May 2Edited

Hair raising when viewed like this in all it's gory entirety! The whole world should be reading it!

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Yeah... Really creepy... Killing people and disaster capitalism...

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Reeks of total insanity.

Thanks for the amazing way you put info together. It will become an historical document.

I have your 'Liberator' and book, grateful for that too! May well get your next creation. Succinct.

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Excellent review!

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Thank you!

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"Now, nearly everyone was to receive a shot in a public health facility where a doctor might not be present, therefore it was up to the CDC to come up with official consent form giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot. This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested. What it did not say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine and that it was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot".

Wow. Echoes of Pfizer's "Process 1" vs "Process 2" duplicity.

These bastards have been gaming the system forever, it would appear.

For all its horror, we can be grateful (in a car-crash kind of way) for the Covid Production.

In their lust for gold, and zeal for extermination, they completely overplayed their hand.

They attempted a global cull. And got caught.

And in the process, exposed themselves for all to see.

They can never hide in the shadows again.

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The NIH has been focused on Eugenics and debilitation of the tax slaves for a very long time

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There is a huge amount of research here! Great the way you show the interconnection between medicine, eugenics, pandemics and vaccines- and of course corporatism! How long did you spend working on this out of curiosity?

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There are about five man months of research. I was going to add that to the 5th edition of "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! and it took on a life of its own so I released it as a monograph. Check out the companion article.

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Yes I can imagine- its a very impressive synthesis. Congratulations on it.

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Jun 12Edited

Good day Etienne de la Boetie2,

You write:

> perhaps it is time to re-evaluate “The Covid” as part of an on-going eugenics and debilitation program on the population using vaccines including vaccines distributed by the World Health Organization in foreign countries that have been secretly manufactured with abortifacients and sterilization chemicals in them.[i]

REPLY: No denying that reality. It might also be a coverup and distraction from the massive poisoning of the planet and people since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. No place on Earth is untouched by this madness

The Captains of the ever evolving Industrial Revolution to - Cybernetic, Genetically Modified Organisms/life have to create a sh*t storm of confusion about health and well being to hide the destruction of human health and life itself since the Industrial Revolution began.

Recall life on Earth is 3+ billion years old. Recall too that human life has thrived without vaccines, gene therapy injectables, etc for at least the last 2 million years. What gives? Massive toxic effluent since the Industrial revolution is perhaps the likely cause.

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Ipso Facto:

If you were truly part of a depopulation agenda:

You would also be a part of a repopulation agenda in your likeness.

Once “practically everyone” was gone - or most people, you’d want to re-populate with your own DNA.

Jeffrey Epstein was a big banker of his sperm.

Give me a list of wealthy “insiders” that have banked significant volumes of their sperm, and I will show you the plotters.

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Breathtaking - save to disc!

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Thank you! If you liked the article you are going to love my book... Government-Scam.com

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The virus was never isolated, and cannot be proved there was one. By claiming there was a virus that escaped from a laboratory, they used that to put fear into people so they would take the vaccine. The PCR test was used to ramp-up "false evidence" that a person had covid 19, and again scare people to take the vaccine. The so called corona virus, which is believed by some to only have been the flu, never caused the number of injuries and deaths that occurred before the covid vaccine rollout, but it is the covid vaccine that has caused a great majority of injuiries and deaths. The establishment, or global predators, have fulfilled two objectives: depopulation and enormous profits from the covid vaccines.

The next so called pandemic they are attempting to scare everyone with is bird-flu, and the administration of another poison vaccine they have used tax payer money to develop.

There needs to be a complete overhaul of government, and as you say, to become self governing. The Romans were the first to introduce government and taxation in approximately 400 BC, otherwise nations self governed until then.

Thanks for the verification of evidence you have presented about allopathic medicine, taking us back to when it began and up until present day. The more truthful evidence presented, the less the confusion will be in the decisions people need to make about their health. The trouble is that the AMA, big pharma, and all the three letter conglomerates are so embedded in the system, it almost seems impossible to remove them.

Keep presenting the truth.

God bless you.

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we read and appreciate your work Etienne. Many of us forward it to others, so numbers here are not representative IMO. Lest we forget. Further - I remember in the 70's family members, aunts and other women of that generation, being sterilised while in hospital after giving birth. Usually their 2nd or 3rd baby. So it was still common practice until then in rural Australia.

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Thank you!

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Wow. Wo permission?

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probably with consent, or on Dr advice AFAIK - it was just the done thing.

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Backing it up is a good idea it would seem. FYI; I can't retrieve it from Dropbox without creating an account and signing in. I'm not inclined to do that.

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The dropbox link says the file is deleted. Are They trying to shut this down?

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The Dropbox link was "deleted". I have reuploaded that to Dropbox. Here is the new link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ds773ucsfu13p53f12hsi/Solving_Covid-The_Covid19_Eugenics_Vaccine-Drug-Scam_Timeline_DRAFT_SolvingCovid_dot_org.pdf?rlkey=seixwpa1be9rpfrm95ed27zli&dl=0 We are working on getting this and all our other evidence of "government" illegtimacy and criminality available on IPFS and/or other uncensorable and decentralized platforms.

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Files deleted? I'm showing in Dropbox deleted again. I don't allow access to my documents by miscroshaft, googs, Dropbox or other electronic versions.

Keep in mind, if you allow access to your documents, as I'd prescribed for them to open, save, file, you have given them access to control your documents.

I found this out when using the then brand new "cloud", which robbed my dox. I had saved it on my tablet, but then allowed cloud storage. Well, those police robbed it and I was never able to recover it.

