The left wants a mommy, the right wants a daddy. The state is happy to raise compliant children who think this system is anything but a deadly scam.

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100% and we are the helpless and hapless children in between the "great divorce" (destruction of humanity)

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"the right wants a daddy"

Are you saying that the people on the right are in favor of authoritarianism? I.e. We want more and bigger government? I am on the right, and I am not in favor of more and bigger government.

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Isn't it amazing how so many "dissident" thinkers say "Trump assassination attempt" so quickly, assuming that first conclusion before the discussion can be held?

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Hi Matthew, I used the phrase because that is how most folks would understand what the article was about BUT... I liked your point so I just edited in some quote marks to make it "Assassination Attempt"...

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Understand that I wasn't aiming my comment at you. It was clear you were questioning things. The linguistic trick is tough to avoid. But I more wanted to call attention to the way the alt media so quickly leapt to encouraging language that assumed an answer to an important question.

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Clarifies for me who all the shepherd's boys and girls are.

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I saw that Stew Peters and Jeff Rense are seeming to report this as if it's real! Another one I watch daily is seeming to talk about this "event" as real. Perhaps I need to unsub ALL of them!

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I don't trust Stew Peters at all: https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-died-suddenly-documentary-understanding Anyone who is pumping Trump is suspect! There is a lot of Controlled Opposition out there and they all seem to be running well-financed media operations.

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Yes, I agree! If someone is promoting Trump or ANY politician I generally unsub. I can count on one hand those that I trust. Not ANY of them 100%, I've been let down far too many times to count. They show and tell truth for a long time to build an audience and trust and then BAM they start in with their disinfo!

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Agreed, stewpiders, was suddenly promoted and that alone and his stupid name is suspect. sheep dog sensationalist for sure.

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… did you see the senate hearing with Dan Bongino declaring the failure of the secret service on CSPAN? Is anyone in alt news “real?” Which obviously leads to us list the veiled players orators… TCN Tucker, controlled op. Redacted, Clayton Morris, controlled op. Glen Beck and Megan Kelly… controlled ops. Glen Beck, controlled op. Victor Davis Hanson? Chris Hedges? Mark Levine? Glen Greenwald? Seth, Man in America? Scott Ritter? JJ Carroll? Jimmy Dore? Del Bigtree, The Highwire? Jeff Jaxen, The Jaxen Report? No way James Corbett, the Corbett Report!?

So whom among Rumble and Substack contributors are clean reliable truth? Everyone can’t be all controlled ops?

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Rense has been very disappointing, however, he has come around, somewhat.

The desperation that set in is giving way to reality.

Trump and Putin are just as much NWO puppets as all the rest marching in One World Lockstep.

Oh, the "Cold War" was BS, too.

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Rense is the reason I have learned about many important issues before they became established. That often includes those for which I have differing opinions or even knowledge. Often, he does get on the right side

when it seems he goes the other way. You can't pretend he's not covering it or is trying to shape any narrative when he is pretty thorough in covering relevant threads of most things. I was directed to this substack, and this article in fact by rense.com. You have got to stop being all or nothing all the time with everything. I mean you all have to. Nobody probably has all the picture of everything except Allah and we all have the chance and some take it to learn and evolve. I have seen plenty of coverage at Rense of skepticism about the nature of the shooting and the idea it was a false flag is going to become unavoidable. Only the usual suspects will be able to keep than from becoming mainstream.

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Rense on this subject got a lot of his info from me....! It makes a huge difference in credibility when you have first hand knowledge. Why you guys listen to Etienne I have no idea. He is really blowing this one. Beyond everything I have thus said on this subject, one

has to understand Pennsylvania. It is one of the to most me corrupt states in the country. Further you in need to know law me enforcement here

and the people. The cops are a fuck you kind of group .. that is why they stood up to and against the secret service. And please tell Etienne that I never

said there was not another person involved. Everybody around here believes that there was another. The kid had a handler and that handler

came from the gun club and was from an alphabet agency. Do you not know anything about the kids life... no... I am sure you don't. It is the only place he could have met a Handler. I don't think Etienne knows much about Pennsylvania gun clubs. I am begining to be sorry Rense posted Etienne's theories.

