Solving Covid - The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
How an intergenerational, eugenics-centered organized crime system uses engineered “pandemics” and vaccines to rob, sterilize, debilitate and murder populations
By Etienne de la Boetie2, Author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation
This article is the second article in a series from the upcoming book Solving Covid – The Second Biggest Scam in History - How Eugenics-Centered Organized Crime Engineered a Fake Pandemic to Steal Trillions and Murder Millions from the Art of Liberty Foundation. The first article is The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction. You can subscribe to the Art of Liberty Foundation’s Substack at to be notified.
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With an estimated 20 million dead globally and 2.2 billion injured by Covid “vaccines”, a number significantly greater than those supposedly killed by Covid 19, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate “The Covid” as part of an on-going eugenics and debilitation program on the population using vaccines including vaccines distributed by the World Health Organization in foreign countries that have been secretly manufactured with abortifacients and sterilization chemicals in them.[i]
Understanding the Creepy Pseudoscience and Religion Behind Eugenics
For those unfamiliar with eugenics, it is a pseudoscience whose thesis is that it is possible to improve the “breeding stock” of humanity (positive eugenics) by ensuring that, for example, the Nazi ideal of pure-blood Aryan Germans breeding with other pure-blood Aryan Germans will create blond-hair, blue-eyed “Übermensch” or “Supermen”.
The darker side is called negative eugenics: the poisonous idea that society can be improved by sterilizing, aborting, euthanizing or even murdering those deemed unfit or “useless eaters”.
Over 60,000 people were forcefully sterilized in the United States in the 20th century. In total, 32 U.S. states passed sterilization laws between 1907 and 1937, and surgeries reached their highest numbers in the late 1930s and early 1940s. One study from North Carolina found that black women were sterilized at three times the rate of white women and more than 12 times the rate of white men. Sterilization policies continued into the 21st century, where between 1997 and 2010, unwanted sterilizations were performed on approximately 1,400 women in California prisons, as one example. [ii]
While that sounds like insanity to most people of goodwill today, it was quite the fashionable idea in the early 20th century when it was openly supported by the leading “robber barons” (crony capitalists who used government to enrich themselves) and industrialists of the time. Mrs. E. H. Harriman (Railroads), along with Mrs. H. B. DuPont (dynamite and gun powder) and Dr. J. Harvey Kellogg (inventor of Corn Flakes) sponsored the Third International Eugenics Congress in New York in 1932. John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil) founded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany, and John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council. Andrew Carnegie (US Steel) founded the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Springs Harbor. Clarence J. Gamble (Procter & Gamble) was a leader in Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Federation, he suggested that they set up a "Negro Project," using black clergy and physicians to promote birth control where Sanger replied that “We do not want Word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”.[iii] He founded the Pathfinder Fund, to promote population control around the world. Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company) set up the Ford Foundation, which has supported population policy for decades. J.P. Morgan (Banking), Mary Duke Biddle (Tobacco), The Dodge Brothers (Copper), E.B Scripps (United Press) and Margret Sanger (3-in-1 oil) were all members of the American Eugenics Society. Many of the largest fortunes the world has ever seen were left to foundations that continue the work of eugenics today.
While eugenics went underground after the crimes and horrors of Nazi Germany became apparent, it was largely renamed population control, bioethics, or other harmless-sounding monikers. Eugenics Quarterly was renamed Social Biology and continued on without missing a beat.
Many of today’s best-known “robber-barons” and crony capitalists, including many who have played prominent roles in the scam of “The Covid” including supporting and promoting lockdowns, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccinations, are known eugenicists and/or supporters of eugenics or population reduction policies to the tune of billions of dollars: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Peter Ackman, and Ted Turner who famously said that “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal,” are examples whose support for and funding of eugenics and/or population reduction we break down in our companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction
This article and timeline make the case that Covid -19 and now Monkeypox is the continuation of a century-long eugenics and debilitation campaign being waged on the population by an intergenerational criminal cartel that is simultaneously using the scam of “government” to rob and control populations.
Part of that robbing and controlling has been an ongoing program of controlling the “Science” coming out of cartel-controlled universities, research hospitals and US and other governmental, UN and NGO “health” agencies operating under the well-understood dynamic of regulatory capture.
Regulatory capture is where government agencies involved in testing, regulatory approval, acquisition or stockpiling are “captured” by the companies they are supposed to regulate using bribes, pay-offs, patent/royalty sharing or a revolving door where government bureaucrats leave government “service” to take multi-million-dollar jobs with the companies they formerly regulated. The practice is best exemplified by former CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding, who left the agency to run the vaccine division of Merck after, among other suspected quid pro quo, her agency covered up evidence of harm by Merck’s MMR vaccine outlined by agency whistleblower Dr. William Thompson in the award-winning documentary: Vaxxed[iv].
Regulatory capture allows pharmaceutical companies and politically connected insiders to make hundreds of billions of dollars at the expense of taxpayers in a variety of ways:
· The attribution of a seasonal detox, “the flu” that hits smokers, drinkers, fast-food eaters, pharmaceutical and vaccine-takers and others carrying high toxic loads to a “virus” called influenza that can only be seen by a small few with scanning electron microscopes and multi-million-dollar research budgets that must be combated through billions of dollars of “vaccines”[v]
· The attribution of environmental poisoning from lead arsenate and DDT pesticides to a “virus” called polio that was wiped out once the toxic pesticides were phased out but now requires billions of dollars in mandatory “vaccines”
· The approval, licensure or recommendation of drugs such as Tamiflu, Remdesivir, Jynneos and others that are officially recommended by “government” agencies and paid for by taxpayer monies. Many of these drugs are stockpiled by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) until they expire and then stockpiled again.
· The assignment of certain vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule which results in windfall profits estimated at over 1 billion per vaccine.
· Governmental purchases of “vaccines” for “The Covid” that are then forced on global populations through regulation and company policies of firms connected to the World Economic Forum who appear to be operating as a Cartel.
The Covid-19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
1883 - Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, theorized that it was possible to improve the quality of mankind through various strategies. This pseudoscientific idea becomes the basis for what is now known as eugenics, a term he coins in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development. There are two branches: positive eugenics- (intelligent, talented people marry other intelligent, talented people) and negative eugenics (sterilize, abort, euthanize or murder those considered inferior or “useless eaters”). The practice became fashionable in the early 1900s and is adopted by some of the wealthiest “robber barons” in the world, some of whom establish foundations and leave their fortunes to continue the work of playing God with humanity.
1902 – The Carnegie Institution is founded by Andrew Carnegie, consolidator of US Steel whose fortune has been estimated between $300- $400 billion adjusted for inflation[vi], in Washington DC with Daniel Coit Gilman, a member of the Skull & Bones secret society that will also include three generations of the Bush family, as the first President. Yale-educated Gilman had also founded and been the first President of Johns Hopkins Hospital and University, which will also feature prominently in the scam of “The Covid”, Anthrax and Monkeypox.
1904 - The Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation's social service agencies and associations, for forced sterilization policies and other eugenics-related legislation.[vii] The Eugenics Records Office will ultimately receive funding from the Rockefeller Foundation as well.[viii]
May 14, 1913 - John D. Rockefeller Sr. and son "Junior", and their primary business advisor, Frederick Taylor Gates, establish the Rockefeller Foundation on May 14, 1913, when its charter was granted by New York. John D. Rockefeller was the richest man in the world at the time and the first person to publicly accumulate over one billion dollars. His wealth, adjusted for inflation, has been estimated at between $340-$670 billion.[ix] Rockefeller uses a trick called “philanthropy”, whereby the illegal gains from his crony-capitalistic practices in the oil business are used to support the Rockefeller Foundation. This tax haven was used to strategically take over the healthcare sector in the U.S. Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to allopathic (drug-focused medicine) medical schools and hospitals. These institutions had become missionaries of a new breed of companies: the manufacturers of patented, synthetic drugs. The foundation would, ultimately, use government regulation to ensure that only allopathic medicine would be taught through government licensure of medical schools. Ultimately, only allopathic AMA doctors would be allowed to prescribe and be reimbursed by insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.[x]
September 2nd, 1915 – The Eugenics Society at Cold Springs Harbor announces a plan to sterilize 15,000,000 Americans financed by Mrs. E. H. Harriman with “liberal financial assistance from John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie”[xi] Other participants include Dr. W. M. Welch of Johns Hopkins and Dr. L. F. Barker of Johns Hopkins who was also president of the National Commission on Hygiene. John Hopkins will feature prominently in the scam of “The Covid” both participating in Event 201, a table-top planning exercise for a “future coronavirus pandemic” held on October 18th, 2019, two months before the first Covid case is alleged to exist and tracking the official alleged case and death numbers through their Covid 19 Dashboard[xii]. They also participate in the tabletop exercises Dark Winter, simulating a biological attack three months before the Anthrax attacks of 2001, and the Nuclear Threat Initiatives’ tabletop exercise that theorizes a future Monkeypox outbreak the exact week an alleged Monkeypox outbreak is announced in the US.
January 21st – June 4th, 1918 – Frederick L. Gates, son of John D. Rockefeller’s right-hand man Frederick T. Gates, and a researcher at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research[xiii] begins an injection campaign allegedly for bacterial meningitis at Camp Funston (Fort Riley, KS).[xiv]
The most famous image of the alleged “Spanish Flu pandemic” of 1918-1920 was taken at the Camp Funston base hospital[xv] where the Rockefeller Institute was injecting soldiers as the “pandemic” began.
March 11th, 1918 – What has come to be known as the Spanish Influenza starts on March 11th at Camp Funston/Fort Riley, where 100 men a day begin reporting to the base hospital.[xvi] By October 1918, there were 11,645 patients in the hospital and 948 deaths that month.[xvii]
March 1918 – December 1920 - The so-called “Spanish Flu” kills an estimated 20-50 million globally. The U.S. Public Health Service and the Navy conduct numerous, documented experiments in an effort to test the spread of influenza by having infected persons breathe, sneeze, cough, on 100+ healthy volunteers. They eventually progressed to putting snot and sputum directly into the throat and eyes and ultimately injecting blood from influenza patients into healthy volunteers. They were never able to spread the sickness they were attributing to influenza from person to person.[xviii] Many, including Dr. Eleanor McBean, who lived through the pandemic, credit the “14 to 25 shots given to soldiers” and then the public as the culprit: “The flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu….The first World War was …short…, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines….they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So, they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home…with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.“[xix] Interestingly, McBean, the author of six books, was deleted from Wikipedia in 2015.[xx] The NIH’s own history of the “pandemic” confirms that it originated in US military training camps where recruits would have received compulsory vaccines: “Fourteen of the largest training camps had reported influenza outbreaks in March, April, or May (of 1918).”[xxi]

The NIH and NIAID admitted in a 2008 study that the primary cause of death during the pandemic was actually bacterial pneumonia[xxv], which was undoubtedly made worse by masking policies[xxvi]. The other likely culprit of the death and disease associated with the “Spanish Flu” was aspirin poisoning, which would have perfectly exacerbated pneumonia.[xxvii] In February 1917, Bayer lost its American patent on aspirin, opening a lucrative drug market to many manufacturers who began advertising campaigns for their new brands. Bayer fought back with copious advertising, celebrating the brand’s purity just as the epidemic was reaching its peak.[xxviii] Aspirin regimens, both dose and schedule, recommended in 1918 are now known to regularly produce toxicity. Aspirin advertisements in August 1918 and a series of official recommendations for aspirin by the US Surgeon General, the US Navy and the Journal of the American Medical Association in September and early October preceded the death Spike of October 1918.[xxix]
July 14, 1933 - The Third Reich’s 1933 “Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases”[xxx] was modeled on eugenic laws in Indiana and California. Under this law, the Nazis sterilized approximately 400,000 children and adults, mostly Jews and other “undesirables,” labeled “defective.”
March 25, 1942 - U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announced that Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil, its President William Stamps Farish II, along with other officers of Standard Oil and related companies, pleaded "no contest" in the criminal courts of Newark, New Jersey to criminally conspiring with the Nazi government in Germany. As part of a plea bargain, the charges were dropped in exchange for Standard Oil releasing its German patents and payment of fines totaling about $50,000. The partnership was between a Standard Oil/General Motors-owned company, Ethyl Gasoline Corporation, and the German company I.G. Farben. This jointly owned venture, Ethyl GmbH, was involved with the creation of the Auschwitz labor camp on June 14, 1940, to produce artificial rubber from coal, and they also built then operated tetraethyllead plants in Germany.[xxxi]
The president of Standard Oil, William Stamps Farish, was fined $1,000 while similar fines were levied against Standard Oil -- $5,000 each for the parent company and for several subsidiaries. Farish and Standard Oil were described by Senator Harry Truman in public as approaching 'treason' for profiting from the Nazi war machine and withholding patents from the U.S. government.

December 1946 – The Rockefeller Family buys and donates the land for the United Nations Headquarters, the parent organization of the World Health Organization (WHO), in an area of New York City known as the slaughterhouse district or “Blood Alley” formerly occupied by slaughterhouses.[xxxiii]
1965 – Future World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab arrives at Harvard and joins Council on Foreign Relations member Henry Kissinger’s International Seminar, a program that was partially funded by the CIA.[xxxiv]

March 11th, 1969 – Frederick S. Jaffe, Vice President of Rockefeller-funded Planned Parenthood, writes a memo to Bernard Berelson, President of the Rockefeller-founded and funded Population Council, with a table of “Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility”. The proposals include putting fertility control agents in the water supply, encouraging increased homosexuality, stock certificate type permits for having children, compulsory abortion and compulsory sterilization. A copy of the full memo and original table can be found Here.[xxxv]
1970 – Council on Foreign Relations Members John Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn traveled to Europe and helped Klaus Schwab organize 400 European CEOs to attend the European Management Forum in 1971, which would ultimately become the World Economic Forum.[xxxvi]
1974 – Henry Kissinger, a former Director of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (56-58), and foreign policy advisor to the Presidential campaign of Nelson Rockefeller (1960, 64, and 68), pens National Security Study Memorandum 200 as the then head of the National Security Council elevating population control/reduction to a national presidential-level priority and communicating that to the head of the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Military.[xxxvii]
1976 – Researchers working for the World Health Organization Announce the World’s first abortifacient (drug that induces abortions) and antifertility vaccine using Tetanus Toxoid linked to pregnancy hormone beta hCG. This will be the same combination found hidden in WHO Tetanus campaigns in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1993-1995 and Kenya in 2013-2015.[xxxviii]

January 1976 - Several soldiers at Fort Dix complained of a respiratory illness diagnosed as influenza. The next month, Private David Lewis, who had the symptoms, participated in a five-mile forced march, collapsed and died.[xliii]

