Mar 5Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

It couldn't have anything at all to do with their propensity for violence, theft, and mayhem.

None of that.

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Apr 18Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Big Pharma are 'Organised Crime'. Their slogan is "There's no profits from healthy people so how can we make them sick and for longer"? Hey Presto! - the EXPERIMENTAL Covid injection did exactly that!

Why does Pfizer continue to enjoy ZERO LIABILITY (total impunity) for any/ALL 'VAX' injuries or 'Vax' induced DEATHS? It's ridiculous that anyone accepted this EXPERIMENTAL deadly poisonous crap into their bodies - but they did in their millions and, if they survived unscathed, will probably now face a dramatically shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY as a direct result!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Mar 5Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Most humans have been kowtowing to bossy people for thousands if not more years...kept subservient, through fear of punishment for not obeying. Even if the education system in the western world stopped teaching subservience, it is so ingrained in our societies that parents will carry on teaching that kowtowing to their children as long as government exists, as long as gang 'bosses' exist... When there are tyrants willing to use force of any kind to get their way, be they parents, gang leaders, police, politicians, soldiers, then fear and subservience will exist. There is only one way to change all this and it is for enough people to come to their senses and realise that we have all been applying that same recipe, over and again for millennia and that's why history repeats itself, and for history to work out differently it needs a change of mind set amongst enough people for the rest of society to want to stand with those new thinkers in order not to be left out of the emerging society...which we WILL create.

Let us find common ground and make the changes.

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Police kill a disproportionate amount of black males because they commit a highly disproportionate amount of violent crime. Black males are about 6-7% of the population and commit about half of the violent crime. Police are getting into violent encounters with black males disproportionately due to who is committing violent crime, which results in a disproportionate amount of black males being shot by police. See the FBI crime data. Yes, it is government data, so it must be all lies. Okay, then go to high crime areas and see for yourself who is committing the violent crime.

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All that is necessary is for our public servants to uphold their oaths and for the people to take responsibility as the owners of their lives and our Republic. They must be held to their oaths and all unconstitutional laws which are already null, void and without effect, be removed. None of them have an oath or bond on file, which is required to serve lawfully. They can be removed from office and tried personally for this. Many of them have, you just have not heard about it.

No one understands the supreme law of the land so the federal mafia continues. The human species like being slaves and conforming and punishing due to their programming. The work has already been done, the template already set by our founders. The people are totally responsible for the evil in the world. They have turned their backs on God's law, which is Nature's law. Even the high crimes of the corona hoax were not enough to wake them up en masse. The 10 planks of the communist manifesto have destroyed all common sense and decency except for a small percentage.

We must make our own lives and small corner of the world, individually, according to God's law, and our founders gave us the tools to do this.

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Well...? Isn't the solution:

The Electronic Congress

The line we must draw and defend: We are Human Beings made by God and in the image of God.

It is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing in spite of the grift.

True Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.

Why is America Dying?

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, in reference to the question: Ross Perot stated that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable."

Now, it is a known fact

that the voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in any of the typically 100 new laws they vote on each day, every five minutes, while in session.

Approximate absolute facts:

a. Every day that the Congress and Legislatures are in session 100 new bills are introduced and distributed.

b. The representatives are given two weeks to review the laws before they are brought up for the Vote.

c. Two weeks into the session they begin voting on the Laws that were previously introduced, while newer laws are introduced.

d. Many laws are in excess of two thousand pages.

e. The math demonstrates that the "democratically elected representative" does not have the time to even read the name of the Law much less the content of it.

f. And since the duly elected Representative is incapable of evaluating 200 thousand pages of law speak per day they have all forfeited their delegated obligation to represent us.

So, the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we, and the rest of the world, might never recover is to include ourselves, The Citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

The Electronic Congress

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL, and said, "it is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government".

This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

Just imagine:

g. We, the People, could actually direct the priorities of the major agencies like the: CDC and NIH as well as the libraries and local police departments.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

How to implement it:

We talk about it until it is done.

Why shouldn’t your vote really count?

We can acquire the text of a recent law or Supreme Court ruling and have AI parse its actionable elements, apply a questionnaire so that the concerned Citizens can Ratify or Annul it. Then distribute the links.

Can I make money with this?

Websites with traffic can put up the laws they find most egregious for Ratification or Annulment, probably charge a $1 or so per voter for doing it, and watch the evolution in real time.

Ask the local school board for their agenda items, have AI parse the actionable elements, create a questionnaire, distribute it to the concerned citizens and then evaluate the results.

When Human Beings made in the image of God can see the result of their noblest and most sober thoughts, at such a scale, then there will be the moment where Our Benevolence and Good Will shall

overcome Evil and then we all live happily ever after.

Ross Perot publicly promised that if the People of America would elect him to The Presidency he would give us The Electronic Townhall.

The Fourth Branch of Government will allow us to go from Chaos to Prosperity and a Life Worth Living until the end of time.

We were created by God and in the image of God; we are human beings, not animals in a pen.

The Electronic Townhall

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