The Anarchists - Episode 2 Review & Crowd Sourced Investigation Strikes Gold!: Witness: "[Anarchapulco] drugs came from the CIA"
It's the Organized Crime CIA and Hollywood trying to "steer and smear" voluntaryism and anarchy because they expose the illegitimacy and criminality of "Government", the media, and academia.
Complete investigation, reviews, backstory, and propaganda reveal.
This is the 2nd article in a series about the scam of HBO’s propaganda series: The Anarchists and Anarchapulco, a conference of peaceful anarchists set up by an intelligence agency, most likely the CIA, to “Steer and Smear” the most powerful political movements in the world: voluntaryism, peaceful anarchism, anarcho-capitalism, and crypto-anarchism because they are exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of the “Government” and crypto-anarchy, with its focus on honest, stateless money, threatens the dishonest, crooked money system.
This is a review of episode 2 of The Anarchists, Forking Freedom.
Please consider supporting our investigation and getting access to the entire article for $5 per month on Substack or become a Founding Member for $250 and get a hardcopy of the upcoming 5th edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scams in History… Exposed!
In the 1st article, The Anarchists – Is HBO Trying to “Chump” Their Audience About Anarchy?, we broke down the suspicious backgrounds of the Executive Producers from Blumhouse Television who had a documentary crew embedded with the conference for six years. We exposed the shady history of many of the “anarchists” being held up as leaders and examples of “Anarchists” and how they were almost designed… nay… Cast! to make anarchism and cryptocurrencies look seedy and disreputable.
In this review of the 2nd Episode in the series we will expose the shady executive producers on the HBO side of the house, Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller, who appear to be some of the most prolific propagandists in Hollywood… In 1976 the US Senate looked into the CIA’s control of the media in the Church Committee hearings If I was the Senate holding a “Church Committee II” hearing on CIA propaganda efforts directed against the global population, I would start with interviewing these two under oath! HBO is owned by Warner Bros Discovery that also owns CNN.
CNN is fake “government” news, and HBO is fake “government” documentaries, and Ms. Abraham and Heller appear to be whitewashing criminality and suspected criminality of the intelligence agencies. (Covered in more depth behind the paywall)!
Most Importantly, leading with the punchline: Our open source, crowd-sourced investigation has already turned up first-hand witnesses to: Jeff Berwick confessing to being the controlled opposition in the voluntaryist/anarchist movement and Paul Propert confessing that the cocaine came from the CIA!
The Evidence of Propaganda/Deception Gets Even Better and More Obvious in Episode 2! We have screenshots and examples of the Directors and editors using unethically manipulative subliminal techniques including: control-of-perspective, subliminal images, and psychologically upsetting subliminal words throughout the “documentary”!
Have we caught the CIA dealing drugs into the liberty movement and running a control-of-perception propaganda campaign to denigrate the only social and political movement that both exposes the illegitimacy and criminality of “government” and offers the ONLY alternative fair for everyone: voluntaryism/anarchism – No one gets the ring of power, everyone has the exact same rights, no one has rights that other people don’t, no one gets an exception from morality.. not even “government”.
Finally, since the 1st article in this series was published, Dropbox has begun censoring our evidence of “Government” and Media Criminality… The links we included in article one in the series to expose the evidence of what really happened in intelligence agency false flag events like 9-11 and hoax shootings for gun control that the executive producers have been deceiving the population on with their documentaries are now being blocked on Dropbox!! Read on for details and screenshots and how we have turned on a mirror of the evidence on Mega Upload to get around the cartel censorship!
The Evidence of Unethically Manipulative Propaganda Techniques on HBO’s Unsuspecting Audience.
One of the biggest “tells” that this is a propaganda operation is the use of unethically manipulative subliminal messages. These subliminal messages are integrated into the story line and used to disgust/offend the audience to the characters (“The Anarchists”) without the audience really understanding why… after watching HBO’s mind control attempt… they just don’t really like “Anarchists” even though many have never really met an “anarchist”
Subliminal Techniques Used Include:
Subliminal Imagery – Subliminal messages are words/symbols that are flashed on the screen for a very short time. Long enough for your brain to register disgust or pleasure BUT not long enough for the propaganda victim to understand that it happened.