Similar to the start of the alleged 1918 Spanish Flu “pandemic” the disease first broke out overwhelmingly among recruits who would have received the 1975–1976 influenza vaccine (A/Port Chalmers/1/73 [H3N2], A/Scotland/840/74 [H3N2], and B/Hong Kong/15/72)[xlv] in addition to any mandatory vaccines from childhood immunization schedule or other vaccines required by the military.[xlvi] A study from the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases breaks down the unlikelihood of either airborne or swine-to-human transmission: “Twelve of the 13 patients were basic trainees; one was an office worker who had an A/New Jersey isolate. The 12 trainees were in 9 different training companies. One company had 3 patients, and 1 company had 2 patients. In these 2 companies, all patients came from the same platoon. Nine were interviewed. Except for those in the same unit, the patients were unknown to each other. All denied swine contact for 6 months before admission.”[xlvii] The common denominator for at least 12 of the 13 were vaccinated at the base. 200 soldiers would ultimately fall ill, and Private David Lewis’ death would be classified as A-Victoria flu, NOT swine flu.[xlviii]
CDC Director David Sencer completed a memo calling for mass immunization for the swine flu. Ford then made a televised announcement in support of the mass immunization program. The House Appropriations Committee reported out a special appropriations bill, including $135 million for the swine flu immunization program ($702,690,421 adjusted for inflation),[xlix] which was approved on April 5. During the signing, President Ford falsely claimed that: “This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States, as well as 20 million deaths around the world.”[l]
On April 8, an official from the Federal Insurance Company (Now Chubb Insurance) informed Merck & Co., a manufacturer of the swine flu vaccine, that it would exclude indemnity on Merck's product liability for the swine flu vaccine on July 1, 1976. T. Lawrence Jones, president of the American Insurance Association, informed the Office of Management and Budget that the insurance industry would not cover liability for the vaccine unless the government extended liability protection. The chairman of Merck wrote a memo a day later, April 13, to various government agencies, including the White House, emphasizing the "duty to warn". In May, other vaccine manufacturers, including Marion Merrell Dow, Parke-Davis, and Wyeth, were notified of indemnity problems by their respective insurers. Assistant Secretary Theodore Cooper (HEW) informed the White House on June 2 that indemnity legislation would be needed to secure Merrell's cooperation. In June, other vaccine manufacturers requested the same legislation. A little more than two weeks later, the Ford administration submitted a proposal to Congress that offered indemnity to vaccine manufacturers. Three days later, several manufacturers announced that they had ceased production of the vaccine. Later that month, investigations into alleged swine flu outbreaks in other parts of the world found no cases of the strain. On July 23, the President sent a letter that urged Congress to take action on indemnification.[li]
In early August, an outbreak of illness in Philadelphia was thought to be related to swine flu. It was later found to be an atypical pneumonia that is now called Legionnaires' disease. On August 6, Ford held a press conference and urged Congress to take action on the indemnification legislation. Four days later, both houses of Congress passed the legislation. Merrill became the first company to submit samples to the FDA's Bureau of Biologics for safety testing, which approved it on September 2. Merck made the first shipment of vaccines to state health departments by September 22. The first swine flu inoculations were given at a health fair in Indianapolis, Indiana. Immunization started nationwide the next day.[lii]
In October, three people died of heart attacks after they had received the vaccine at the same Pittsburgh clinic, which sparked an investigation and the recall of that batch of vaccine.[liii] In A REPORT TO THE CONSUMER (Sept. 1975) by Ida Honorof, she presents a compilation of data from the National Institute of Health—Division of Biologic Standards, Bulletin of World Health Organization, and Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Director of a branch of FDA Virus research. Dr. Morris’ findings show that the flu vaccine, when inhaled by lab animals, "tended to enhance cancerous tumors."[liv]
Pregnant women had been on the preferred list for shots until findings indicated that certain substances in flu vaccine "could pose a serious threat of fetal damage to women who might become pregnant. . ." In the report, she reviews an article by Aurora Reich, Director of Scientific Communications, published in Indianapolis Star, which states: "The virus itself (flu vaccine) has toxic properties, even after it is killed, which can cause fever and convulsions, especially in children. January Journal of Pediatrics carried the research of Doctors in Atlanta and Sheffield, England, working together to test a purified killed influenza vaccine. They concluded that even the purified killed vaccine is too toxic (poison) to be given to children... The study showed 69% of the infants ran a high fever 6 to 12 hours after vaccinations, and one had convulsions." [lv]
By 15 December, cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) affecting vaccinated patients were reported in 10 states, including Minnesota, Maryland, and Alabama. Three more cases of Guillain-Barré were reported in early December, and the investigation into cases of it spread to eleven states.
On December 16, a one-month suspension of the vaccination program was announced by Sencer. William Foege of the CDC estimated that the incidence of GBS was four times higher in vaccinated people than in those not receiving the swine flu vaccine. Joseph A. Califano, Jr., was sworn in as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on January 20, 1977. On February 4, Sencer was informed that he would be replaced as the head of the CDC. The immunization program was not reinstated.
Ultimately, there will be 4,000+ people who file claims for damages from the “vaccine” and one official death from the so-called “Pandemic.”
On Sunday, November 4, 1979, Mike Wallace gets the former Director of the CDC to admit, on camera, the following on 60 Minutes:
WALLACE: Dr David Sencer, then head of the CDS – the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta – is now in private industry. He devised the swine flu program, and he pushed it.
WALLACE: You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of ’76?
DR SENCER: October 1st.
WALLACE: By that time, how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported?
DR SENCER: There had been several reported, but none confirmed. There had been cases in Australia that were reported by the press, by the news media. There were cases in –
WALLACE: None confirmed? Did you ever uncover any other outbreaks of swine flu anywhere in the world?
WALLACE: Now, nearly everyone was to receive a shot in a public health facility where a doctor might not be present, therefore it was up to the CDC to come up with official consent form giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot. This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested. What it did not say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine and that it was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot. That vaccine was called “X-53a”. Was X-53a ever field-tested?
DR SENCER: I-I can’t say. I would have to –
WALLACE: It wasn’t.
DR SENCER: I don’t know.
WALLACE: Well, I would think that you’re in charge of the program.

April 23, 1984 - Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler, April 23 1984, that a single retrovirus was the “probable cause” of an amorphous health condition known as AIDS. Robert Gallo, standing next to Heckler at the press conference, had not yet published his alleged proof for his hypothesis. By April 24 The New York Times was calling Gallo’s HTLV-III “the AIDS virus,” and all research into other probable causes of AIDS came to an abrupt halt. Later that same day, Gallo filed a patent for what is now misleadingly known as “the AIDS test.” The overwhelming number of patients were gay men using amyl nitrate “poppers” to release the sphincter for gay sex, which is directly linked to the Kaposi Sarcoma that becomes a defining symptom of the disease, intravenous drug users where immune system issues would likely follow, and hemophiliacs who already have a compromised immune system by definition.
When Anthony Fauci becomes Director of the NIAID later this year, he will not expend a single dollar to study AIDS as a multicausal disease exacerbated by the severe stress of the media campaign calling AIDS a 100% death sentence. Multiple whistleblowers and critics have disputed the whole premise for decades including Dr. Peter Duesberg, who wrote the book Inventing the AIDS Virus with a forward by Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, MacArthur Prize fellow Robert Root-Bernstein, who wrote the book: Rethinking AIDS; The tragic cost of premature consensus, and the Perth Group, a group of Australian doctors and scientists who broke down in great detail the fraud of alleged HIV isolation.[lvii] The organized crime monopoly media has largely refused to give these whistleblowers and critics any coverage at all. The media campaign was a eugenicist’s dream, spreading the rumor that sex, even among heterosexuals, was now dangerous, reducing sex and driving condom usage.
Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis said: “The mystery of that damn virus has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it. You take any other virus, and you spend $2 billion, and you can make up some great mysteries about it too.”
Nov. 2, 1984 – Dr. Anthony Fauci is appointed Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health. He will stay in the position for almost 50 years, presiding over the scams of Avian Flu, MERS, AIDS and “The Covid”. He will become the highest-paid federal employee of all time, earning more per year than the President of the U.S. His declared net worth during the Covid “pandemic” will double.
1986 - The U.S. passes the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Law 99-660), giving the pharma industry complete immunity for harm their products cause, stating: “no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988”

1987 - The war on Aids took another drastic turn for the worse; AZT, the toxic chemotherapy deemed too poisonous for cancer treatment after animal testing, was approved to treat symptomatic and asymptomatic HIV patients in an attempt to kill the virus that was alleged to cause AIDS. Dr. David Ho, an HIV researcher who will receive funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, had popularized a “hit hard, hit early” (with Antiretroviral – ARVs) strategy that led to asymptomatic patients being treated with chemotherapy drugs. Carter Heavy Industries breaks down the deceit in The Fraudulent Dr Fauci – Part I: The AIDS Racket:
It’s not the first time that medicine has gone mad, but I think that if ever the grievous misdiagnosis that is the marketing of AZT, in full, ‘azidothymidine’, also called zidovudine, as an ‘anti-HIV’ drug will be judged the gravest pharmaceutical disaster since the days of strychnine, arsenicals, thalidomide, and mercurous chloride.
AZT is a DNA chain terminator, a poison designed to randomly destroy the DNA synthesis of reproducing cells. It was initially developed to treat leukemia victims, but after testing, the FDA determined that it was too toxic for use in human beings and banned it. But in 1987, when the Aids scare hit its height, the FDA was pressured into approving the drug for use for the first time in human beings, even for people who were healthy and showed no sign of Aids.
AZT is highly mutagenic, meaning that it destroys the genes and cells, and has been shown to cause cancer in rodents. It targets the bone marrow where B lymphocyte blood cells are being made, these are the very cells an Aids patient needs most for immunity. AZT randomly destroys bone marrow, kidneys, liver, intestines, muscle tissue, the brain and the central nervous system, resulting in a wasting appearance, not unlike the presenting symptoms of Aids.
Peter Duesberg, a German American molecular biologist and a professor of molecular and cell biology, claims AZT actually causes AIDS itself;
“AZT is directly causing AIDS-defining diseases, you know AIDS is a lot of things, but it doesn’t cause Kaposi’s sarcoma or anything, but it does cause immunodeficiency – it was designed to do that, it was designed to kill human cells, in fact, the manufacturer says that specifically that it can cause AIDS-like diseases. The manufacturer says it is often difficult to distinguish adverse events possibly associated with Zidovudine (AZT) administration, which is AZT, from underlying signs of HIV disease. In other words, even they acknowledge not just this, but that AZT causes AIDS, or is defining diseases.” - Peter Duesberg
AZT is expensive, costing between eight and twelve thousand dollars a year per victim. The manufacturer then, Borrough’s Wellcome, now GlaxoSmithKline, generated sales over one billion dollars a year with AZT. Because of rules allowed by the FDA, a bottle of AZT that costs about five dollars to make can be sold for over five hundred dollars as a prescription, and much of this markup is being subsidized by the taxpayer.
…In HIV research-gone-wild, Dr. Fauci then began to finance clinical trials of the toxic drugs in HIV “negatives,” on the theory that chemotherapy would “protect” them from becoming “positive.” Employing another HIV-AIDS drug marketing acronym, aggressive misuse of the chemotherapy was called “pre-exposure prophylaxis” or the benign-sounding “PrEP.”
In December 2015, the NEJM published Fauci’s article Ending the HIV–AIDS Pandemic: Follow the Science. In this piece, he made a case for “dramatically scaling up HIV testing and treatment around the world” — including preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), i.e., “using ART [antiretroviral therapy] for HIV prevention in HIV negative persons.” That is to say, healthy people should take highly toxic drugs, such as Truvada. But again, as self-assured as Fauci presents his statements, he was not prepared to substantiate them factually.
Hundreds of millions of dollars in federal outlays from NIAID to study test-and-treat and PrEP, plus grants engineered by Fauci from other agencies like the CDC and USAID and from non-profits like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been allocated with no results. Fauci is also part of the Gates Foundation cabal, and in 2012, Fauci was named one of the five Leadership Council of the Gates Foundation-created Global Vaccine Action Plan.
In particular, vast sums of money have accrued to the benefit of a little-known pharmaceutical company headquartered in Foster City, California, with the Bible-inspired name “Gilead Sciences,”…
The earthly publicly-held AZT manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, Inc., has long-standing political ties, as well as to Dr. Fauci, who named its CEO, John C. Martin, to his NIAID advisory council over 14 years ago in March 2000…there is a petition that requests Fauci disclose his financial relations with Gilead, since he hasn’t done it yet.
Gilead makes a huge amount of money from Truvada and other HIV products. These drugs contribute to 76% of the company’s revenue. The company earned $14.6 billion from HIV drugs in 2018, which is $1.6 billion more than was earned in 2017.
Similar to the way that Eugenicists appear to be targeting asymptomatic undesirable homosexuals with expensive, taxpayer-subsidized deadly chemotherapy drugs like AZT and Truvada, we will see serial U.S. government contractor Gilead Sciences reappear during “The Covid” with Dr. Fauci pushing a similar toxic expensive, tax-payer subsidized Gilead drug, Remdesivir, now targeted on the entire undesirable population of everyone else.
1988 – The Rockefeller Foundation admits in its annual report that it is funding antifertility vaccines through India’s National Institute of Immunology.[lviii] A 1997 update from the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology on Fertility Regulating Vaccines also credits Rockefeller funding.[lix]
1988 - IBM, who participated in the eugenics program of Nazi Germanylix and gave Bill Gates his "franchise" on personal computer softwarelx, spells out IBM with 35 individual xenon atoms on a substrate of chilled crystal of nickel using a scanning tunneling microscope. The logo they created measured three billionths of a meter long.lxi The ability to manipulate individual atoms and construct items on the nanoscale will accelerate in future years. In 2017, scientists at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China will develop micro-robots capable of moving inside human blood vessels. The bots were 5 micrometers long and could swim 10 micrometers a second. In 2022, nanoscale technology will be found in vials of COVID-19 “vaccines” by numerous researchers.
1993 - 1995 – In October 1994, Catholic Pro-Life group Human Life International received a communication from its Mexican affiliate, the Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, regarding that country's antitetanus campaign. Suspicious of the campaign protocols, the Comite obtained several vials of the vaccine and had them analyzed by chemists. Some of the vials were found to contain human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), the same abortifacient used by the WHO in their anti-fertility vaccine, which was being administered under the exact same multishot schedule when hCG/Tetanus was used as an abortifacient vs. the commonly used single shot tetanus vaccine. HLI reported the sketchy facts regarding the Mexican tetanus vaccines to its World Council members and affiliates in more than 60 countries. Soon, additional reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones began to drift in from the Philippines, where more than 3.4 million women were recently vaccinated. Similar reports came from Nicaragua, which had conducted its own vaccination campaign in 1993.[lx]
June 2000 – The CDC holds a private meeting at the Simpsonwood Conference Center outside of Atlanta for 52 representatives from the CDC, WHO, FDA and almost every major vaccine manufacturer to discuss a pending study by Dr. Tom Verstraeten showing a link between a mercury-based vaccine “preservative” called Thimerosal and autism. Since 1991, when the CDC and the FDA had recommended that three additional vaccines laced with the preservative be given to infants — in one case, within hours of birth — the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteenfold, from one in every 2,500 children to one in 166 children. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in the article Deadly Immunity, summarizes the transcript from the meeting as “…instead of taking immediate steps to alert the public and rid the vaccine supply of thimerosal, the officials and executives at Simpsonwood spent most of the next two days discussing how to cover up the damaging data.” He goes on: “The CDC paid the Institute of Medicine to conduct a new study to whitewash the risks of thimerosal, ordering researchers to “rule out” the chemical’s link to autism. It withheld Verstraeten’s findings, even though they had been slated for immediate publication, and told other scientists that his original data had been “lost” and could not be replicated. To thwart the Freedom of Information Act, it handed its giant database of vaccine records over to a private company, declaring it off-limits to researchers. By the time Verstraeten finally published his study in 2003, he had gone to work for GlaxoSmithKline and reworked his data to bury the link between thimerosal and autism.”[lxi]
June 22nd and 23rd, 2001 – The John Hopkins Center for Health Security, which will be involved in a tabletop exercise on October 18th, 2019, with representatives from the CIA and media simulating a novel coronavirus pandemic two months before the first Covid patients is announced, holds a tabletop exercise (Dark Winter) simulating biological weapons attack on the U.S. by terrorists using smallpox less than four months before the country experiences its first biological weapons attack from “terrorists” using Anthrax. During the exercise, the President of the United States is played by Sam Nunn, who, unbelievably, will participate in another tabletop exercise simulating a Monkeypox outbreak in March of 2021. The March 2021 exercise hypothesizes a biological attack on the fictional nation of Brinia on May 15th, 2022, the same week that the U.S. confirms its first case of Monkeypox and other cases are reported in Spain and Portugal.[lxii]
October 12th, 2001 - Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and lead member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, is a presenter at an awards ceremony of the Eugenics funding Carnegie Corporation where the common denominator of the award recipients is that they are the leading funders of the modern eugenics movement including: David Rockefeller, The Gates Family (represented by Bill Gates Sr.), George Soros and Ted Turner. This author breaks down the background of these and other Covid-19 suspects in the article: The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction.

