The most obvious clue to the Covid and DEADLY INJECTION con can be found in the CDC (or FDA) charts pretending to show the extent of DEATHS by Covid. If you look at stats for 2020 INFLUENZA DEATHS dropped to almost ZERO and (Hey-Presto) Covid DEATHS picked up the slack!

In 2021, the same organisations, believing the initial message was maybe a little too obvious, slightly evened out the numbers between Covid deaths and the mysterious reappearance of the FLU!

The most recent (corrupt) World Health Organisation 'fear porn' focuses on 'white lung disease' which, I believe, can become a deadly form of respiratory disease = pneumonia.

I understand that White Lung pneumonia is sometimes referred to as 'Walking pneumonia'. Gates's corrupt WHO will hate that description!

When I first learned of this health condition, which causes minimal deaths generally in China, it became known that White Lung Pneumonia is a historical health issue that mainly impacts the Chinese more than other races.

The reason was suggested as being related to the unique Chinese diet!

Obviously, Gates's CORRUPT WHO will want to maximise this Chinese health issue because they need all the FEAR PORN they can create in order to justify their existence, relevance and importance. Sorry ex-WHO people - It's too late - the WHO is now finished - We the people have spoken!

Until someone proves otherwise I'm happy with that synopsis.

As previously stated, Gates's CORRUPT WHO is no more. Since they became Gates's illegitimate mode of influence with lies and misinformation created and distributed for Gates's wider sinister intentions, the WHO no longer have any power or relevance in any country that agrees they are now obsolete = finished.

We the people have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Steve Kirsch worked with the Rockefeller Foundation for years until late 2021.

Abby Rockefeller is tight with the circles RFK Jr. and Robert Malone swim in. The story out of that circle is that she's the anti-Rockefeller, but can I trust that?

Robert McNamara was JFK's Defense chief. He also presided over the Club of Rome and the World Bank. He thought poor people were dirt. He was a trustee of the Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Publishing Company. While the name is evocative, it's an institute of the Theosophical Society, which was a giant LARP to make opposition silly, and broken into cults. But they're not unimportant. They have close ties with the United Nations even. The Nazi Party was blueprinted from their "philosophy", as was Scientology. Military Intelligence Community-run cults? Most likely. Falun Gong seems cut from the same mold, including aliens on your body until you submit to their audits, which are not unlike Tavistock psychiatric sessions. Mind control.

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Hi Matt, Can you send me the info on Kirsch working with the Rockefeller Foundation? And anything connecting RFK jr and Malone to the Rockefeller network.

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Working on documentation now, but Kirsch's relationship with the Rockefeller Foundation can be found in numerous google searches. Here is one:


Similarly, you can search and find that Abby Rockefeller and Meryl Nass (who works with CHD and defends Malone after spending time at his ranch) are close friends. I've heard them described as best friends, and stay close at conferences.

I was told by somebody at CHD that Abby is a large contributor there.

But Rockefellers have long been behind Kennedys and people around them. Check out Robert McNamara's history.

Here is my current documentation and graphing project:


I have 25,000 pages of notes, give or take, so it will be filled in and sculpted over many months.

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Dec 6, 2023Edited
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Thanks Grayson! I think the majority of elected reps even at the State level have either been 1. installed by monied interests or 2. compromised through bribery/blackmail. If they aren't controlled or controllable then they are replaced within one election cycle by someone who is... if they can't be replaced by a better funded candidate then they are killed...

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