The flashing of “Baphomets”/ and or flipping-the-bird-at-the-camera – The Baphomet is a hand sign associated with the occult and satanism in pop culture BUT given multiple meanings (Rock and roll!, Hook em Horns, I Love You(Sign Language) to allow it to be used in propaganda BUT easily used to offend Christians (and people who understand the propaganda technique!)
Having images of your characters flipping-the-bird-at-the-camera (I.E. “The Viewer”) accomplishes the same dynamic and is being used in the series as well! Above are three examples from Episode 2. There are more in Episode #1, and we will start keeping an episode-by-episode-Baphomet-tracker! This week: Three (3) Baphomets and Two (2) Flipping-the-birds! ! If someone wants to go back and count em up and screen shot em in episode 1 then please e-mail me with, ideally, screen times visible and the final counts.
The Cutting of Bloody Meat – Bloody meat can be psychologically disturbing to some and off-putting to vegetarians and vegans… by design…
Psychologically Upsetting Text Flashed on the Screen – Sometimes the propagandist will just flash an image on the screen where the focus is the images (like in the example above) BUT the brain is able to read the rest of the text on the screen and be unsettled by something being “covered in dark blood” and “…blood up and around the entire inside of the bus” especially when paired with an image that looks like every parent’s nightmare.
Framing is a propaganda technique used to deceive audiences by controlling the narrative around an event like Anarchapulco by controlling where the camera is aimed and who is being covered, held up, associated with, and interviewed, which is readily apparent when you understand what to look for.
Framing– The ability to control the focus of the camera is the advantage of the propagandist. Anarchapulco was a conference of thousands of people who each spent thousands of dollars on the conference tickets, travel, and accommodations at a five-star resort. It was a high-end crowd with many-to-most focused on health, spiritual enlightenment and personal development. 96-ish% of people had nothing to do with hard drugs like Cocaine. The average attendees were entrepreneurs, business owners, digital nomads, retired expats, investors, crypto-investors, and free thinkers… Many of the speakers were acknowledged experts in everything from political philosophy to economics to cryptocurrencies. By focusing on the 0.25% of people at the conference that are drug dealers, free-loaders and mental cases suffering from “government” induced PTSD Schramke/BlumHouse/Warner Bros Discovery/HBO are tarring the 99.75% with their nasty visual toilet brush.
Most attendees weren’t coming for Berwick.. they were coming for the legitimate speakers like Larken Rose, Derrick Broze, Kenny Palurintano, Carey Wedler, David Rodriguez and Artists like Rob Hustle, and others used to “crowd-gather” the movement but who appear to be deliberately left out of the Schramke’s conference footage while widely suspected controlled opposition media figures like Jeff Berwick, Luke Rudikowski, Dayna Martin, and Adam Kokesh are being featured prominently.
Guilt By Association - Because the genuine voluntaryist / peaceful anarchist, anarcho-capitalist movement is being purposely hidden from the population on the weaponized controlled media platforms most people have never met or seen accurately represented what a genuine voluntaryist/anarchist or anarcho-capitalist believes in… especially in this “documentary” except for maybe 5-10 minutes of Larken Rose and a couple of other speakers
So… What is the HBO Audience Deceived into Believing About “Anarchists” From Warner Bros Discovery-HBO/Blumhouse Television/Schramke?
Here is a summary:
Anarchists are diseased, nasty, unkempt, adulterous, unstable, drunks with PTSD that flash satanic baphomets, live in dumps with nasty toilets, where they burn flags, say: "Fuck the Troops", live off their wives, hate Santa Claus, and are associated with the scam of the Bitcoin (a Ponzi scheme!) which they get from ATMs they steal from strip clubs.

I have a dozen more examples, but you get the idea… Most people in the audience are formulating their opinions about Anarchists based on a Warner Bros Discovery/HBO trick… they are purposely lying to the audience about what kind of people Anarchists are, what they believe and who are the leaders of the movement. By promoting Berwick, Dayna Martin, Joby Weeks, Luke Rudkowski and crew, they both steal the oxygen from legitimate leaders while steering people to Berwick/Dayna Martin/Joby Weeks/Luke Rudkowski where the uninitiated either:
Recoil in disgust after doing a modicum of focused research on the internet and think Anarchists are scum.