September 18th, 2001 – Less than four months after a Johns Hopkins tabletop exercise simulating a terrorist attack using biological weapons, envelopes containing highly weaponized anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and to Democratic Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, killing five people and infecting 17 others. The letters in the envelopes attempt to frame Muslims:
After it comes out that the Anthrax in the envelopes is a highly weaponized version of the Ames strain, a strain used and controlled by CIA contractor Battelle National Laboratories and the Army’s Dugway proving ground, the investigation focuses on a potential government insider. The organized crime FBI trumps up an investigation and smear campaign against a scientist at the government’s biodefense lab at Fort Detrick, MD named Bruce Ivins, who then, conveniently for the government, commits suicide on July 29th, 2008, before a trial allowing the agency to close the investigation by blaming a dead guy who can not defend himself. The best overview of the criminality of the FBI is the article: FBI sweeps Anthrax Under the Rug by Shelia Casey and Barry Kissin.
The media touted Bayer’s ciprofloxacin (Cipro) as an antidote to other potential Anthrax attacks driving sales to “about 2 billion euros in 2001”, before Bayer's patent expired in 2004, after which annual sales have averaged around €200 million.”[lxiii]
November 1st, 2005 – U.S. President and Former CIA Director George Bush Sr. calls for $7.1 Billion in emergency spending to combat an alleged Avian flu pandemic in Vietnam. "There is no pandemic flu in our country, or in the world, at this time," Mr. Bush said in a speech at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. "But if we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare”.[lxiv] Bush sought to instill panic by predicting a minimum of 200,000 people would die from the avian flu pandemic, but it could be as many as 2 million deaths in the US alone. The actual number was 0 (zero).
The US buys 20 million doses of Tamiflu at $100 a dose ($2 billion) to stockpile just in case. The drug was developed by Gilead Sciences, a company where Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was Chairman from 1997-2001 and sold/marketed by Roche.[lxv] The UK government terrorized their population with predictions of 750,000 dead and then stockpiled £473m worth of the drug.[lxvi]
An independent evidence-based medical consortium called The Cochrane Collaboration came out with a major study finding the drug did not prevent the spread of flu or reduce dangerous complications and only slightly helped symptoms, and other cheaper drugs were better.[lxvii] The British Medical Journal ( BMJ) has alleged that pharmaceutical giant Roche was deliberately hiding clinical trial data about the efficacy of oseltamivir ( Tamiflu) in patients with influenza.[lxviii] Whistleblower Dr. Thomas Jefferson, a physician and public health researcher, brings a lawsuit in 2020 under the False Claims Act that based on the company's own clinical study data that he received under a FOIA request. When he finally received the data in 2013, Dr. Jefferson analyzed it and concluded that the clinical data did not support Roche's claims about Tamiflu's effectiveness for use in the swine flu “pandemic” of 2009, and the company bilked the taxpayers for $1.5 billion.[lxix]
Public “servant” Donald Rumsfeld sold some of his Gilead shares in 2005, reaping - according to the financial disclosure reports - capital gains of more than $5 million. The report showed that he still had up to $25 million worth of shares at the end of 2005, and at least one analyst believes his stake has grown well beyond that figure as the share price has soared. The 2005 report showed that, in all, he owned shares worth up to $95.9 million, from which he got an income of up to $13 million, owned land worth up to $17 million, and made $1 million from renting it out. He also had illiquid investments worth up to $8.1 million, including partnerships investing in biotechnology…He also has life insurance with a surrender value of up to $5 million and received up to $1 million from the DHR Foundation, in which he has assets worth up to $25 million, and $773,743 from the Donald H Rumsfeld Trust, in which he has assets of up to $50 million.[lxx] Former Secretary of State George Shultz, who is on Gilead's board, sold more than $7 million worth of Gilead in 2005.[lxxi]

April 2009 – Edgar, a five-year-old boy in the Mexican village of La Gloria, had a high fever, loss of appetite, sore throat and his entire body ached. Four days later, the boy recovered. His illness disappeared as quickly as it had started. It turned out to be nothing more than the flu. A laboratory in Canada that received a mucus swab from the boy determined that he had been infected with a new kind of pathogen, the swine flu virus. Edgar went down in history as niño cero, "boy zero," the first person to fall ill with the new “plague”.[lxxii] Ultimately, seven Mexican nationals will die from the flu, a pittance compared to the 290,000 – 650,000 deaths per year globally attributed to influenza, but it prompts the WHO to fire up their Strategic Health Operations Center, which will be staffed 24x7 with three shifts of WHO employees on the hunt for any additional cases. By June, the WHO has received reports of 141 deaths they attribute to the “swine flu”.
A BILD newspaper headline in Germany, printed in toxic yellow on October 9th, warns: "Swine Flu Professor Fears 35,000 Dead in Germany!" The professor's name is Adolf Windorfer, and when pressed, he admits that he has received payments from the industry, including GSK and Novartis. Next to the BILD headline is an ad for the German Association of Pharmaceutical Companies.
Baxter Pharmaceutical, the manufacturer of the Celvapan H1N1, is accused of defrauding Medicaid and inflating the cost of its drugs by as much as 1300%. Executives from the company paid out $2 million to the Kentucky state government in 2009. Seven other states reached settlements with Baxter: Texas, Alabama, California, Hawaii, Alaska, Illinois and Wisconsin. In May 2009, Baxter was one of six pharmaceutical manufacturers that agreed to pay $89 million to the state of Alabama. In February, Baxter paid out $1.1 million to Wisconsin. Three years ago, the company agreed to pay out $8.5 million to Texas three years ago.
Baxter was one of five companies that paid California state authorities $22.5 million following accusations of Medicaid fraud, and the company also paid out $400,000 to Hawaii. In Alaska, Baxter agreed to pay compensation to settle a court claim. The company is also facing court action in Mississippi. Illinois has recovered $6.8 million from Baxter, according to reports.[lxxiii]
In January 2010, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a member of the German parliament trained as a physician, told the European Council in Strasbourg that "millions of people worldwide were vaccinated for no good reason." Wodarg calls out the WHO for changing the definition of a pandemic, “in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics,” removing the statement that “an enormous amount of people have contracted the illness or died” from its existing definition and replacing it by stating simply that there has to be a virus, spreading beyond borders and to which people have no immunity.”[lxxiv] According to Wodarg, the WHO's classification of the swine flu as a pandemic have earned the pharmaceutical companies $18 billion in additional revenues. Annual sales of Tamiflu alone have jumped 435 percent to €2.2 billion.[lxxv]
In June 2010, Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief of the BMJ, published an editorial which criticized the WHO, saying that an investigation had disclosed that some of the experts advising WHO on the pandemic had financial ties with drug companies which were producing antivirals and vaccines.[lxxvi] A study done in September 2010 showed that the risk of serious illness resulting from the 2009 H1N1 flu was no higher than that of the yearly seasonal flu.[lxxvii]
May 2010 - The Rockefeller Foundation publishes "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” which includes a section entitled: Lock Step that “theorizes” how a future novel influenza virus might lead to draconian lockdowns that citizens would accept for promised safety and security that “government” would provide.[lxxviii]
Here is a quote from Page 19: “At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.”

The free documentary Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda from RFK Jr’s Children’s Health Defense breaks down how the WHO was caught sterilizing women in Kenya in 2015.
2013-1015 – The WHO conducts a vaccination campaign, allegedly for Tetanus, in Kenya, where the Kenya Catholic Doctors Assoc. begins collecting samples and having them independently analyzed. The samples are found to contain hCG and the dose schedule used by the WHO is the same schedule used for their TT/hCG Abortifacient/antifertility vaccine developed in 1993. The details are documented in the research paper: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World and the free Children’s Health Defense documentary Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.[lxxix]
February 2014 – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control launches the Global Health Security Agenda to begin setting the stage for the capability of testing the population globally to create the illusion of a pandemic through testing while bringing in all the bureaucracy to hierarchically control health policies through lockdowns, mandates, and contact tracing. Stated capabilities include: “disease surveillance, laboratory systems, workforce development and emergency management”[lxxx]
May 19th, 2015 – Bill Gates publishes an article on his blog with his summer reading list. The #1 book at the top of the stack is “How to Lie with Statistics”lxxxiii
June 2015 - Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, a VC firm partially funded by the Chinese and run by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, participates in a $30 million A Round for Pandemic surveillance firm Metabiota run by WEF Young Global leader Nathan Wolfe.[lxxxi] Since 2014, Metabiota has been a partner of EcoHealth Alliance as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) “PREDICT” project, which seeks to “predict and prevent global emerging disease threats.”[lxxxii] RSTP’s financing of Metabiota was during the period, 2008 to 2017, when Black & Veatch and US Defense Department’s Threat Reduction Agency signed contracts for the construction and operation of biolabs in various countries. Under these contracts for Biolabs in Georgia and Ukraine, Metabiota, Black & Veatch’s subcontractor, signed an $18.4 million federal contract. In 2017, Metabiota signed strategic agreements with Munich Reinsurance Company and In-Q-Tel, Inc., the CIA’s venture capital firm.[lxxxiii]
July 12th, 2016 –Profusa, Inc., a leading developer of tissue-integrated biosensors, announces that it was awarded a $7.5 million dollar grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) to develop implantable biosensors for the simultaneous, continuous monitoring of multiple body chemistries. Placed just under the skin with a specially designed injector, each tiny biosensor is a flexible fiber, 2 mm-to-5 mm long and 200-500 microns in diameter. Rather than being isolated from the body, Profusa’s biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics — overcoming the effects of the foreign body response for more than one year.lxxxvii
2017 – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the World Economic Forum, all organizations with a history of support for eugenics and/or population control, founded the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to facilitate focused support for vaccine development to combat major health epidemic/pandemic threats.
March 17th, 2017 – A study titled, The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine
Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment is published in eBioMedicine.lxxxviii The study was commissioned by the Danish government and Novo Nordisk Foundation and was conducted by a team of the world’s leading experts on African vaccination led by Drs. Søren Wengel Mogensen and Peter Aaby. Until the study was published in 2017, the WHO (World Health Organization) never conducted the kind of vaccinated/unvaccinated (or placebo) study necessary to ascertain if the DTP vaccine they were pushing in Africa actually yields beneficial health outcomes.
Yet, Bill Gates and his Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the untested vaccines on African babies. The scientists conducting the study were shocked when they found that 50% of children in the African nation of Guinea Bissau die before the age of five.
In that West African nation, half the children were vaccinated with the DTP vaccine at three months and the other half at six months. Dr. Mogenson and his team found that girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids.
July 25th, 2017 - A group of international researchers led by Hagai Levine from the Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University publishes: Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis, a meta-analysis of global sperm health from 244 estimates of sperm concentration (SC) and total sperm count (TSC) from 185 studies 42,935 men who provided semen samples from 1973 through 2011, in the journal Human Reproduction Update, Volume 23, Issue 6.
Their findings showed that both SC and TSC “declined significantly among men from North America, Europe and Australia during 1973–2011, with a 50–60% decline among men unselected by fertility, with no evidence of a ‘leveling off’ in recent years. These findings strongly suggest a significant decline in male reproductive health, which has serious implications beyond fertility concerns. Research on causes and implications of this decline is urgently needed.”lxxxix

September 20, 2017 – Klaus Schwab, speaking at Harvard Kennedy School with David Gergen (CNN, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Manuscript Society and Bohemian Club), confesses on video how the World Economic Forum “Penetrates the Cabinets” of governments around the world by installing their members as presidents, prime ministers and cabinet-level positions.[lxxxiv] The exchange:
Schwab: “And I have to say, when I mention our names like Angela Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of this cabinet or even more than half of this cabinet are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”
Gergen: “And that’s true in Argentina as well.”
Schwab: “It’s true in Argentina, and it’s true in France now... and in addition to the Young Global Leader, we have now the Global Shapers in 450 cities in the world.”
March 7th, 2019 – Researchers are Cornell University, led by Marc Miskin, announce functional microscopic bug-shaped robots that are wirelessly powered, able to walk, able to survive harsh environments and tiny enough to be injected through an ordinary hypodermic needle.xci
Over the course of the past several years, Miskin and research colleagues developed a multistep nanofabrication technique that turns a 4-inch specialized silicon wafer into a million microscopic robots in just weeks. Each 70 microns long (about the width of a very thin human hair), the robots' bodies are formed from a superthin rectangular skeleton of glass topped with a thin layer of silicon into which the researchers etch its electronics control components and either two or four silicon solar cells -- the rudimentary equivalent of a brain and organs.
Each of a robot's four legs is formed from a bilayer of platinum and titanium (or, alternately, graphene). The platinum is applied using atomic layer deposition. "It's like painting with atoms," said Miskin. The platinum titanium layer is then cut into each robot's four 100-atom-thick legs.
"The legs are super strong," he said. "Each robot carries a body that's 1,000 times thicker and weighs roughly 8,000 times more than each leg." It was also announced that Teams at Cornell and Pennsylvania were at work on smart versions of the robots with onboard sensors, clocks and controllers.
"We found out you can inject them using a syringe, and they survive -- they're still intact and functional -- which is pretty cool," Miskin said.
Q3 2019 – The European Commission publishes an update to their roadmap on vaccination laid out in the 2018’, document: “State of Vaccine Confidence”, a long-term policy plan to spread vaccine “awareness and understanding” while counteracting “vaccine myths” and combatting “vaccine hesitancy.” the plans envisions a “common vaccine card/passport for EU citizens” to be phased-in in 2022.xcii
August 15, 2019 - BlackRock published a report, "Dealing with the next downturn: From unconventional monetary policy to unprecedented policy coordination." The report is co-authored by two of the most influential central bankers in the world:
Philipp Hildebrand -vice chairman at BlackRock, former IMF director for Switzerland, chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Bilderberg attendee,
Stanley Fischer – senior advisor at Blackrock, former vice chair of US Federal Reserve, former governor Bank of Israel, Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist at the World Bank. He then became the First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), from September 1994 until the end of August 2001. By the end of 2001, Fischer had joined the influential
Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty. After leaving the IMF, he served as Vice Chairman of Citigroup
August 22nd, 2019 - Laurence "Larry" Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock, CFR board member joins the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees. Other Trustees include:
Al Gore- Former VP of the US, CFR Member
Chrystia Freeland - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of Canada
David M. Rubenstein - Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group
Mark Carney - governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 to 2013 and the governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020