This Butler case most likely the JFK. It was a stand down let it happen to scenario. The kid had a handler..... By Etienne I have more time for you..... R

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Even Bill Maher, who hates Trump said that people are brainless who question the fact that Trump said there was blood all over his hands and clearly not and I have seen a video that he supposedly got shot he the time to drop something on the podium that we couldn’t see before.

They have a very close-up video of this. It was pretty much the same thing he did with Van McMahon when they did a few fake wrestling fights.

The wrestlers put fake blood and then they put a skin covering. I believe this is what he dropped on the podium.

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Sharine Wonders is another one with eyes to see. She reposed "Vaccine Reaper report".


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That's the most puzzling question to me. How can anyone not see this, especially those who pride themselves on taking the red pill? Reminds me of my feelings of shock witnessing so many Covid dissidents pledging blind allegiance to Israel as they slaughter tens of thousands in the name of "defending herself." Mind-boggling. The number of people who can see clearly through all of this has become increasingly small.

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It's because they believe in god.

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Or....a God who will rescue them.

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Which god?

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it's the Kabbahalists' spell and mankind's fallen patheticness imo.

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IKR? i never thought so many would fall for it. But, they wanted, needed to believe, so they felt safe. The need to Believe the government loved them and means well, that is the need i think. gotta grow up!

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I completely agree and am shocked at the people who stood up to covid but can’t see through this.

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Same for the cultists watching half the earth burning up and the other half suddenly flooding, and solemnly declaring that climate change is a myth. They point to news articles or “research studies” claiming to debunk climate change, but never, EVER inquire where all the “Climate is just fine, nothing to see here, folks!” “data” comes from.

The weird thing is that so many of the climate normies had no problem seeing through the convid scam. I guess the combination of the myth that humanity is the center of the universe combined with recency bias (of a mere 12,000 years of relative climate stability), has an irreversible hold on the minds of many otherwise very perceptive people.

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I suspect that a lot of the extreme weather events we've seen in recent decades might be from weather manipulation. Not all, but many.

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The world isn't burning up, and thermostat theory is pushed by the NWO. The fact that dissident experts are marginalized also works against you people.

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😂😂 thanks for proving my point. I’m guessing that you think everything is OK as long as food magically keeps appearing at your local grocery store, with absolutely no thought as to what it takes to get it there and how dynamically complex our food distribution system is.

Same with the climate. It’s a monstrously complex, dynamic system that you take for granted as long as livable weather keeps magically appearing and you’re not directly experiencing an extended climate emergency. Entire populations and even civilizations have been wiped out in the past or forced to migrate for long distances because their local climate stopped “delivering” for them. Tell me, where do the world’s people go today when the entire earth’s climate stops comfortably “delivering” for us in any number of ways?

Think about that for a while. Then go do some homework on the sources of the “All OK!” narrative: where do they work or who do they work for? Who funds them? Who finds their employers? Who benefits from the “All OK!” narrative? Who is taking the opposite side, and what do they have to gain? Go do some homework then come back with what you find.

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Yes, there are anti thermostat theorist who are defending their financial interest....buuuuuuttt the elites are pushing the idea that carbon is warming up the earth. The elites you're fighting against.

Many they're simply taking advantage of a real phenomenon, but they do plane to enslave us with carbon as a pretext.

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Taking advantage of a phenomenon -crisis - yes! And the crisis SOWS exist. Question is, how many of us are sufficiently insightful to separate the two? There are small activists and foundations by the bucketful working on solutions that actually help humanity and foster a more vibrant, viable planet but you never hear about them and the elites certainly don’t support them. Check out The Land Institute, for example, or read one of Joel Salatin’s books. Or One Straw a revolution by Masanobu Fuoko, if you cand d a copy. Take one of Geoff Lawton’s permaculture courses, or follow the activism of Benanda Shiva. There are literally tens of thousands of people around the world trying to do the right things in the right ways and the Bigs stand ready n their paths at every turn. The Bigs love crises be CSA abuse every crisis is an opportunity for them to get bigger. The real deals like Nikola Tesla hardly stand a chance. But the fact that the Bigs are using the crises to their advantage doesn’t mean that the crisis isn’t real, and that it won’t devour us if we don’t stop it. We have to stop the crises AND stop the predators who are amplifying and using the crises for their own ends.