Get captured in these controlled opposition media / social media programs so they can be steered, gate-kept and suckered in Ponzi schemes, scams and controlled opposition media operations.
Warner Bros Discovery/HBO/Scumhouse. are chumping their audience in a way that protects the organized crime “government,” and the producers’ 7 and 8-figure paychecks are being enabled by the theft-of-trillions (“bailouts,” “stimulus,” no-bid contracts, ethanol, unneeded weapons for foreign wars based on lies and manufactured intelligence, etc.) made possible by “government,” the banks and their monopoly media companies. “Government” is robbing you and stealing the value out of your money, and Warner Bros Discovery/HBO/Scumhouse is lying to you and distracting you away from who really did it!
The Crowd-Sourced Investigation Into HBO’s The Anarchists and Anarchapuclo Strikes GOLD!
I did two interviews this week with first-hand witnesses, including an ex-employee of Berwick’s previous operations and an ex-employee of Anarchapulco, who was mentioned in the documentary and intimately connected with most of the main players. Note: First-hand witness #2 has changed her mind about speaking on the record, so we are asking that others come forward or make introductions to participants willing to participate in this investigation.
James Guzman First Hand Witness #1 - Multi-year employee of Jeff Berwick’s operations prior to Anarchapulco including AnarchoCondos and Galt’s Gulch Chile up until the 1st Anarchapulco conference. Has publicly blown the whistle on Berwick’s criminality previously and has been amassing his own collection of evidence on his website:
“Berwick walked around coked up or drunk all the time… We couldn’t figure out where the money was coming from… …Berwick was spending money like crazy… [even though] “Every one of his businesses was losing money for years at a time… He had his whole family on the payroll.. Worst businessman I have ever seen in my life…. He would disappear for a week at a time… Not even his right-hand man could reach him… you couldn’t text him… you couldn’t call him… I would look into who pumped him early on.. It was Doug Casey… That was how Berwick got his initial audience…”
Confidential First-Hand Witness #2 – Female employee of Anarchapulco and close personal friends (at the time) with Jeff Berwick, Luke Rudkowski, Paul Propert, The Freemans, and the entire crew…
“I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this was a government operation”
“Berwick believed he was possessed and when he would get drunk he would be taken over”
“His wife, Kena, practiced Santeria,” and he described her as “the most powerful witch in Acapulco but a good witch” and “Kena will murder people… She doesn’t give a fuck”
Berwick made a drunken confession on a Signal call that “He and Luke {Rudkowski] were the controlled opposition”
The Freemans would throw drug parties and distribute low-grade ecstasy at their wedding reaffirmation ceremony. They were polyamorous and shopping for a 2nd wife for Nathan.
Nathan told her that he “had participated in a government-sponsored hacking event”
The witness is convinced that Paul Propert had Gino murdered, and he communicated in a msg to her and others: “Gino had gotten into the meth and had to be put down”
Paul told her he pretended to be less intelligent than he really was.
Paul told the witness: “The cocaine was coming from the CIA.”
Note: This story was edited on 7/28/22 based on a review from Confidential Witness #2 to improve accuracy (Berwick confessed on a Signal call vs. Skype), Paul wrote that” Gino had gotten into the meth and had to be put down” in a msg vs. spoke it to her, and that Berwick had confessed “that he and Luke [Rudkowski] were the controlled opposition” not specifically “in the anarchy movement” and other minor changes that don’t affect the story materially.
End of Free Preview
What is Behind the Paywall This Week?
Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller – Serial “Government” Propagandists?
- Oh, look… The producers from HBO also specialize in making propaganda for the organized crime “government” as well…
A List of Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller Documentaries that Promote a Pro-“Government” Version of Events Where the Intelligence Agencies Committed Crimes or were Suspected of Being Involved.
Feedback from the Anarchapulco and voluntaryist/peaceful anarchist community on our investigation
Where to Find More Articles on Our Investigation
The Anarchists - Is HBO Trying to "Chump" Their Audience about Anarchy?
-The Anarchists exposes how the organized crime CIA & monopoly media control perception using propaganda, engineered "reality" and controlled opposition media to "steer and smear" political movements
HBO's The Anarchists - Episode 3 - Propaganda Breakdown and Backstory
-CIA "Easter Eggs," more subliminals and a mini-breakdown of the whole scam
HBO's The Anarchists - Episode 4 - Propaganda Breakdown - Are John Galton and Paul Propert Really Dead?