October 18, 2019 – Event 201 – The “Smoking Gun” evidence of foreknowledge and engineering of “The Covid”. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum hold a high-level pandemic simulation exercise known as Event 201 with participants including George F. Gao, the Director-General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention[lxxxv], Avril Haines, a “former” Director at the CIA[lxxxvi] and Tim Grant Evans, a former Director at the Rockefeller Foundation.[lxxxvii] The exercise was funded by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz’s Open Philanthropy Project, and other participants included representatives from Johnson and Johnson, the World Bank, Lufthansa Airlines, the UN, Marriott, NBCUniversal and Edelman Worldwide, the largest public relations (propaganda) firm in the world. The event participants will simulate a future coronavirus “pandemic” and wargame how to counter “conspiracy theories” that “the UN or pharmaceutical companies have engineered the pandemic for their own interests” and censorship of the internet and social media companies. The event seemed designed to give news outlets, social media companies, and national, state and even local health departments their “talking points” around the coronavirus pandemic. Here is a quote from the exercise:
“I also think we are at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that they're a technology platform and not a broadcaster is over. They, in fact, have to be a participant broadcasting accurate information and partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight, if not flood, the zone of accurate information. Because to try to put the genie back in the bottle of the misinformation and disinformation is not possible.” - Matthew Harrington, Edelman Worldwide
September 2019 - the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, a creation of the WHO and the World Bank, advised countries to prepare for a potential “lethal respiratory pathogen” by investing in “innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions.”[lxxxviii]
Sept 24th, 2019 – The FDA approves JYNNEOS, a vaccine for Monkeypox and Smallpox manufactured by Bavarian Nordic.[lxxxix] 1 in 4 women who became pregnant during the trial suffered a spontaneous abortion, and the package insert for the Jynneos vaccine states that heart problems of “special interest” occur in 1 in 75 vaccine recipients who have not already been vaccinated against smallpox and in 1 in 48 vaccine recipients who have already been vaccinated against smallpox.[xc] Bavarian Nordic is owned by Invesco Advisors (4.16%), Vanguard (2.75%), and Blackrock (1.31%),[xci] all of whom are connected to the World Economic Forum. The company is a serial U.S. Government contractor winning up to $529 million in smallpox vaccines for the “U.S. Strategic National Stockpile” in 2017.[xcii] The Strategic Stockpile destroyed 30 million doses of Bavarian Nordic vaccines that had expired[xciii], further exposing this little scam. The Canadian government announced up to $434 million (USD) in pre-sales in Sept of 2022.[xciv]
Nov 7, 2019 – In a textbook example of “predictive programming,” where engineered future events are previewed to the population using mass media where the population is “explained” how they should act and behave in the situation, Netflix airs an episode of their “Explained” docuseries featuring Bill Gates who predicts that the next pandemic will be a coronavirus that will emerge from a wet market in China. The episode features vaccines as the solution to the future problem.[xcv]

November 12th, 2019 – The US Department of Defense awards a $369,511 contract for “COVID-19 Research” to a company in Ukraine three months before ‘The Covid” was known to exist. The contractor, Labyrinth Global Health, has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.[xcvi]
November 15th, 2019 – The CDC begins advertising for “Public Health Advisors (Quarantine Program) in 18 different US Cities over a month before the first case of Covid is recorded. Duties include: "Develop and present training to various governmental agencies and local partners on emergency response protocols, communicable diseases and quarantine activities."[xcvii]
December 1st, 2019 – The People’s Republic of China’s Law on Vaccine Administration (Vaccine Law) goes into effect, potentially causing vaccine-induced illnesses that could have been attributed to COVID-19 to pump numbers: All citizens… of China shall be … obliged to be immunized with national immunization program vaccines according to law. The government shall provide… vaccines…free of charge.[xcviii]
Dec 16th, 2019 - A confidentiality agreement referencing a Material Transfer Agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the official emergence of Covid-19 pandemic. The confidentially agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.[xcix] NIAID has claimed to monopoly media “fact-checkers” that: “The materials transferred to UNC in December 2019 were vaccine candidates against the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and not SARS-CoV-2.” Given all the other evidence of foreknowledge and the fact that Moderna ended up fielding one of the main four mNRA corona virus vaccines, I’ll let the reader judge the veracity of the claim.
Dec 26th, 2019 - a 41-year-old worker presented at the Central Hospital of Wuhan with symptoms indistinguishable from other respiratory illnesses commonplace among the 11 million residents who endure suffocating pollution in the capital of China’s Hubei Province.
Dec 31st, 2019 - Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan to the WHO.[c]
January 3rd - January 5th, 2020 - Professor Zhang Yongzhen and Dr. Fan Wu receive a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from a single patient from Wuhan. Dr. Mark Bailey, in A Farewell to Virology, describes what happens next:
“total RNA was extracted... They then proceeded to shotgun sequence the brew, starting with random fragmentation of the genetic material into short lengths averaging 150 nucleotides and conversion of the RNA to DNA using a reverse transcriptase enzyme. 56,565,928 such short reads were generated, and this information was fed into Megahit and Trinity, software platforms for de novo algorithm-based assembly. Through Megahit, 384,096 contigs, or hypothetical overlapping sequences were generated and the longest one (30,474 nucleotides) was declared to have a “nucleotide identity of 89.1%” to bat SL-CoVZC45, another fictional [“virus”] construct that will be dealt with subsequently [within A Farewell to Virology] … The word ‘virus’ suddenly appeared when they state, “the genome sequence of this virus, as well as its termini, were determined and confirmed by reverse- transcription PCR.” This is a sleight of hand as the PCR simply amplifies pre-selected sequences and has no capacity to confirm a previously unknown genome… PCR itself cannot identify the origins of the sequences and the methodology of Fan Wu et al. did not establish the origin of their described sequences. However, in the very next sentence they announce to the world that, “this virus strain was designated as WH-Human 1 coronavirus (WHCV)”."[ci]
To summarize: Some Chinese scientists working from a single sample of lung fluid use computer software to find some RNA that is 89% similar to another computer-constructed “virus”. The “virus” is never isolated from the rest of the lung fluid, never sequenced completely, and never shown to cause the exact same symptoms in another human. The computer sequence is then proclaimed to be “The Covid” and used to create a sham PCR test that we will cover below in more detail.
January 22, 2020 – In more evidence of foreknowledge, Netflix, co-founded by Marc Bernays Randolph, the great nephew of the leading propagandist of the 20th century and author of Propaganda Edward Bernays, premieres: Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak, by Executive Producer Jeremiah Crowell, a docuseries about a future coronavirus pandemic starring Bill Gates and “vaccines”. Edward Bernays was a propagandist for John D. Rockefeller Sr.[cii]
January 23rd, 2020 – A paper is published in the scientific journal Eurosurveillance, by Dr. Christian Drosten, along with several colleagues from the Berlin Virology Institute at Charite Hospital, and also the head of a biotech company, TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH, published a study claiming to have developed the first effective test for detecting whether someone is infected with the novel coronavirus first identified only days before. The paper, now referred to as the Corman Drosten paper (Eurosurveillance), also appeared on the WHO’s website on 13 and 17 January 2020 despite the authors acknowledging that they had designed the test “without having virus material available.” [ciii] Not only was there no virus material available at the time the test was “invented,” but as of this writing (October of 2022), the Covid virus still remains to be isolated. Canadian biostatistician Christine Massey has accumulated Freedom of Information requests from over 200 health and governmental institutions in over 35 countries: not one has proof of any scientific papers, using legitimate methods, showing that SARS-CoV-2 exists.[civ] It has never been isolated/purified so there is no full gene sequence to use to create a “test”. The inventor of the PCR test, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, passed away conveniently on August 7th, 2019, but is on video explaining in detail how PCR cannot be used to diagnose any disease.
A September 28, 2020, study in Clinical Infectious Diseases[cv] revealed that when you run a PCR test at a CT of 35 or higher. the accuracy drops to 3 percent, resulting in a 97 percent false positive rate. Yet tests recommended by the World Health Organization are set to 45 cycles, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend running PCR tests at a CT of 40. The question is why, considering the consensus is that CT's over 35 render the test useless. When labs use these excessive cycle thresholds, you clearly end up with a grossly overestimated number of positive tests, so what we're really dealing with is a "casedemic" - an epidemic of false positives.

The World Health Organization quietly issued new guidance that the PCR tests are useless [cvi] on January 20th, 2021, knowing that it would be lost in the news of the U.S. Presidential inauguration, then moved it to another page on their website, then Google scrubs it from their cache, then they backdate it to January 13th.[cvii]
March 15, 2020 – Because of the unforeseen emergency of “The Covid”, the Federal Reserve announces that it will buy up to half a TRILLION dollars in US Treasury securities and at least $200 billion of mortgage-backed securities, propping up what many believe to be a Ponzi scheme treasury market where Fed “straw purchases” and now open purchases keep money flowing into an organized crime “government” that then hands out no-bid contracts for billions in “vaccines,” needless weapons systems, “bailouts” and stimulus.” Wall Street is also supported. On March 23, bond purchases were expanded to include investment-grade corporate bonds. On April 9 it was announced that corporate bond facilities would be expanded in size and extended to fallen angels (bonds that were investment grade as of March 22 but were since downgraded below investment grade) and high yield ETFs with broad corporate bond market exposure. Purchases were also expanded to include municipal bonds. The Fed ultimately purchased $1.019 trillion worth of Treasuries in 2020Q1 ($863 billion of notes and bonds, $156 billion of bills)[cviii]

March 16th, 2020: Neil M Ferguson and colleagues at Imperial College London released a computer model that projected that—unless drastic measures were taken—intensive-care units would have 30 COVID patients for every available bed and that America would see 2.2 million deaths by the end of the summer. The British researchers announced that the “only viable strategy” was to impose draconian restrictions on businesses, schools, and social gatherings until a vaccine arrived.
“Ferguson works closely with the WHO. Ferguson and his Imperial College modelers have a notorious track record for predicting dire consequences of diseases. In 2002 Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people in UK would die from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, “mad cow disease”, possibly to 150,000 if the epidemic expanded to include sheep. A total of 178 people were officially registered dead from vCJD. In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million (!) people worldwide would be killed by bird-flu or H5N1. By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus. Then in 2009 Ferguson’s group at Imperial College advised the government that swine flu or H1N1 would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK. In the end, swine flu claimed the lives of 457 people”. – F. William Engdahl, Global Research[cix]
On March 26th, 2020, researcher Chris Murray, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington School of Medicine, released an analysis based on observed death rates, estimates that over the next four months in the US, approximately 81,000 people will die from the virus. Estimates range between 38,000 and 162,000 US deaths. predicts that 41 states will need more ICU beds than they currently have available and that 11 states may need to increase their ICU beds by 50%[cx]
In addition to being ridiculously wrong [cxi], the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the researchers and institutions that produced both models.
White House Coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx touted the IHME’s “Chris Murray Model” in April. In 2017, the Gates Foundation provided a ten-year, $279 million grant to IHME. Birx, meanwhile, sits on the board of the Global Fund, which has received more than $2 billion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In March 2020, during the Coronavirus outbreak, the Gates Foundation awarded more than $79 million grant to Imperial College London. Ferguson ended up resigning as an adviser to the British government when he was caught flaunting the very lockdown that his numbers inspired.
Imperial College London admits on its website that its research on arboviruses, which includes work on vaccine projections undertaken by Neil Ferguson himself, is Gates-funded, stating, “Our research is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the US National Institutes of Health and the MRC.” Business Insider reports that Neil Ferguson’s MRC Center for Global Infectious Disease at Imperial College “gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with “rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems.” A job posting that opened in December 2019 and closed in January 2020 stated (emphasis added): “We are seeking an outstanding Research Lead for the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium. This major collaborative initiative, directed by Professor Neil Ferguson, is based within the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London and funded jointly by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance ($11 million over 2016-22).”
Gates’ support for Neil Ferguson came years after Ferguson was proven so dramatically wrong with his mad-cow/vCJD, bird-flu and swine flu models suggesting that Gates was investing in a known “science-for-hire” operation.
March 18th, 2020 - Bill Ackman, a billionaire hedge fund manager and member of the CFR and Bilderberg Group, calls into CNBC’s Half-time Report and begins publicly and vocally calling for a shutdown of the American economy and promoting a future vaccine.[cxii] He also begins tweeting at President Trump advocating for economically crippling lockdowns, equating them to “Spring Break”?? Interestingly, he seems pre-positioned to profit from shutting down mom-and-pop restaurants, coffee shops and hotels with investments in corporate chain replacements like Restaurant Brands International, which runs 26,000+ Popeyes, Burger Kings, and Tim Hortons[cxiii] in addition to investments in Starbucks[cxiv], Chipotle, and Hilton hotels. Ackman appears to have had foreknowledge of the Covid-induced 2020 stock market crash, as he hedged Pershing Square’s portfolio, risking $27 million to purchase credit protection, generating $2.6 billion in less than one month.[cxv] Ackman is a major donor to Eugenics with donations to both Planned Parenthood[cxvi] and Cold Spring Harbor($10MM)[cxvii] through his foundation.

March 19th, 2020 - The UK’s National Health Service issued a directive which required them to discharge all patients who are deemed to not require a hospital bed, forcing thousands of patients into care homes. Essentially, simultaneously, the NHS buys a two-year supply of Midazolam, a commonly used sedative drug in palliative care for dying patients in the United Kingdom and for euthanasia. The drug is also used in the United States for lethal injections. The NHS will also buy additional stocks of Midazolam from the French. cxxvi Over the past five years, about 15,000 prescriptions for midazolam to be used outside of hospital have been written each month in England. In April of 2020, 38,582 prescriptions were made – more than twice the February figure.cxxvii
In a parliamentary committee meeting on April 17th, 2020, Matt Hancock will be recorded talking openly with Conservative MP Dr. Luke Evans about euthanasia, known colloquially in the UK as a “good death,” where MP Evans is quizzing Secretary Hancock on the NHS having enough euthanasia drugs and syringe drivers where Secretary Hancock replies in the affirmative and confirms the NHS is focused on it an “in contact with the whole supply chain”
March 24th, 2020 – CDC issues Covid-19 Alert No.2, which authorizes a new code for capturing Covid-19 deaths and instructs doctors and hospitals to use the code where Covid-19 “is assumed to have caused or contributed to death”[cxviii]
March 25th, 2020 – The New York Times, then led by former BBC propagandist Mark Thompson, who was in charge when the BBC (along with Fox News and CNN) began reporting that WTC 7 collapsed 20 minutes before it did with the building still visible in the skyline behind their reporter, issues a breathless video report purporting to be from the Epicenter of Covid in New York City: Elmhurst Hospital[cxix]. Dr. Collen Smith, an alleged doctor at the hospital, claims they are running out of ventilators, a refrigerated morgue truck is shown at the hospital loading dock, and long lines of people are shown to be in line waiting for tests. Almost immediately after the video airs, the Times is forced to post a retraction on the claim that the hospital was out of ventilators from the head of the hospital(1:10 in the video), it comes out that Dr. Colleen Smith specializes in medical simulations and hospital staff never heard of her[cxx], and Jason Goodman, from Crowdsource the Truth, and others shows up at the hospital the next day and the long lines have vanished completely.
March 27, 2020 – President Trump signs into law a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)[cxxi] with incentives to doctors and hospitals to both classify patients as having Covid and ultimately “boost” payments for treatments that cause harm, notably ventilators & Remdesivir, and contribute to reported Covid cases and deaths to make it look like there is a real pandemic. These payments will, ultimately, include:
A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital. 2. Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis. 3. Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital. 4. A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin. 5. Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated. 6. More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly from COVID-19. 7. A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.[cxxii]
April 2nd, 2020 – Bill Gates announces on the Daily Show that his foundation is funding building factories for seven different vaccine manufacturers so they have a global capability when the “vaccines” are ready. "Even though we'll end up picking at most two of them, we're going to fund factories for all seven, just so that we don't waste time in serially saying, 'OK, which vaccine works?' and then building the factory," he said.[cxxiii]
April 22, 2020 - THE UK’s chief of the defence staff General Sir Nick Carter reveals the 77th Brigade of the British Army, a psychological warfare unit, is involved in “countering coronavirus misinformation online”.[cxxiv]

April 24th, 2020 – The House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy released a staff memo[cxxvi] corresponding with an investigation by Politico coming out the next week, finding that the FDA is dealing with “a flood of inaccurate coronavirus antibody tests after it allowed more than 120 manufacturers and labs to bring the tests to market without an agency review”. The problem with false positives was so bad that the FDA formally warned healthcare providers on April 17 of the concerns surrounding the bulk of the antibody tests available for sale, explaining that it “does not review the validation or accuracy, data for these tests unless a EUA is submitted.”