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cLIEmate Change is brought to you by the predatory class, to sell carbon credits and profit on the stupidity of those who believe it. It is to make people self-sacrifice energy usage while the predators use as much and waste as much as they choose. It is to lure people into bad choices for energy supply so at some point, the grid will magically fail due to the prey using “too much” energy. It’s part of the depopulation agenda, of course.

The climate is always changing. Climate changes are cyclical, never linear. The sun has the biggest impact on Earth’s climate, not geoengineering. Even the solar system has an impact on our climates. There is NOT one climate.

Also consider the impact that the Hunga Tonga eruption on January 15, 2022 added an estimated 10 to 13% more water vapor into the atmosphere, and this magnitude of an undersea volcanic eruption is unprecedented in recorded history. No one can predict the effects that it will have on earth’s climates is unknown.

The vast majority of thermometers are in the US, and many of them DO NOT EXIST, but report temperatures “for the record” and benefit of climate change believers. John Shewchuck, a retired meteorologist, and his wife have visited many of these alleged sites and taken photos of the sites. He sends them out to his email list, which I am on.

There have been very few of these recording stations in Africa and few in South America. There have been a modest amount in Europe. The point is, these recording stations are unevenly distributed around the world. Many in the US are placed over asphalt, flight lines, or rooftops, to skew results.

Satellite temperatures average temperatures taken per each grid section, making those numbers meaningless.

What is the proper temperature on earth and where and when should it be taken? There is no correct answer to that question.

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Climate change comes from the deep state geo engineering the weather through programs such as HAARP. So climate change is fake in the sense that it is NOT naturally occurring. However, it is NOT fake in the sense that despite it not being natural is still happening. Once the chem trails stop, the climate change as we know it will also BUT, regardless the climate on earth DOES and WILL forever change to a degree. We all grow and change so it would be completely ignorant to believe that Earth, a highly evolved and complex consciousness wouldn't also grow and evolve...

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Therein lies the trick of the trade. The overton window for this narrative doesn't allow for the questioning of the underlying lie.

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yep, but that was, my very first thought. The hand motion where he smacked his own ear, is stagecraft if i have ever seen it. He is a performer. it's like a magician. we need to up our game, in observation and comprehension, or we are toast.

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Then realistically we're toast. There's no heroic human mass awakening to the deception coming. The masses are sheep, mesmerized by shadows on the walls of the cave and think that's reality. They are living in Plato's cave.

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we were screwed for good when 9/11 truth got hijacked imo

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speak for yourself! there is cause for concern, and not enough of us to fight this, BUT, what they want to do will never be maintained, it will fail.

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Is it possible that the writings of Martin Vrijland are in fact the thing many discernment seekers ought to consider? Is this what we are witnessing play out?

I've been reading his newsletter for 3 years now and I personally believe the narrative he describes is likely near or in target.


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i never heard of that guy. thanks.

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Dude, seriously?

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IMO, any "dissident thinkers" who are also Trumptards, are more TV news addicts than dissident thinkers. The Butler, PA hoax was such an obvious media creation that only an idiot could have bought it as an assassination attempt, also IMO lest anyone freak out over that statement.

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The problem is that the narrative that the system hates Trump was heavily bought into to a point where there is substantial cognitive dissonance among partisans.

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Thanks for writing this! I think it's important to look at the possible motivation to fake the 'assassination attempt', as part of coming to some rational understanding of what happened. Of course the actual evidence is more important, but when the actual evidence and the suspected motivations that you discuss line up perfectly, as in this case, then it becomes highly probable that the event was planned and staged by the deep state, apparently including ritual murders. Any competent detective always looks at the question of "who benefits?" when looking for suspects, and so we must look at that question.