Then, while studying, I didn't always have internet access. That was OK though, as my documents were stored in my files on my personal computer. I allowed microshaft to save my documents and I no longer had access w/o purchasing their products. It didn't even start on their products, I just allowed access. This just happened on Adobe this am. I tried to save a dox, it gave me the message that it will now have access and be able to manage my documents. Not to mention, I then could not access w/o internet. I needed MY created documents for my classes.

It's over reach. It's monopolistic. It isn't right but we keep feeding the hungry beast. Stop using those.

You can't, you say? Isn't that egregious that they can rob your intellectual property in exchange for you using the product you purchased?

Further, I suppose they now have access to your intellectual property. Big tech is not known for honesty, they will use your work how they see fit...for themselves.

No! No! No! We've allowed too much reach!

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Thanks for bringing that to my attention... I have created a new Dropbox link and we are working on a way to get all our content on IPFS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ds773ucsfu13p53f12hsi/Solving_Covid-The_Covid19_Eugenics_Vaccine-Drug-Scam_Timeline_DRAFT_SolvingCovid_dot_org.pdf?rlkey=seixwpa1be9rpfrm95ed27zli&dl=0

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Whilst trying to share this various places, all I managed was to crash the Substack app several times. You must be doing something right.

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Thanks for the report. Just to be clear... You were using the Substack sharing widget and FB, Twitter etc. wouldn't do it and/or were shadow banning the link and not showing it to all you social media contacts? That is what we see alot...

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Excellent summary and documentation. thank you for putting this resource together. I would like to ask for a correction. you are quoting HowBad.info website about the batch analysis by Craig Paardekooper. The graph you are showing in that section is actually my analysis published for the first time by the Expose (a UK newspaper) in October 2021: https://expose-news.com/2021/10/31/100-percent-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-caused-by-just-5-percent-of-the-batches-produced/. I was the first to publish this data, and subsequently helped Craig start the website and we collaborated on these analyses. He made a lot of great independent discoveries on the batch variability issue and continues to work on this. However, there is much more updated information for the batch analysis including the sizes of batches. In the original analysis we did not have that information and found some news articles quoting 6000 doses, which is incorrect. Here are some articles with much more updated info regarding the batches, including batch sizes: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/nobody-knows-what-is-in-the-vials

and, about Pfizer identifying BLA-compliant batches. in my analysis, these batches are not materially different from other Pfizer batches. The identification of "BLA-compliant" batches was purely for purposes of faking the approval and removal of the informed consent by the HHS/FDA: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/publish/post/144426952?back=%2Fpublish%2Fposts

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Hi Sasha, Thank you for value-adding my investigation and filling more pieces into the puzzle. I have updated the entry in both the PDF version and the online versions. Please review the new and approved verbiage below, which now includes links to both subsequent articles you provided, which I have also saved to our uncensorable flash drive (and Dropboxes), The Liberator, which backs up our investigation. Please let me know if you think the summary needs any additional changes. Please feel free to syndicate the investigation in its totality to your audience if interested as long as you include a link to the original and include the information about the author and the Art of Liberty Foundation. Feel free to make any additional suggested edits or additions. Best, HSL / Etienne

November 8th, 2021 – The FDA issues a Summary Basis for Regulatory Action for Pfizer’s COMIRNATY. The document details a response from Pfizer to an FDA reviewer’s question on which “vaccine” lots were the same formulation as the FDA-approved version. The response listed in the document indicates that Pfizer responded with a list of lot numbers that were different from the formulation approved by the FDA indicating that other lots had different mRNA and other potential undisclosed ingredient formulations. This is vastly different than what was being told to the American people and could explain why certain batches were causing significantly more deaths and adverse reactions than other batches. Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, a former pharmaceutical executive turned investigative journalist, begins publishing data to the Expose website, exposing that 5% of the batches caused 100% of the deaths. She goes on to collaborate with Craig Paardekooper to develop the website, HowBadIsMyBatch.com, which has been comparing deaths to vaccine lot numbers vs the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS). Here is a summary from their research: Death by Lottery - 5% of V[accine] Batches are Highly Toxic:

For Pfizer 96% of lots produced 0 deaths; 4% of lots accounted for all the deaths.

For Moderna 95% of lots produced 0 deaths 5% of lots accounted for all the deaths

The above chart, by Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, shows the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine sorted by the lot number of vaccines administered prior to the adverse event. “We do not have reliable information about standard lot size, but news articles indicate an average lot size of 1000 vials (approximately 6000 doses)”.

The highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the influenza vaccine was 26. Which makes it all the more shocking to discover that the highest number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine up to October 15th 2021 was 3,563, and this isn’t an anomaly.

Latypova will continue to make additional discoveries and refine her findings, communicating this update on June 12th of 2024: “In the original analysis, we did not have that information and found some news articles quoting 6000 doses, which is incorrect. Here are some articles with much more updated info regarding the batches, including batch sizes: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/nobody-knows-what-is-in-the-vials and, about Pfizer identifying BLA-compliant batches. in my analysis, these batches are not materially different from other Pfizer batches. The identification of "BLA-compliant" batches was purely for purposes of faking the approval and removal of the informed consent by the HHS/FDA: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/criminals-do-not-follow-laws-they”

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Heard your interview with the Breggins this morning; much respect for the Great Work that you are doing here! One observation; no one who has been accumulating gold and silver in this day and age will be handing over their gold on command of the parasites calling themselves "the government" this time around. We all know what's going on, and many of us are ex-pats and have gotten ourselves out from under the bootheel of the corporate racketeering scheme. Citizenship is the hill we are willing to die on. If you haven't already discovered the work of Michael McKibben & Douglas Gabriel, you may want to check them out.

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Brilliantly done. Are you aware of IBANs, Sabrina Wallace?

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I wasn't until your comment... I did a search, opened a browser and will review later... send anything specific to Evidence@ArtOfLiberty.org

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