April 12th, 2020 – On March 25th the LA Times reports that Santa Clara is “California’s Epicenter of the Coronavirus”[cxxvii]. On April 12th, this author, along with David Rodrigues from the Gatto Project and another investigator, visited the Santa Clara Medical Center on video. The hospital was a ghost town. We were the only non-employees we saw at the hospital for the hour, plus we were on-site. While the hospital had erected tents for the tell-a-vision cameras, they were empty, and I was the only person in line to get tested. When I got to the person doing the testing, I explained I was an investigative journalist and was doing an investigation into the “pandemic.” The employee confessed that the hospital wasn’t experiencing pandemic conditions, wasn’t experiencing any excess deaths, and had only tested 8 people the day before which was a Saturday and should have been their busiest day. One hospital employee I spoke with openly speculated the whole thing was a hoax. The next week we visited Dominican Hospital and found similar empty tents flapping in the wind. When our video of that investigation went viral in the community the hospital took down the tents the next day. I would end up visiting 30 states in 2020 organizing resistance to the economic warfare of the lockdowns and speaking to dozens of unmasked groups and crowds as large as 3,000+ (the Capital in Sacramento) and talking to dozens of medical personnel connected with dozens of hospitals including emergency room doctors, nurses, paramedics and others. I was never able to find a single hospital where an employee claimed they were experiencing pandemic conditions.

May 1, 2020 – Remdesivir, an experimental drug developed by biotech company Gilead Sciences (under the brand name Veklury) in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, is approved under an Emergency Use Authorization for the treatment of Covid by the FDA. Gilead is serial US Government contractor where former Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld served as Chairman from 1997 – 2001. Also on the board have been Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State, George Shultz; George H. W. Bush’s Special Trade Representative, Carla Hills; and the wife of former California Republican Gov. Pete Wilson. In 2005, analyst Andrew McDonald of Think Equity Partners in San Francisco was quoted as saying: "I don't know of any biotech company that's so politically well-connected."[cxxviii] During a previous engineered fake pandemic (Avian Flu) in 2004 the Bush administration made ridicules projections of 200K-1.9M dead[cxxix] and then went and bought $2 billion worth of Tamiflu.
During “The Covid,” Remdesivir became the only drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of “Covid.”[cxxx] Gilead charges the US government $390 per vial. That’s over $2,300 dollars for a typical five-day treatment. Per person. The longer 10-day treatment course will cost governments $4,290 per patient, and $5,720 for a US patient with private insurance.[cxxxi]
The scam of Remdesivir doesn’t just entail overcharging the government and insurance, A study conducted by the Center for Integration of Science and Industry at Bentley University and posted on a preprint server found the development of Remdesivir was supported by a whopping $6.5 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money in funding for basic research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) over several decades. Gilead Sciences
Carter Heavy Industries breaks down the scam of Remdesivir in their article: The Fraudulent Dr Fauci – Part II: The Remdesivir Scam
In April 2020, Anthony Fauci cited a study which he said proved Remdesivir could block coronavirus;
He also claimed in both 2018 and ’19 that a study showed Remdesivir was safe and efficacious in the use against the Ebola virus, but this was also a lie. If one were to actually look at the study, titled; ‘A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics, ‘which was testing four different drugs against the Ebola virus, they will find that the safety board pulled Remdesivir out of trial six months early, because over 50% of patients who received it died.[cxxxii]
Table 2. Comparison of Death at 28 Days According to Treatment Group from the study: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics[cxxxiii]
Fauci quoted a second study in support of his mandating the use of Remdesivir, a study conducted by the makers of Remdesivir titled; ‘Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19‘, wherein 53 patients with C19 were administered the drug for 10 days. 23% of them suffered from multiple organ dysfunction syndromes, septic shock, and acute kidney injury[cxxxiv]. 8% of them had to be taken off the drug after only 5 days because it was killing them.[cxxxv]
In February 2020, a state-run Chinese lab sought a patent on the use of Remdesivir to treat coronavirus based on the results of a single patient.[cxxxvi] After the CCP and Fauci recommended the use of Remdesivir, the U.S. secured the world’s supply[cxxxvii] and began treating Americans with it. Patients immediately began suffering kidney failure, which was then blamed on C19, even though studies by the manufacturer show Remdesivir causes it in 23% even after only a few days.
When the kidneys fail, the lungs fill with liquid, which is how thousands have died in the hospitals, being misdiagnosed and put on ventilators, and it’s all being blamed on Covid 19.[cxxxviii] But if we read the fine print, we can see that all this is to be expected with Remdesivir, and Fauci knows it.
May 3rd, 2020 - Coronavirus test kits used in Tanzania were exposed as worthless by Tanzanian President John Magufuli, who holds a chemistry degree, by testing samples taken from a goat, mango, motor oil and a pawpaw that came back positive.[cxxxix] He will die in office from “heart failure” less than a year later at age 61. He was replaced by Samia Suluhu Hassan, who is affiliated with the World Economic Forum[cxl] and who will go on to allegedly get a covid “vaccine” publicly and implement an injection campaign in Tanzania.[cxli]
May 4th, 2020 - The Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), the leading opposition party in Nigeria, alleges that Bill Gates has offered $10 million to influence the speedy passage of a compulsory vaccine bill, the Control of Infectious Diseases Bill 2020clii, a wide-ranging piece of legislation that would give the Nigerian government draconian powers in the name of fighting the “pandemic”, without subjecting the bill to the traditions of legislative proceedings.cliii Interestingly, there were no vaccines or even vaccine candidates in trial when the bill was drafted. The bill will, ultimately, be passed into law on Dec 21st, 2021cliv.
In a statement issued and signed by the spokesperson of the opposition political parties, Barrister Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere and sent to media outlets, the CUPP alleges:
“Opposition Coalition (CUPP) has intercepted very credible intelligence and hereby alerts Nigerians of plans by the leadership of the House of Representatives led by Femi Gbajabiamila to forcefully and without adherence to the rules of lawmaking to pass the Control of Infectious Diseases Bill 2020 otherwise known as the Compulsory Vaccination Bill which is proposing a compulsory vaccination of all Nigerians even when the vaccines have not been discovered.”
“This intelligence is coupled with the information of the alleged receipt, from sources outside the country but very interested in the Bill, of the sum of $10 million by the sponsors and promoters of the Bill to distribute among lawmakers to ensure a smooth passage of the Bill.”
“Why make a law for a vaccine that has not been discovered? Does it mean that Femi Gbajabiamila and the promoters have an idea of the vaccine and when it will be ready? When nations like Madagascar are making local remedies which is working, APC is making a law to compulsorily inject Nigerians with vaccines our former slave masters have not yet discovered.”
July 16th, 2020 – Rockefeller Foundation publishes National Covid-19 Testing and Tracing Action Plan calling for scaling testing from 4.5 million tests per week to 30 million tests per week and “robust contact tracing and support for targeted isolation (I.E. forced quarantine)
October 26th, 2020 – Global PR Firm Weber Shandwick, whose Chairman Jack Leslie is a member of the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relationsclv, wins a contract valued at up to $50 million dollars to provide PR services (Propaganda) for the CDC to promote the “vaccines”.clvi The company also provides PR service to both Pfizer and Moderna and will be “embedded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as part of the Division of Viral Diseases team.”clvii
November 3rd, 2020 - Johns Hopkins announces that its researchers David Gracias, Ph.D., and Florin M. Selaru, M.D., director of the led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shapechanging microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism’s intestines.clviii The technology is designed to deliver drugs into the human body and was not brand new but a variation of another nanotech innovation known as “microgrippers” that was written about publicly in 2015 and had been worked on since 2005 by Gracias and Selaru.clix
November 6th, 2020 – California Governor Gavin Newsome is photographed dining with the president of the California Medical Association and their chief lobbyist at the French Laundry at the height of the alleged pandemic. No one is wearing a mask. A month prior, at a press conference in Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf was caught talking to State Rep. Wendy Ullman (D-143) on a hot mic, "Wendy, I'm going to, I'm going to take my mask off before I speak." Rep. Ullman (D-143) is then heard replying, "I will as well. I'm waiting so we can do a little political theater." The two share a laugh before Ullman says, “So that it’s on camera.” The Governor’s press office issued a statement saying, “This is an out-of-context clip being pushed by an extreme fringe that believes COVID-19 is a hoax,”clx These were just a few of dozens of examples of political leaders being caught ignoring the Covid regulations that they imposed on the population. Others include Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo, VA Gov. Ralph Northam, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, to name a few.