-10 Solid Reasons Why I Think the Murder Was Staged as Part of HBO/Scumhouse's "Reality" Show
If the CIA isn't behind HBO's "The Anarchists" and Anarchapulco then Why is my Expose Being Censored by CIA Google?
-Also... My Challenge to the Critics of my Thesis.. The One Question that NO ONE will Answer!
Go paid at the $5 a month level, and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the
Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! AND a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.
Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.
If you have evidence about the scam of HBO’s The Anarchists or Anarchapulco then please contact us at
Wishlist: We would like to speak to someone who understands what laws the CIA could be breaking by operating domestically (targeting an American audience even though the conference was technically in Mexico) and what laws the Executive Producers of HBO and Blumhouse could be charged under.
Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller – Serial “Government” Propagandists?
Similar to the background of Blumhouse Television Executive Producer Mary Lisio, that suggests she is a serial propagandist for the CIA in Hollywood doing custom hit pieces like: The Anarchists! Or covering up agency operations OR reinforcing “government” narratives around operations like the Oklahoma City Bombing/PATCON, 9-11, or the Waco massacre where the intelligence agencies are the prime suspects in false flag attacks for police state and hoax shootings for gun control.
HBO Propagandists Lisa Heller and Nancy Abraham Selling “The Covid”
But wait… there is more… It looks like Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller are playing the exact same role for the agencies with HBO! They are creating content that covers up intelligence agency involvement of various crimes and even doing the same kind of infomercial recruiting ad (The Recruiter) similar to Lisio’s Ten Weeks. I suspect that the organized crime intelligence agencies and affiliated private interests (Pfizer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.) come to propagandists like Nancy Abraham, Lisa Heller, Mary Lisio, Jerimiah Crowell, Jason Blum, and Michael Bay with propaganda orders, funding and a revenue share if the team can make the sucker public actually pay for it.
Many people don’t realize that the intelligence agencies and the Defense Department have a role in more than 800+ Movies and 1000+ television shows (I.E. “HBO Docuseries”). This expose from Insurge Intelligence was recently censored off the Medium content platform where it had been for years but we have it backed up on our uncensorable flashdrive of freedom: The Liberator:
Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller Documentaries that Promote a Pro-“Government” Version of Events Where the Intelligence Agencies Committed Crimes or were Suspected of Being Involved.
How to Survive a Pandemic – 2022 – From IMDB: Chronicles the global race to research, develop, manufacture and distribute COVID-19 vaccines in the most enormous coordinated public health effort ever undertaken. Our Take: “The Covid” was a “government” and media scam enabled by the information control of Warner Bros Discovery/HBO “documentaries”. “Former” Deputy Director Avril Haines was an admitted participant in Event 201, the Bill and Melinda Gates, John Hopkins and World Economic Forum tabletop planning exercise for a novel coronavirus less than six months before “The Covid” hit.
Best Evidence of “Government” and Media Criminality around “The Covid” from: The Liberator:
IMPORTANT: Ever since we began publishing evidence of “government” and media criminality related to this investigation in article#1 we have been getting censored by Dropbox. We can no longer create links for new articles/evidence, AND the links from Article 1 have been turned off, starting with the folders exposing Sandy Hook and Parkland.
BACK UP COPIES: Here is our evidence of “government” and media criminality around the Covid” from our back-up to cartel Dropbox: Mega Upload. Would someone please contact investor relations at Dropbox and let them know if they are going to be censoring evidence of “Government” and media criminality for the intelligence agencies then they are going to need to disclose that to investors and the potential that has to harm their brand identity in a material way. Mega Upload is a service similar to Dropbox from New Zealand. We are now testing it as an option to get information on “government” and media criminality out to the public:
Here is a link to the complete Liberator Dropbox back up, including Folder #2, with the evidence of false flag terrorism for police state and hoax shooting for gun control:
The Liberator (all 5 Folders):
The Forever Prisoner – 2021 – From IMDB: Follows the story of Abu Zubaydah, the first high-value detainee subjected to the CIA's program, later identified as torture by those outside the agency. Snapshot evaluation: Polishes the turd of CIA torture and legitimizes it because someone wrote down that torture was legal on a piece of paper. The mental slavery of Statism.
