Larken Rose, who was part of the HBO psyop & tried to guilt people into giving free money to the girl whose “husband” (she has since admitted in writing that they were already split up and she had her own apartment at that point https://highlyfunctionalgrowth.com/episode-3-currency-opinions-and-perspectives/ she lied because she was scamming for handouts) unsurprisingly got what he deserved after selling weed products (and more, let’s be real) in cartel territory? Kinda hurts your own credibility. His discernment is terrible, as demonstrated

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If you look through the archives here you will find that I did a complete investigation into "The Anarchists" and exposed it as a CIA "Smear and Steer" op. I am trying to give Larken the benefit of the doubt and have referred to him as the "Punch in the Turd Bowl". It looks like he got used... I have never seen any evidence that he engaged in any of the same behavior as Berwick: I.E. making us look shady, dealing drugs into the movement, etc. If you have some evidence of him doing anything like that I will review. Thanks, E

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I just gave you direct evidence that the dude is straight up dumb. That’s still his wife’s bestie per her social media. They haven’t figured it out yet

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