March 2021 – The Nuclear Threat Initiative, co-founded by eugenicist and propagandist Ted Turner and former Senator Sam Nunn, conducts a pandemic tabletop exercise (The NTI-Munich Security Conference Tabletop Exercise) almost identical to the Event 201 coronavirus exercise that proceeded “The Covid” featuring many of the exact same participants: George Gao from the Chinese CDC, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins Center for Health Security, and World Health Organization. Multiple WEF and CFR members are present[cxlii], and the exercise was funded by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz’s Open Philanthropy Project, which also funded Event 201 coronavirus pandemic tabletop exercise that proceeded “The Covid”.
The exercise hypothesizes a biological attack on the fictional nation of Brinia on May 15th, 2022, the same week that the US confirms its first case of Monkeypox and other cases are reported in Spain and Portugal.[cxliii] Unbelievably, former Senator Sam Nunn, co-founder of NTI and a participant in the exercise, also participated in a June 2001 biological weapons tabletop exercise, Dark Winter, envisioning a biological weapons attack by terrorists proceeding the Sept 2001 Anthrax attacks by three months.
April 8th, 2021 - Health Canada, the public health service of the Canadian government, issues a recall notice for over a million KN95 face masks containing a highly toxic industrial chemical called graphene. The toxic masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd. “Graphene is a strong, very thin material that is used in fabrication, but it can be harmful to lungs when inhaled and can cause long-term health problems,” reported CBC News. As many as 31.1 million toxic masks from this line were distributed before the government realized that they are unfit for use. clxiii In the following weeks, Spain will recall millions of masks containing graphene as wellclxiv. This is interesting in that if the “government” is forcing people to wear masks (and requiring test swabs that cause harm as well) then they could be causing a detox that is then attributed using their faulty PCR tests, notorious for false positives, to “Covid”.
April 21st, 2021 – The CDC publishes a study entitled Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons with the CDC’s Tom T. Shimabukuro, MD as the lead author to demonstrate that Covid vaccines are safe for pregnant women. The UK’s Expose breaks down their fraud in an article entitled: CDC manipulated study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women when in reality 4 in 5 suffered a miscarriage:
However, when reading the small print of table 4, in which they claim just 104 / 12.6% of 827 completed pregnancies resulted in miscarriage (spontaneous abortion), we can see that the numbers they have presented are extremely misleading.
This is because of the 827 completed pregnancies, 700 / 86% of the women had received a dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine during the third trimester of pregnancy. The third trimester of pregnancy is from weeks 27 – 40, and it is therefore impossible to suffer a miscarriage due to the fact they are considered as occurring prior to week 20 of pregnancy.
This means just 127 women received either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine during the first/second trimester, with 104 of the woman sadly losing their baby.
Therefore, the rate of incidence of miscarriage is 82%, not 12.6%, as presented in the findings of the study.
June 15th, 2021- According to a class action lawsuit filed by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) conspired with Google to secretly install a Contact Tracing App onto over one million Android mobile devices located in Massachusetts without the device owners’ knowledge or permission,” “When some Android device owners discovered and subsequently deleted the App, DPH would re-install it onto their devices,” the complaint states. “These secret installations not only invade owners’ reasonable expectation of privacy, but they also intrude upon owners’ property rights in their mobile devices by occupying valuable storage space. Because the Massachusetts and United States Constitutions prohibit governmental entities from unreasonable searches and uncompensated takings, this Court should enjoin DPH’s unconstitutional scheme.”clxv
Images and text from Dr. Pablo Campra’s June 28th, 2021 interim report finding toxic graphene oxide in a
Pfizer’s Cominnaty “vaccine”. Between this initial report and August of 2022 at least 26 other scientists and teams of scientists from 16 different countries will essentially duplicate these findingsclxvi.
June 28th, 2021 – A prominent professor at the University of Almeria, Dr. Pablo Campra, with doctorate in chemical science releases an interim report analyzing a single vial of Pfizer’s COMIRNATYclxvii. Dr. Campra will release his final report on November 2nd, 2021, which will examine four vials from four different lots of Pfizer, a vial of Astra Zeneca, a vial of Moderna, and a vial of Janssen against standard samples of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide using optical microscopy and RAMAN infrared spectroscopy to verify the substances chemical composition. The samples from Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna were “unambiguous,” and the Janssen sample while not unambiguous, could not be ruled out. Between July 2021 and August of 2022, at least 25 other scientists, doctors and research teams of as many as 60+ participants from 16 different countries will essentially duplicate these findings clxviii
Images from Dr. van Welbergen’s release show healthy unvaccinated blood on the left and vaccinated blood on the right, along with massive foreign structures, which van Welbergen interprets as a toxic substance known as graphene oxide, alongside red blood cells in an unhealthy Rouleaux (stacked) formation:
July 2021 – Dr. Philippe van Welbergen, a doctor from London’s medical-centered Harley Street, becomes the first medical professional to publicly release high-resolution microscopy of vaccinated blood from samples he had taken from unconnected patients in the preceding two weeks. He provides over 80 images as evidence. In contrast with healthy red blood cells (RBCs) showing good motility (above left), the blood of “vaccinated” patients displayed massive foreign structures, which van Welbergen interprets as graphene oxide, alongside RBCs in unhealthy Rouleaux (stacked) formation:
Video interview with whistleblowing funeral director John O’Looney of the Milton Keynes Family Funeral Service in the UK can be found on Bitchute and in our companion flash drive: The Liberator as: MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid
September 16th, 2021 – John O'Looney of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services in the United Kingdom becomes the first funeral director and embalmer to go public with accusations that vaccines are causing dramatic rises in premature deaths. In an interview with Max Igan of The Crowhouse, Mr. O'Looney drops bombshell after bombshell of revelations:
1. At the end of November 2019, before “The Covid” was allegedly discovered he went to collect a body from a hospital in Northhampton and at the hospital was shown a pre-staged inflatable pandemic mortuary and was told by hospital staff that “something really horrible was coming”.
2. He was asked by the BBC to stage pandemic conditions by wearing PPE for a segment where he normally wouldn’t be wearing PPE. He participated and now regrets deceiving the public.
3. He, his wife and an elderly embalmer that works for him have been washing and dressing the dead without PPE, including those marked as Covid deaths with no ill effects to themselves.
4. There was no increase in deaths in 2020, other than the spike in deaths in care homes that corresponded with the Midazolam scandal in April (March 19th, 2020 entry in timeline), but he saw many deceased being labeled as having died of Covid even though there were multiple co-morbidities.
5. He usually collects the majority of bodies from hospitals (8 out of 10) with 1 out of 10 from Care Homes and 1 out of 10 from either a residence or hospice. In April 2020, during the UK Midazolam scandal, he was called out every night for three weeks to care homes, and every death was labeled Covid even though he never saw a doctor in attendance once or a ventilator. He did not understand why these deceased were heavily sedated in the homes. He suspects that thousands of elderly were euthanized in care homes with Midazolam and can’t understand how a “virus” could target just care homes.
6. He was contacted by a government agent calling funeral home directors to ascertain how many people had died of COVID-19. He knows of multiple patients, one of whom died of old age in his 90s with no positive Covid test and one who succumbed to cancer in his 80s, that were both marked as Covid by the government agent because he claimed “they knew there was Covid in those [care] homes”
7. In late 2020, before the rollout of the “vaccine,” the government agent charged with collecting statistics from funeral homes confessed to him that “he didn’t know why he was doing this job.. . there is no one dying of Covid”
8. Other than the spike in deaths from the Midazolam scandal, there was no increase in year-over-year deaths from “Covid” in 2020. Deaths started to spike in January of 2021 when the government began putting needles in arms, and he has never seen anything like it. The government began referring to the deaths as the “second wave,” and it lasted about twelve weeks until April 21. With the vaccination wave, it was very different from the first time.. it was now all ages and lots of different locations, residences but mostly hospitals. Most were marked Covid deaths, but Mr. O’Looney believes the majority were vaccine injury deaths or Midazolam overdoses, or the blatant neglect of people.
9. There was a noticeable pause in deaths from April 2021 until late August 2021 when the death rate began to accelerate again, with the overwhelming majority of the deaths among the vaccinated “almost exclusively” distributed among all ages, with the range of deaths including heart attacks, a sudden undiscovered heart condition which led to a heart attack, blood clots, strokes and multiple organ failures which were the four consistent types of deaths he was seeing and it was all ages. A 23-year-old barber in his local barber shop died after getting his 2nd jab.
10. The “Delta Variant” is widely recognized within the NHS as vaccine injury
11. Since he went public, he has had 45 other funeral directors reach out to him an agreed
12. He has spoken personally to nurses who have been called into rooms and told by senior medical management teams to deliver doses of 60 mgs of Midazolam, a fatal dose, to patients who aren’t even dying, patients labeled as Covid in a fundamentally flawed process where PCR tests are run at 45 cycles.
13. People are being coerced and blackmailed into signing Do Not Resuscitate orders
What Is Graphene Oxide / Graphene Hydroxide?
Reference Photos of Graphene Oxide from the Scientific Paper:
October 25, 2021 – The CDC publishes its 2020-2021 Flu Season Summary[cxliv] for the period of September 28, 2020–May 22, 2021, and, amazingly, the number of seasonal influenza cases drops by 99.9%. The total amount of “Covid” cases for the same period as identified by the worthless PCR test was 25,662,859.[cxlv] Interestingly, Wikipedia, which we are tracking for censorship of real news and pushing government propaganda, publishes a yearly breakdown of the CDC’s Flu Season Summary (Here is 2019-2020[cxlvi]) and a yearly table of the CDC’s seasonal flu statistics[cxlvii] has either chosen not to publish 2020-2021 and leave it out of their summary or it was deleted from the site.
November 8th, 2021 – The FDA issues a Summary Basis for Regulatory Action[i] for Pfizer’s COMIRNATY. The document details a response from Pfizer to an FDA reviewer’s question on which “vaccine” lots were the same formulation as the FDA-approved version. The response listed in the document indicates that Pfizer responded with a list of lot numbers that were different from the formulation approved by the FDA, indicating that other lots had different mRNA and other potential undisclosed ingredient formulations. This is vastly different than what was being told to the American people and could explain why certain batches were causing significantly more deaths and adverse reactions than other batches. Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, a former pharmaceutical executive turned investigative journalist, begins publishing data to the Expose website, exposing that 5% of the batches caused 100% of the deaths. She goes on to collaborate with Craig Paardekooper to develop the website,, which has been comparing deaths to vaccine lot numbers vs the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS). Here is a summary from their research: Death by Lottery - 5% of V[accine] Batches are Highly Toxic:
For Pfizer 96% of lots produced 0 deaths; 4% of lots accounted for all the deaths.
For Moderna 95% of lots produced 0 deaths 5% of lots accounted for all the deaths
The above chart, by Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, shows the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine sorted by the lot number of vaccines administered prior to the adverse event. “We do not have reliable information about standard lot size, but news articles indicate an average lot size of 1000 vials (approximately 6000 doses).”
The highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the influenza vaccine was 26. This makes it all the more shocking to discover that the highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine up to October 15th, 2021, was 3,563, and this isn’t an anomaly.
Latypova will continue to make additional discoveries and refine her findings, communicating this update on June 12th of 2024: “In the original analysis, we did not have that information and found some news articles quoting 6000 doses, which is incorrect. Here are some articles with much more updated info regarding the batches, including batch sizes:
and, about Pfizer identifying BLA-compliant batches. in my analysis, these batches are not materially different from other Pfizer batches. The identification of "BLA-compliant" batches was purely for the purposes of faking the approval and removal of the informed consent by the HHS/FDA:
Dr. Andreas Noack being arrested by German police during a live stream broadcast exposing the scam of the Covid in Germany on November 18th, 2020.clxxiv Dr. Noack, an expert in Graphene Oxide/Graphene Hydroxide will do a viral video explaining the dangers of Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide in the blood on Nov 23rd. An English translation is published on November 25th, 2021. By November 26th 2021 he will be dead and his fiancé will claim he was murdered by some type of directed energy weaponclxxv
November 23rd, 2021 – Dr. Andreas Noack, an expert on graphene oxide who worked for a company specializing in carbon products, releases a video in German giving an overview of the dangers of graphene in the blood. In this video, he reveals that Dr Pablo Campra from the University of Almeria had recently done a Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the “vaccine” and had discovered that the graphene detected in the vaxx was not graphene oxide (GO), but graphene hydroxide (GHO), which is an extremely stable molecule that is not biodegradable, so it basically stays in your system forever. (See June 28th, 2021 timeline entry)
This is very bad news for “vaccine” recipients because he describes graphene hydroxide molecules as “the sharpest imaginable objects because they are only one atom layer thick…a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.”
In other words, the graphene hydroxide molecules behave like nano razors that cut the epithelial lining of recipients’ veins, which he believes is the cause of blood clots and the sudden deaths observed in so many top athletes once the “vaccines” were rolled out.
He believes it’s a case of “Russian Roulette,” where the syringe administering the intramuscular injection will, in some cases, inadvertently pierce a vein, allowing the GHO to enter the bloodstream and slicing up the epithelia in the recipients' blood vessels.
He says here, “Do you hit the vein or not? Does it stay in the muscle? Then it is less toxic. But if you hit a vein and the batches contain different amounts of GHO, then you have to know you are cutting people up from the inside.” Website with full video and transcript in endnote.clxxvi
The video will be translated into English on November 25th and begin circulating virally on the internet. On November 26th Dr. Noack’s partner will announce that Dr. Noack has died and that she believes that some sort of directed energy weapon was used against him.clxxvii
December 1st, 2021 – A judge releases the 1st tranche of Pfizer documents from a suit brought by a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The documents reveal that Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people and causing spontaneous abortions while damaging three times more women than men. In the 1st three months of the rollout to 42,000 participants, there were an astounding 1223 deaths and 42,086 adverse reactions – representing a total of 158,893 adverse events 31% of adult participants experienced long-term adverse effects, and among children, the figure is 40%! During the fake swine flu scam of 1976, they halted their mass vaccination campaign after 3 people died from the “vaccine.”[cxlviii] Bizarrely monopoly media “fact-checkers” acknowledge that the documents and deaths are real but claim they can’t be attributed to the “vaccine.”
February 22nd, 2022 – The CDC admits to the New York Times that it has been withholding large portions of COVID-19 data from the public because it fears the information could be misinterpreted.clxxix This announcement came after the release of the Pfizer clinical trial data showing 1223 people out of 42,000 died and thousands of miscarriages in pregnant women had been reported through VAERS.
March 8th, 2022—Another court-ordered document release from Pfizer reveals that its “vaccine” has 1,291 known side effects, ranging from Acoustic neuritis to Zika virus-associated Guillain-Barre syndrome. It takes nine dense pages to list them all.
April 27th, 2022 – The Rockefeller Foundation announces $55M in grants “to Get Covid-19 Shots from Airports to Arms”.clxxx The money will be used “to support country-led efforts to fully vaccinate 90% of the most at-risk populations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean" and "to increase vaccination for most vulnerable groups like at-risk, older adults and frontline health workers."
May 18th, 2022 – The first U.S. Case of Monekypox is reported the same week as envisioned in the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s March 2021 “table-top exercise” (See timeline entry). Based on a single case, the U.S. government buys 13 million doses of the Bavarian Nordic Jynneos vaccine.clxxxi
June 18th, 2022 - CDC Director Rochelle Walensky posted a tweetclxxxii with a video of herself discussing the CDC’s recent recommendation of the COVID-19 shots for children under 5. ICAN breaks down the violations of federal law and the promotion of specific manufacturer’s products: “In the video, Dr. Walensky made the following two claims:
“We now know based on rigorous scientific review that the vaccines available here in the United States can be used safely and effectively in children under 5.”
“We have taken another important step together on our fight against COVID-19 by making safe and effective vaccines available for our little ones.”
But as Dr. Walensky should have been aware, in issuing Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs), the FDA has not(under its ridiculously low standards) made a finding that these vaccines are “safe and effective.” Instead, the grant of an EUA means only that the FDA has determined “it is reasonable to believe that [each vaccine] may be effective” and that “it is reasonable to conclude, based on the totality of scientific evidence available, that the known and potential benefits of [each vaccine] outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine.”
…Because her tweet is “descriptive printed matter” that is both advertising and promoting Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines, the tweet itself is in violation of both EUAs issued to these companies because it does not “clearly and conspicuously” contain the required disclaimer that these products have not yet been licensed as safe and effective by the FDA.”
Dr. Peter Marks, the Director of the FDA’s vaccine division and the person at the FDA that literally signed and approved these EUAs will violate the terms of these EUAs several months later in November. Dr. Marks will release two videos titled “Why should I get the updated COVID-19 vaccine now?” and “Why should I get my child an updated Covid-19 vaccine?” both of which promote EUA COVID-19 vaccines. Amazingly, in violation of the FDA’s EUAs signed by Dr. Marks himself, neither promotional video includes the language legally required as a condition of the EUA. Both videos will have the comments disabled, preventing independent researchers from warning the public of the FDA’s deception.
July 6th, 2022 – a UK Government agency, known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), published data on deaths by vaccination status in England up to 31st May 2022. The latest dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘. The Expose breaks down the scandal: “The quietly published figures reveal that the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 deaths in April and May 2022, with the unvaccinated accounting for just 6% of all Covid-19 deaths. But the most horrific statistic here is that 90% of the deaths among the vaccinated were among people who had been given at least three doses of a Covid-19 injection.”clxxxiii
July 22nd, 2022 - America First Legal (AFL) releases documents it obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealing concrete evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies to censor free speech and promote Biden Administration propaganda about the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines.”clxxxiv The emails show that the CDC maintained regular communication with the three biggest social media platforms (Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter) starting in December 2020 and for at least another six months. These exchanges reveal what “working” with Google and others looked like: It went as far as flagging posts by social sites’ users as “examples” of what needs to be censored. This action is blatantly unconstitutional (First Amendment) According to the documents, officials with the CDC and the Biden administration colluded with content moderation teams at Google, Twitter and Facebook to block US citizens from receiving the most basic level of informed consent about the emergency use covid-19 “vaccines.” The U.S. government not only violated the free speech clause of the U.S. Constitution, but they also conspired to withhold relevant medical information in the informed consent process, violating basic medical ethics on a grand scale.
“Big Tech has unlawfully colluded with the federal government to silence, censor, and suppress Americans’ free speech and violate their First Amendment rights. Government is expressly prohibited from censoring competing or dissenting viewpoints or from silencing its political opponents whether it does so directly or whether it uses an outside corporation to achieve its draconian, totalitarian ends.” - AFL President Stephen Miller
August 13th, 2022 - According to a response to an official request for information from the German Techniker Krankenkasse insurer, the number of billed cases of vaccine-related adverse effects needing medical treatment skyrocketed in 2021 compared with 2019 and 2020. The request relates to four diagnostic codes: T.88.0: Infection following immunization, T.88.1: Other complications after immunization, U.12.9: Adverse effects after Covid-19 immunization, Y.59.9: Complications due to vaccines or biological substances.
In 2019, the total number of confirmed diagnoses was 13,777. In 2020, it was 15,044. In 2021, the total number was 437,593. This is more than thirty-fold the average for those four codes in 2019-2020, a 2,937% increase.
Last February, a board member of another German insurance company, BKK Provita, Andreas Schöfbeck, informed the Paul Ehrlich Institute of a tenfold rise in the incidence rate of adverse effects among the company‘s clients, due to the COVID-19 vaccines. Schöfbeck was promptly fired from the company after his disclosure.
The US VAERS database shows a 35-fold increase in reported vaccine-related deaths in 2021 compared with 2019. In 2021, Iceland saw a 160-fold increase in reports of all adverse effects from vaccination compared with 2019. In July of this year, the Icelandic National Health Insurance received 40 applications for damages resulting from COVID-19 vaccination, approximately one for every 8,000 people vaccinated.[clii]
September 3rd, 2022- Dr. David A. Hughes, PhD, a senior lecturer in international relations at the University of
Lincoln in the United Kingdom, publishes a paper summarizing the work of 26 researchers or research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using Spectre topic in microscopic analysis of undisclosed ingredients in every single covid vaccine between July 2021 and August 2022
His research will synthesize and make publicly available all existing independent investigations into the covid-19 “vaccines” through August of 2022.
His Major Findings:
There is now sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the world has been lied to regarding the covid-19 vaccine ingredients. No informed consent = violation of the Nuremberg code. 5.4 billion people jabbed = numerically the biggest crime in history.
A Summary of the Major Findings, the specific investigators making the claims, and examples of the microscopy and spectrography
Tubes/ Fibers in the Blood of the Vaccinated – Huge structures, novel, never been seen before
Healthy versus vaccinated blood
before and after injection from steady separate studies in the UK,, all show Rouleaux effect where red blood cells are stacked because of discoided shapes of the cells. This is a nonspecific indicator of the presence of disease and the cause of disease because it will restrict the flow of blood throughout the body because capillaries can only accept free-flowing an independent red blood cells.clxxxvii

Destruction of blood cells
Bursting neutrophils (white blood cells)- observed by Australian scientists

Unraveling of red blood cell plasma membranes - observed by Wakeling
Sources: Vaccines Education Working Group; Austrian researches; Giovannini et al; Barbel Ghitalla; and a study from Chile
“These injectable Nanobots can Walk Around Inside A Human Body”
Each discovered in a single drop of “vaccine”/blood – how many must be circulating in “vaccinated” bodies?
Spectroscopic analysis
Spectroscopy is used in physical and analytical chemistry to detect, determine, or quantify the molecular and/or structural composition of a sample. Each type of molecule and atom will reflect, absorb, or emit electromagnetic radiation in its own characteristic way.
Nagese: these structures contain neither nitrogen or phosphorus, two of the six building blocks of life, i.e. They
cannot be biological. This needs to be independently verified.
• Young finds traces of nitrogen but not phosphorus. He also finds carbon, oxygen, magnesium,
aluminum, silicon, chloride, calcium, bismuth, titanium, vanadium, iron and copper
• The vaccines education working group finds cesium, potassium, calcium, barium, cobalt, iron, chromium, titanium, cerium, gadolinium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur and even antimony highly toxic substance (in Moderna).
• What explains the presence of the more exotic elements?
OTHER ORGANISMS? – Some of which appear to be Parasite-like entities?