Four Hours at the Capital – 2021 – From IMDB: A chronicle of the incursion at the U.S. Capitol, when thousands of citizens from across the country gathered in Washington D.C., many with the intent of disrupting the certification of Joe Biden's presidency. Our Take: The organized crime “government”s perspective on what smells like an intelligence agency operation to take out the Trump movement through a staged “insurrection” for maximum divide and conquer along the fake left-right paradigm.
Obama: Toward a More Perfect Union – 2021 – From IMDB: Multi-part documentary explores the journey of Barack Obama from his early upbringing to the 44th U.S. President, set against the backdrop of the country's unfolding racial history. Our Take: Promotion of the Statist “Pope” Barack Obama, who is widely believed to be a CIA “created legend” and installed politician: and
Song of Parkland – 2019 – reinforces the official story of a shooting for gun control
Our Megaupload (Cause we are being censored on Dropbox!) repository of evidence exposing “government” and media criminality around Parkland:
What Happened on September 11th – Propaganda documentary reinforcing the official story of yet another historical event where the intelligence agencies and the media are widely believed to be the real culprits.
Our Megaupload (Cause we are being censored on Dropbox!) repository of evidence exposing “government” and media criminality in 9-11:
Community Feedback
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with the most popular comment being: I never trusted Berwick, or Berwick always was shady
Here are some specific comments:
“I have no intention of watching the series. I've felt from the beginning that Kim & Todd were controlled opposition” – K, Anarchapulco attendee since 2015
“Thought it was a well done expose, anxiously awaiting your follow-up post the last episode. Keep up the good work, brother” – Ace – Voluntaryist & Caledonian
About the Author
Etienne de la Boetie² is the nom de plume of a voluntaryist author, father, technology entrepreneur, cyclist, runner, hot yogi, multi-disciplinarian truther, armchair economist, cryptocurrency enthusiast, and neo-abolitionist who is experimenting with large-scale cult deprogramming. Mr. Boetie² distills 20+ years of research into short, easily-digestible treatises on individual subjects and optimizes them for the 65% of society who are visual learners. Boetie² includes references and links to more comprehensive research and the “authentic voices” of the developing alternative media.
Mr. Boetie was a multi-year attendee and speaker at Anarchapuclo where he had the best selling book of the conference in 2018, 2019 and 2020. He also threw one of the best attended parties of the conference: The Art of Liberty on the Beach aKa: The Turtle Party. You can see his 2020 speech here:
Mr. Boetie² is also the founder of a start-up public policy organization: The Art of Liberty Foundation, that is developing voluntary and free market solutions to social issues while exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “government”, and the hidden curriculum of organized crime’s mandatory government schools, scouting programs, and police/military “training”: The pseudo-religion of Statism, obedience, fealty, “order-following” and tax slavery.
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Jeez! you have your work cut out collating and collecting all that evidence, and good for you for doing so. Verbal and written ammo is always good, BUT, despite the fact that the powers which shouldn't be are still in power and disseminating their corruption, poisons and BS, they are like criminals being dragged to justice kicking and screaming and doing as much harm as they can along the way, but it won't be long now...they are in their death throes and they know it, fools, murderers and idiots that they are, they know their time is near, as do those who have colluded for financial benefit and the need to feel in control and powerful, and it's not the time they desired. The masses are amassing and they are many.
So, I am noticing so many shots that turn off people to Voluntaryism as well. In episode 3, there's a board from AnarchoForko, presumably one of the presentations that says something about "Anarchist Bomb Making Factory". It's provocative to Voluntaryists as we assume its a play off Anarchist Cookbook for peaceful people. Maybe they are making "fat bombs" a popular diet trend. Who knows? Whatever it is, the avg viewer will think we are teaching people to literally make bombs. There are others. The constant focus on Joby Weeks, clips and whatnot foreshadows that the BitClub scandal and arrest will come into this series before it's over. Tons of foreshadowing. I too have been writing and holy fuck, the anarchy cult lead by friends actually is getting scary and stupid trying to silence me giving pragmatic, sensible reviews of this information.