI generated transcript and journalist on a deadline... We went the extra step to provide a transcript...

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I had not appreciated that. Thanks for taking the trouble to provide a transcript … it makes it easier to follow complex issues because you can pause to reflect. I’ll give it another try. Maybe it’s just me, but when I listen to someone with the ‘you know’ tic, after a few minutes I want to bellow ‘NO I BLOODY WELL DONT KNOW, THATS WHY IM LISTENING TO YOU’.

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Um, Er, Uh, and other pause words / phrases are more to buy time while your mind finds what it wants to say. It's common but annoying. I'd like to edit it out.

Nice to have the scripts. I prefer reading as well.

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I have already closed the case on Buttcoin being the first deep state created crypto psychological operation run on the general public during the financial crisis of 2008; in order to "organically" and "naturally" shift the public to what I call the new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy DMSSE Crypto".

I have been spamming this msg and theory since 2015.

-Dillon Critique from; @what's THE DILL? (SUBSTACK)


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Yeah I watched it now, ok & meh! A lot of rehashing money theory like reading “The Bitcoin Standard” all over again. I just know that after lockdowns & out of work for 8 months I could move interstate & restart our life because I bought Bitcoin 3 years earlier. Why would a government allow us the ability to have that “escape hatch” (as Madame LeGarde called it)? I’m not as smart as you Northern American types but why do people from California sniff & snort so much? Is the air or something?

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Bitcoin a Government-funded operation? No waaaay dude. We would never take public funds and use them for our own purposes, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a conspiracy wingnut.

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Until it works like cash what is the point? With cash I can take a twenty and give it to you. No network required. With some blockchain coins you can do it with QR-Codes and phones to transfer from one wallet to another. That is close but BTC doesn't have that ability.

I think BTC will be the CBDC. They can't control it but they can. They own the devs who ignored the vast majority demanding a bigger block size.

Secondly there is no way to use BTC as anything other than a "store of value" or "digital gold" if you like. There will need to be a layer 2 solution that will be 100% controlled.

That is their way in with their CBDC. First Trump says "No CBDC" and everyone thinks the pro-CBDC group will fold up and go away. Not happening.

BCH is at 32 megabytes currently and uses 2-3 gigabytes bandwidth daily but it does run nicely on any old computer with 8 gigs of RAM. I run it on an old laptop. Other low power blockchain coins are out as well like Qortal (10 GB / Day bandwidth).

What other blockchain projects have (If you know of any other than BCH or Qortal let me know and I'll check them out. Thanks in advance).

1) Low power requirements

2) True peer to peer

3) Smart contract based exchange for trading

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On the face of it, I would say Bitcoin is NOT a government operation because it works, it does not have a tax component built in & it is not centrally controlled. As for a detailed analysis I could write a book, y’know

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How did you listen to the entire interview when I just published it 15 minutes ago?

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As I said “On the face of it” ! However with respect I will move the interview up the list of about 14 other interviews I have lined up to listen to, busy times

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