Octopus or Hydra-like entities – natural or synthetic?
Tubes/worms/wires, often displaying flayed ends (same claim carbon nanotubes):
A "galaxy" of sharp-edged geometric structures
The structure on the right is motile.
The structure on the right is motile.
Structures have been seen to light up when exposed to heat mobile phone signal (Australian scientists)
Sources: Life of the Blood; Austrian researchers Possible self-assembling nanotech:
Sources: Life of the Blood; La Quinta Columna; Campra
MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS – Highlighted Text Analysis by Dr. David Hughes
• I am not making hard claims about what the COVID-19 "vaccines" do or do not contain. I am asking questions based on a preponderance of evidence pointing to undisclosed ingredients and harmful effects on the blood.
• There are now large numbers of sick and dead patients who have received 1+ COVID-19 injections, as reflected in reporting systems for serious adverse reactions, support groups for the "vaccine"- injured, countless videos and testimonials, and the fact that excess mortality is running well above average in many countries (though other factors, such as"ockdowns," reduction of health services, and psychological stress will also play a role).
Abnormal blood clots are being pulled out of the dead bodies of "vaccinated" people
Previosty published literature on vaccine contaminants before COVID-19 does not feature structures of the kind shown above
Experienced scientists and doctors claim never to seen such abnormalities before.
Yet most doctors and scientists, many eminent, remain silent.
Adequately powered studies are needed to find out what is in the COVID-19 "vaccines”.

In the paper and in subsequent presentations, Hughes addressed a number of critics and objections to the findings as well as summarized many of the technological advances that led up to finding nanotech in vaccines:
Very complex images/videos to fake - and too many of them
A slight on the professionalism of the researchers involved
Separate studies from around the world independently corroborate one another
The researchers are more surprised than anyone
In principle, the findings are replicable
Commentators hesitate to entertain the possibility of nanotech in the shots because:
It sounds preposterous, like sci-fi, too far outside the spectrum of acceptable opinion. This reflects the limitations of human psychology, not scientific inquiry
Even if they question the COVID- 19 official narrative, their perceptual parameters are the virus, the spike protein, and other dangers in the disclosed ingredients. An effect of propaganda
They know nothing about bio-nanotechnology, so are not qualified to comment. Doctors, virologists, microbiologists would not know what they are looking at
Fear of reprisal (e.g. hit pieces by the MSM, losing their license to practice, threats to life, etc.) prevents people
from publicly expressing certain opinions
Envisaged by NASA in June 2001 (pre 9/11 !)
"Convergent technologies" document from 2002 (US National Science
Schwab: "a fusion of our physical, our biological, and our digital identities"
RAND Corporation: "the Internet of Bodies"
Nanotechnology within the body capable of communicating with an external network
Sold as a positive development in terms of healthcare (e.g. nanorobots can explore within the body and deliver precision payloads of medicine without the need for invasive surgery) - but can also be dual use technology
BlackRock's "Going Direct* plan August 2019. Repo market crisis Sep 2019. Event 201 in Oct 2019 (planning for a coronavirus pandemic). The "novel coronavirus is announced six weeks later and everything unfolds with implausible speed
IMF head Kristaling Georgieva announced a "new Bretton Woods moment" in October 2020, l.e. the largest overhaul of the International financial architecture since the end of WWIl
Georgieva, Aug 2021: "This year, next year, vaccine policy is economic policy, and it is an even higher priority than the traditional fools of fiscal and monetary policy. Why? Because without it, we cannot turn the fate of the world economy around"
2001: Charles Lieber pioneers self-assembling nano-biosensors - analogous to "a computer, suspended in a flask of liquid, which assembles itself when the liquid is poured onto a desktop" (Shaw 2001)
• 2011: Charles Lieber and colleagues use nanowires to create transistors so small that they can "enter and probe cells without disrupting the intracellular machinery," enabling "wo-way communication with individual cells" (Shaw 2011). Arguably the first example of the IT/Bio/Nano convergence in practice
2019: Lieber and colleagues based on experiments with rats:
A 1cm-squared net comprised of superfine "nanowire FETs [field effect transistors) as general biological nanosensors" can be injected via a syringe directly into brain tissue, where it can seamlessly integrate with neural tissue and remain intact for "at least a year" (Hong et al. 2018, 34-5)
Are neural field effect transistors injectable into humans, though not directly into brain tissue? If so, how long do they last [think: "booster shots”]?
Ignoring the health implications (e.g. toxicity of graphene):
Human beings could in principle be surveilled "from the inside out," down to the level of bodily functions and thoughts (through neural nets)
Two-way communication means that the technology could also, in principle, be
programmed/manipulated "from the outside in" (Le. remote-control human beings, dating back to MKULTRA Subproject 119 in the early 1960s)
Potential to disable crowds/individuals through frequency applications/EMF
A potential "Kill switch," "the perfect murder weapon"
Given the empirical and circumstantial evidence presented above, these possibilities need to be taken seriously
September 10th, 2022 – 400 Doctors, Scientists, and Professionals from more than 34 countries declare an international medical crisis due to Covid vaccine injuries and deaths. As of Sept 27th, the total number of signatories has ballooned to 20,000+

October 3rd, 2022 – The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) obtains adverse effects data for Covid “vaccines” tracked by a CDC smartphone-based tracking tool called V-Safe after a lawsuit and court order forced its release. The data reveals shocking information that should have caused the CDC to immediately shut down its Covid-19 vaccine program. Among numerous alarming results, out of the approximately 10 million individuals that registered and submitted data to v-safe, 782,913 individuals, or over 7.7% of v-safe users, had a health event requiring medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization. Over 25% had an event that required them to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities.
There were also 71 million reports of symptoms in the pre-populated fields from approximately 10 million users. This is an average of over seven symptoms reported per v-safe registrant. Reported symptoms include, for example, over 4 million reports of joint pain, a very concerning immune reaction. While around 2 million of these joint pain reports were mild, over 1.8 million of the reports were for moderate joint pain, and over 400,000 were for severe joint pain. Since V-safe only included less than 4 percent of people that received a Covid-19 vaccine, tens of millions of Americans likely had an immune reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine in their joints that resulted in debilitating pain and potential long-term harm.
On October 26th, 2022, ICAN breaks the following: The v-safe protocol lists a series of 15 potential “Adverse Events of Special Interest” but, unbelievably, the v-safe program itself will not even track these adverse events!
The potential adverse events identified by the CDC included the following: Acute myocardial infarction, anaphylaxis, death, Guillain-Barre syndrome, myocarditis, stroke, and transverse myelitis to name a few.
Instead of asking v-safe participants whether they experienced any of the above-listed serious adverse events, the v-safe system only asked about minor and generalized reactions such as “Chills,” “Headache,” “Fatigue or tiredness,” and “Vomiting.”
This was an incredible decision by the CDC that, in developing a program specifically designed to track adverse events to the COVID-19 vaccines, it chose not to include a single one of the serious adverse reactions it specifically knew to be on the lookout for in its list of pre-populated adverse events.
If users did, in fact, want to report one of the known “Adverse Events of Special Interest,” they would have to type it into a free-text field in v-safe that had a limited character count. ICAN continues to litigate to obtain the data from the v-safe free-text fields
October 7th, 2022 – A summary of the major vaccine death and adverse events reporting systems. All of the major systems appear to be victims of regulatory capture, and all make it incredibly difficult to find the # of deaths and adverse events without digging. The UK’s Yellow Card system splits it up between each manufacturer and each country in the UK[cliii], Australia keeps the death figure out of their tabulated summary and then claims that they are only able to verify 14 of the 939 reported deaths.[cliv] While the CDC purposely makes it hard to understand the data, the private Open VAERS project in the US run by vaccine-damaged individuals and the parents of vaccine-damaged children correlates and simplifies reporting with “Red Box Summaries”[clv]
Steve Kirsch, Founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation’s estimates of US deaths and adverse events with formula & backup data. Links at reference [clvi]
October 11th, 2022 – In testimony before the European Commission, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, was asked if the Pfizer Covid vaccine was tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market; she replied, “Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? Laughs. “No. These, umm… you know, we really had to move at the speed of science to understand what is taking place in the market.” European Parliament Member Rob Roos, who queried Small, said that this revelation exposes lies by the medical establishment and governments worldwide that begged people to get vaccinated to help protect others. He said that her admission removes the entire legal basis for the Covid passport. Pfizer’s action was criminal. People were caged in their own homes, economies were ruined, scores of people died from the ‘vaccines’, and millions were injured. [CLVII]
The CDC’s ACIP Committee voted to have the Covid “vaccines” added to the childhood immunization schedule even after excess mortality among children aged 0-14 in Europe soared with a shocking 691% increase since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021.[CLVIII] The increase represents a rise of 1,599% compared to the 2017 to 2020 average, according to statistics published by the European Mortality Monitoring Project (EuroMoMo).
October 19th, 2022 - The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) votes to have the Covid “vaccines,” the most deadly and harmful “vaccines” in modern history[CLIX] that are currently only approved under an Emergency Use Authorization, added to the recommended childhood immunization schedule.[CLX] While individual states set their own requirements, FOX News estimates that over a dozen states set their mandates based on the CDC regulations[CLXI], and other states will, no doubt, become the focus of vaccine industry lobbying and regulatory capture. The decision was made after the European Mortality Monitoring Project reported a 691% increase in excess mortality among children 0-14 since the European Medicines Agency approved the Comirnaty “vaccine” for children aged 12-15 on May 28th, 2021 and children aged 5-11 on November 25th, 2021. The increase in excess mortality represents an increase of 1,599% compared to the 2017 – 2020 average.[CLXII] It has been estimated that kids from 0-19 have an Infection Fatality Rate of 0.0003 (or 3 in 1,000,000 chance of dying from “The Covid”)[CLXIII] so forcing the most harmful and deadly “vaccines” on them is criminal.
Postscript – If the information provided in this investigation is shocking to you and contradicts everything you have been told about “The Covid” and “Vaccines” and the “Government” then there are two very important things you must understand to understand what is going on and how and why we were lied to and manipulated:
1. “Government” wasn’t designed to protect life, liberty and property. It is a technique for robbing, controlling and tax-farming humanity. It isn’t logical, and it isn’t moral. It was something we were all tricked into by mandatory “government” schools and accredited private ones. It has been the biggest scam in history! It is the scam that made the scam of “The Covid” possible! All the “governments” of the world are running the same bag of tricks on their populations… in Lock Step.
October 25th, 2022 – Dr. David Nixon, a physician in Australia, begins filming drops of Pfizer’s “vaccine” under high-resolution dark field optical microscopy over time and then speeding up the video, which reveals what appears to be nano-scale micro-machines engaged in the construction of the nano-scale “circuit-boards” and other structures. The videos, which we have archived in the Liberator folder: Nanotech in vaccines, nano magnetofection and Bluetooth MAC addresses, appear to show multiple micromachines working in tandem, grasping small elements with what appear to be pincers, and attaching to larger structures. Dr. Nixon is an additional researcher to the 26 researchers cataloged by Dr. David Hughes’ paper: What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity.
November 8th, 2022 – A pre-print study, Bivalent BNT162b2mRNA original/Omicron BA.4-5 booster vaccination: adverse reactions and inability to work compared to the monovalent COVID-19 booster, tracking adverse effects in 76 different healthcare workers who received all their vaccines and boosters finds that 20% of employees who received the bivalent boosters to 'protect against the omicron variant' were unable to work and nearly 9 out of 10 healthcare workers who received the bivalent booster against Omicron experienced a harmful effect. AND 5 out of 10 (51%) healthcare workers who received the original SARS-CoV-2 booster experienced a harmful effect.
All enrolled individuals previously had been administered an EMA-approved COVID-19 basic immunization, and a subsequent third, mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, defined as first booster vaccination. The second booster was performed with the monovalent BNT162b2mRNA vaccine or the bivalent BNT162b2mRNA original/Omicron
BA.4-5 vaccine.cxcviii
Postscript – If the information provided in this investigation is shocking to you and contradicts everything you have been told about “The Covid” and “Vaccines” and the “Government” then there are two very important things you must realize in order to understand what is going on and how and why we were lied to and manipulated:
1. “Government” wasn’t designed to protect life, liberty and property. It is a technique for robbing, controlling and tax-farming humanity. It is not logical, it is not moral. It was something we were all tricked into by mandatory “government” schools and accredited private ones. It has been the biggest scam in history! All the “governments” of the world are running the same bag of tricks on their populations… in Lock Step.
The good news is that we don’t need “Government.” The world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order, and everything the “government” does that is non-redistributive could be better done by the free market, non-profits, mutual aid societies, and real charities. Search engine: Voluntaryism to understand the philosophy of real liberty, or read “Government”—The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!
A media ownership chart from our free poster series, The White Rose MUCHO GRANDE, shows six monopoly media companies running hundreds of subsidiaries to give the population the illusion of choice in the media.
2. Control-of-Perception – the ability to control the information that the public receives on a given topic, whether that topic is “The Covid,” the legitimacy, necessity and desirability of “Government,” what happened on 9-11… or in the Gulf of Tonkin… or in Dealey Plaza is the most powerful weapon in the world. It is accomplished through a weaponized monopoly media system of six companies running hundreds of subsidiaries and 2-3 dozen internet and new media companies (CIA Google, YouTube, CIA Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Reddit, Wikipedia, Quora, Snopes, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Disqus, Meet Up and others) operating as a cartel to widely control perception algorithmically on the DARPA Internet. In Academia, it is controlled through the hierarchical control of information from official “government” sources (WHO, NIH, CDC, AMA, NIAID, etc.) that is then pushed down through monopoly AMA hospitals and state, country, city health departments, local governments, and mandatory “government” schools and state-run universities as gospel. No dissenting opinions are allowed.
Another free poster from the White Rose MUCHO GRANDE series shows how dozens and dozens of reporters from dozens of ostensibly unaffiliated media companies are apparently being coordinated through three front groups, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group. Three organizations that Jeffrey Epstein was also a member of…
A final White Rose MUCHO GRANDE poster showing a network of dozens of search engines, social media sites, and “fact checkers” caught censoring truthful information during the “pandemic” for the organized crime “government.” The poster is based on a visualization created by Matt Taibbi’s Racket News, and the network was exposed when Elon Musk took over Twitter and released the network’s communications with Twitter to the public.
[i] The details are documented in the research paper: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya
Raises Concern in the Developing World- and the free Children’s Health Defense documentary: Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.-
[ii] That Time The United States Sterilized 60,000 Of Its Citizens by Alexandra Minna Stern | Professor, University of Michigan,
[iii] Margaret Sanger’s extreme brand of eugenics by John J. Conley, America- The Jesuit Review, July 28, 2020,
[iv] Top Health Official Cashes in on Merck Stock By Dr. Joseph Mercola,
[v] Since the earliest days of germ theory postulated by Louis Pasteur, there has been a competing school of medical thought known as Terrain Theory popularized by Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp, or the idea that dis-ease is caused by the body producing a toxic environment. Germ theory was seized upon and promoted by the for-profit pharmaceutical industry as a mechanism to sell trillions of dollars in vaccine. The best modern books that expose the scam are: What Really Makes You Ill by Dawn Lester and Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht
[vi] 10 Richest People Who Have Ever Lived, and The 20 Richest People of All-Time Adjusted for Inflation,
[vii] The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics by Edwin Black,
[viii] When Racism Was a Science, New York Times, Oct 14 2014,
[ix] 10 Richest People Who Have Ever Lived, and The 20 Richest People of All-Time Adjusted for Inflation,
[x] Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America by E. Richard Brown, PDF archived in the Liberator:
[xi] “15,000,000 Americans Defective, They Say“ Subhead: Gigantic Eugenic Enterprise Organized for Sterilization of Unfit of Nation, Washington Herald, September 3rd, 1915,
[xv] Image from Wikipedia:
[xviii] Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza – Dr. Milton J. Rosenau,
[xix] Swine Flu Expose by Eleanor McBean, Chapter 2- PDF in the Liberator Dropbox:
[xxi] The U.S. Military and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919, Carol R. Byerly, PhD,
[xxii] Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza – Dr. Milton J. Rosenau,
[xxiii] Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 2: Microbial challenges from masks by Boris Borovoy, Colleen Huber, Maria Crisler,
[xxvi] Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 2: Microbial challenges from masks by Boris Borovoy, Colleen Huber, Maria Crisler,
[xxvii] Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence by Karen M. Starko published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 49, Issue 9, 15 November 2009, Pages 1405–1410,
[xxviii] Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence by Karen M. Starko published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 49, Issue 9, 15 November 2009, Pages 1405–1410,
[xxix] Ibid 1408
[xxx] Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases,
[xxxi] Wikipedia, Entry of Standard Oil President William Stamps Farish,
[xxxiv] Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb by Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout,
[xxxv] Memorandum_to_Bernard_Berelson_President_Population_Council_3_11_1969_by_Frederick_S_Jaffe- copies to the Liberator Dropbox:
[xxxvi] Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb by Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout,
[xxxvii] National Security Study Memorandum 200 at
[xxxviii] G P Talwar and N C Sharma and S K Dubey and M Salahuddin and C Das and S Ramakrishnan and S Kumar and V Hingorani, Isoimmunization against human chorionic gonadotropin with conjugates of processed beta-subunit of the hormone and tetanus toxoid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 73:1, pp 218-222, 1976, doi 10.1073/pnas.73.1.218,
In funding notes at the end of the text: “This project was funded by a Research and Training Center Grant of the World Health Organization (animal experiments only), the Family Planning Foundation of India, and the International Committee for Contraception Research.”
[xxxix] List of presidents of the United States who were Freemasons,Wikipedia,
[xl] Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Gerald Ford". Encyclopedia Britannica, Invalid Date, Accessed 4 October 2022.
[xli] Nelson Rockefeller, vice president of United States, Encylopedia Britannica,
[xlii] Britannica, The Information Architects of Encyclopaedia. "Dick Cheney". Encyclopedia Britannica, Invalid Date, Accessed 4 October 2022.
[xliii] 1976 swine flu outbreak, Wikipedia,
[xliv] Getty Images,
[xlv] Gaydos JC, Top FH Jr, Hodder RA, Russell PK. Swine influenza a outbreak, Fort Dix, New Jersey, 1976. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006 Jan;12(1):23-8. doi: 10.3201/eid1201.050965. PMID: 16494712; PMCID: PMC3291397.
[xlvi] Current list of the mandatory vaccinations required by the US Army from their website and vaccination policy:
[xlvii] Gaydos JC, Top FH Jr, Hodder RA, Russell PK. Swine influenza a outbreak, Fort Dix, New Jersey, 1976. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006 Jan;12(1):23-8. doi: 10.3201/eid1201.050965. PMID: 16494712; PMCID: PMC3291397.
[xlviii] Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. 1977, Chapter: No Swine Flu Epidemic, reproduced here:
[xlix] Calculated with the US Inflation Calculator at
[l] Remarks Upon Signing Emergency Appropriations Legislation for the National Swine Flu Immunization Program, The American Presidency Project,
[li] 1976 swine flu outbreak, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
[lii] 1976 swine flu outbreak, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
[liii] 1976 swine flu outbreak, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
[liv] Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. 1977, reproduced here:
[lv] Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. 1977, reproduced here:
[lvi] THE ISOLATION OF HIV -- HAS IT REALLY BEEN ACHIEVED? THE CASE AGAINST by Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Valendar F.Turner, John M. Papadimitriou, and David Causer, Continuum
Vol.4 No.3 Sept./Oct. 1996 -
[lvii] From the list of AIDS whistleblowers at
[lviii][lviii] Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report of 1988, Page 22
[lix] Human Reproduction Update 1997, Vol. 3, No. 4 pp. 301–310, European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
[lx] Baby-Killing Vaccine: Is It Being Stealth Tested? by James A. Miller, EWTN Global Catholic Network, The article references an article entitled: "Abortifacient vaccines loom as new threat," from Human Life International November 1993 Report, pp. 1-2 that appears to have been scrubbed off the internet. I have an inquiry out to HLI.
[lxi] Deadly Immunity – Government Cover-up of a Mercury/Autism Scandal By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,
[lxiii] Wikipedia entry on Cipro -
[lxiv] Bush Calls for $7.1 Billion to Prepare for Bird Flu Threat, By Timothy Williams, The New York Times, Nov. 1, 2005,
[lxv] Donald Rumsfeld , 'Dr. Doom,' to Profit From Bird Flu Hoax by Dr. Mercola,,September 15, 2006 - Archived at:
[lxvi] Tamiflu: Millions wasted on flu drug, claims major report by James Gallagher, BBC News, 10 April 2014 -
[lxvii] Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in adults and children by Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
[lxviii] Tamiflu A Criminal Scam BY
[lxix] Press Release: Tamiflu Fraud Bilked $1.5 Billion from Government, Alleges Whistleblower, Lanier Law Firm Jan 13, 2020 -
[lxx] Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug by Geoffrey Lean and Jonathan Owen, The Independent, Sunday 12 March 2006 -
[lxxi] Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu, By Nelson D. Schwartz, Fortune, October 31, 2005:
[lxxii] The Swine Flu Panic of 2009. By SPIEGEL staff, March 12th 2010 -
[lxxiii] Swine flu vaccine supplier has to pay back millions, Rajeev Syal and Sakshi Ojha, The Guardian,
Sat 10 Oct 2009-
[lxxiv] EU to probe pharma over “false pandemic” by Lynne Taylor,Pharmatimes on-line,
4th January 2010 -
[lxxv] The Swine Flu Panic of 2009, Spiegel,
[lxxvi] Godlee F (June 2010). "Conflicts of interest and pandemic flu". BMJ. 340: c2947. doi:10.1136/bmj.c2947. PMID 20525680. S2CID 323055.
[lxxvii] H1N1 Swine Flu No Worse Than Seasonal Flu, by Daniel J. DeNoon, WebMD, Medically Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD on September 07, 2010 -
[lxxviii] "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”, The Rockefeller Foundation, pages 18-25,
[lxxix] The details are documented in the research paper: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya
Raises Concern in the Developing World- and the free Children’s Health Defense documentary: Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.-
[lxxxii] Hunter Biden Invested In A Pandemic Firm Collaborating With Daszak’s EcoHealth and The Wuhan Lab, by NATALIE WINTERS, The National Pulse, JUNE 28, 2021,
[lxxxiii] Biolabs in Ukraine: Who are Metabiota’s Investors? By Rhoda Wilson, DailyExposé.uk Monday, March 21, 2022 -
[lxxxiv] Video of the exchange between Klaus Schwab and David Gergen:
[lxxxv][lxxxv] Biography of George Fu Gao | Participant for Event 201 (,
[lxxxvi] Biography of Avril Haines | Participant for Event 201 (
[lxxxvii] Biography of Timothy Grant Evans | Participant for Event 201 (
[lxxxviii] Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, “A World at Risk”, (Sept 2019),
[lxxxix] FDA Press Release:
[xc] 1 in 4 Women Who Became Pregnant After Receiving Monkeypox Vax Suffered ‘Spontaneous Abortion’: CDC by Jon Fleetwood, July 20th 2022,
[xci] Ownership percentages as of Sept 26th 2022 via MarketScreener:
[xcii] Press Release: Bavarian Nordic Wins Up-to-$539M BARDA Contract for Smallpox Vaccine:
[xciii] Press Release: U.S. Government Orders Another 2.5 Million Doses of Monkeypox Vaccines from Bavarian Nordic, 6th paragraph -
[xciv] Company Press Release: Bavarian Nordic Awarded Ten-Year Contract Amendment valued up to USD 434 million for the Supply of Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine to Canada -
[xcv] Netflix Explained episode details on IMDB:
[xcvi] U.S. D.O.D issued a contract for COVID-19 Research to a company in Ukraine, 3 months before COVID-19 was known to exist By The Exposé on October 6, 2022 -
[xcvii] CDC website. Archived at:
[xcix] Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic, Great Game India, June 20, 2021 -
[c] WHO Covid Timeline,
[ci] A Farewell to Virology by Dr. Mark Bailey, pages 29-30,
[cii] The Brainwashing of a Nation | Edward Bernays by Yvonne Nachtigal, The Christian Observer, September 2, 2018 -
[ciii] Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR separator by Victor M Corman1 , Olfert Landt2 , Marco Kaiser3 , Richard Molenkamp4 , Adam Meijer5 , Daniel KW Chu6 , Tobias Bleicker1 , Sebastian Brünink1 , Julia Schneider1 , Marie Luisa Schmidt1 , Daphne GJC Mulders4 , Bart L Haagmans4 , Bas van der Veer5 , Sharon van den Brink5 , Lisa Wijsman5 , Gabriel Goderski5 , Jean-Louis Romette7 , Joanna Ellis8 , Maria Zambon8 , Malik Peiris6 , Herman Goossens9 , Chantal Reusken5 , Marion PG Koopmans4 , Christian Drosten1
[civ] FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever by Christine Massey,
[cv] Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction–Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates
Rita Jaafar, Sarah Aherfi, Nathalie Wurtz, Clio Grimaldier, Thuan Van Hoang, Philippe Colson, Didier Raoult, Bernard La Scola, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 72, Issue 11, 1 June 2021, Page e921,
[cvi] WHO Information Notice for Users 2020/05:
Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2-
[cvii] PCR Tests Are A Total Scam: World Health Organisation Finally Admits It… by MICHAEL J SULLIVAN21 JANUARY 2021,
[cviii] BIS Working Papers No 966: The Treasury market in spring 2020 and the response of the Federal Reserve by Annette Vissing-Jørgensen-
[cix] The Dubious COVID Models, The Tests and Now the Consequences By F. William Engdahl Global Research, February 16, 2021 -
[cx] IHME Press Release - New COVID-19 forecasts: US hospitals could be overwhelmed in the second week of April by demand for ICU beds, and US deaths could total 81,000 by July, March 26, 2020 -
[cxi] Jewell NP, Lewnard JA, Jewell BL. Caution Warranted: Using the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Model for Predicting the Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann Intern Med. 2020 Aug 4;173(3):226-227. doi: 10.7326/M20-1565. Epub 2020 Apr 14. PMID: 32289150; PMCID: PMC7197035.
[cxii] CNBC Audio Clip: Billionaire investor Bill Ackman: I went into lockdown almost a month ago to save my father from coronavirus, Bill Ackman, Pershing Square Capital CEO, calls into ‘Halftime Report’ to discuss why it is urgent that people go home for at least 30 days, Wed, Mar 18 2020 -
[cxix] ‘People Are Dying’: Battling Coronavirus Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital | NYT News -
[cxx] Real World or Simulation – video by the Amazing Polly saved in the Liberator Dropbox:
[cxxi][cxxi] What Is the CARES Act?-What was in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill? By Investorpedia
[cxxii] Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D,
[cxxiii] Bill Gates is helping fund new factories for 7 potential coronavirus vaccines, even though it will waste billions of dollars by Isobel Asher Hamilton, Business Insider, Apr 3, 2020 -
[cxxiv] Defence chief says 77th Brigade is countering Covid misinformation, 22nd April 2020, By Gregor Young, The National,
[cxxv] How children are spoofing Covid-19 tests with soft drinks, BBC,
[cxxviii] Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu, By Nelson D. Schwartz, Fortune, October 31, 2005:
[cxxix] U.S. working on plan to designate who cares for sick by USA Today, oct 8th, 2005 -
[cxxx] FDA authorizes use of Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir for patients severely ill with covid-19 by Laurie McGinley and
Christopher Rowland, The Washington Post, May 1, 2020, archived at:
[cxxxi] Remdesivir; Snake Oil or The Balm of Gilead? by Carter Heavy Industries, June 30th 2020,
[cxxxii] A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics, December 12, 2019
N Engl J Med 2019; 381:2293-2303, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910993
[cxxxiii] A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics, December 12, 2019
N Engl J Med 2019; 381:2293-2303, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910993
[cxxxvii] US buys up world stock of key Covid-19 drug remdesivir, Sarah Boseley, The Guardian, Tue 30 Jun 2020,
[cxxxviii] When coronavirus kills, it’s like death by drowning — and doctors disagree on best treatment By LISA M. KRIEGER, Bay Area News Group,
[cxxxix] Tanzania coronavirus kits raise suspicion after goat and pawpaw test positive,
Kate Ng, The Independent, Tuesday 12 May 2020-
[cxl] WEF website,
[cxli] Tanzania's Samia Suluhu Hassan gets Covid jab in policy reverse, BBC, 28 July 2021-
[cxlii][cxlii] Full list of the participants can be found in the NTI’s paper: Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats: Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference- WEF associated participants include: Emily Leproust- and Arnaud Bernaert - CFR participants include: Dr. Ernest Moniz - and Dr. Beth Cameron -
[cxlv] Covid case data downloaded from the CDC’s Covid Data Tracker at and summed with MS Excel for the same range as the seasonal flu season.
[cxlviii] SWINE FLU PROGRAM IS HALTED IN 9 STATES AS 3 DIE AFTER SHOTS By Harold M. Schmeck Jr., The New York Times,
[cxlix] Rockefeller Foundation Press Release: The Rockefeller Foundation Injects USD 55 Million to Get Covid-19 Shots From Airports to Arms -
[cl] U.S. Buys Millions of Monkeypox Vaccines As Massachusetts Man Infected, BY Ed Browne, Newsweek,
[clii] Large German Insurer Reports Staggering Rise in Adverse Effects from COVID-19 Vaccines by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson, Daily Skeptic, 13 August 2022 -
[cliv] Australian Gov't -Dept of Health & Aged Care, Therapeutic Goods Administration, COVID-19 vaccine safety report - 06-10-2022 -
[clv] Open VAERS Project, Covid Red Box Summaries -
[clvi] Steve Kirsch’s Slides Showing US Estimates of Death & Adverse Events + Under Reporting Factor: Download his full slide deck with active links from: The Liberator Dropbox:
[CLVII] Bombshell: Pfizer Exec admits COVID vaccine never tested on preventing transmissions, October 11, 2022, by Mario Lotmore, Lynnwood Times (with Video of Testimony)-
[CLVIII] Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA first approved COVID Vaccine for Children, By The Expose, August 29, 2022-
[CLIX] VAERS data summarized by the Open VAERS Project in their “Red Box Summaries” of deaths and adverse effects:
[CLX] Video of the Actual Vote: CDC Votes 15-0 to Add COVID-19 Vax to "Vaccines for Children (VFC)" Program, -
[CLXI] CDC Takes Issue With Carlson's Segment on COVID Vax Being Required for Kids. Fox News Host Responds. by Leah Barkoukis,, October 20, 2022 -
[CLXII] Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA first approved COVID Vaccine for Children, By The Expose, August 29, 2022-
[CLXIII] Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly informed from pre-vaccination national seroprevalence studies by Angelo Maria Pezzullo, Cathrine Axfors, Despina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Alexandre Apostolatos, and John P.A. Ioannidis, medRxiv 2022.10.11.22280963; doi:
What did we forget? Please leave other suggested entries to the timeline here and e-mail to evidence (at)
Thank you Etienne for the tremendous research. Would love to have this in PDF format and print it out and create a commentary on it so as to better retain the information. Thanks Again!