I knew the 'attempt' was staged the moment I first saw video of it, specifically the scene on the stage with Trump and his SS crew. Nothing about the actions of the SS crew were genuine; those were actors, not Secret Service protection detail agents. I had a career in law enforcement, including major city, supervision, municipal police instructor, and international law enforcement, and I can spot a fake 'response' within seconds. I don't believe anything hit Trump's ear except some fake blood applied by the acting troupe.

When I first saw video of the counter-snipers on the rooftops, and more snipers everywhere at the event long before the shooting, it was 100% confirmation of a staged shooting. Counter-snipers are not part of SS protective details. I worked many of them during my career. If the SS thought there was any real chance of an assassination attempt, they'd cancel the event, or move it indoors at a known-secure location. There's simply no chance ever for this to happen as it did, unless it was intentional.

And then of course everything that happened after the 'attempt' has confirmed my initial judgements: no legitimate crime scene preservation or evidence collection, complete cover-up across the board, no legitimate investigation by any agency with credibility, and with the entire media and DC uniparty backing the coverup.

Because I pay attention, and long since have known that Trump is a project of the Khazarian mafia, the faked 'assassination' was/is no surprise at all. I feel sadness for all of the pathetic, gullible people who are falling for the ruse, and same for the DNC 'counter-ruse', both leading us to the same place.

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Thank you for your valuable information and contribution!

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Yes, that was extremely valuable!! now I know a lot more.

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It’s wonderful finally finding a place where so many see reality of the 2 sided blue and red coin of American politics being what it is.

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Welcome to the Party!!

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You're the only person who has nailed it, there was NO SS involved just Trump flunkeys imo, doing what the boss told them to do.

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Jon Rappoport has nailed it from the beginning as well. He has a Substack.

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I knew it was staged the first time I saw it too. And I’m not an “expert “ in any of this, but it’s soooo clearly off and so much doesn’t add up. It seems so obvious to me, but I’m shocked that no one else I know sees it. I’m glad there are people here who do.

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Excellent stated. Nice to see one who can see thru the thespian shenanigans of the predator class.

In my opinion, something like the narrative Martin Vrijland proposed is in fact what we are witnessing play out.


The articles on simulation are worth considering.

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"To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you cannot criticize." -Voltaire To find out what "historical facts" are false, find out which facts you are not allowed to dispute. To find out which "scientific facts" are false, find out which facts you are not allowed to dispute (Virology, pandemics, masks, tests, vaccines, climate change, genders, over-population, "fossil" fuels, space, satellites, moonlandings, evolution, dinosaurs, atomic bombs, nukes, and more).

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Great list

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Thank you!

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Brilliant Article! Play good cop (Trump)/Bad cop (liberal progressive lunatics; this divides and identifies the Patriots from the Progressives) with modern technology Google Searches, FB Activity, Biometrics at rallies, as well as forums; this gins up emotions leading up to an election and at the same time through deceptive practices (staged assassination makes Trump look like the Martyr) it creates more division and distractions further eroding the unity of the people (a divided nation among its people is a weak nation) to finally usher in civil unrest, martial law and finally a CBDC where everyone is on a blockchain with their money and medical information so that "Big Brother" can control you with the flip of a switch! Game Over!!!

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Yes! This!

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And even worse, they know a lot of us have figured that out and who knows what kind of secret sick Plan B they could do

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Why bother with such an attempt when “voting” is controlled?

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They are manufacturing consent... They have indoctrinated the population with a pseudo-religion (Statism) and they are giving the faithful a Pope... they are selling that Pope to the chumps like soap flakes... this was a commercial for the new (again) Pope...

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I think you are correct.

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In my opinion, because the goal is to build up Trump to become the literal Savior of the world. Thusly, they need situations that convince the masses he's 'the chosen one.' Remember, his survival was dubbed as God showing Trump favor. (Trump even stood on the White House lawn and said he's the chosen one.) Once Trump is built up enough into that role, combined with the 'Satanic deep state' image, burned into the retinas of billions, Trump can come in and clean up the Deep state. He will do nothing of the sort, but that is what they want everyone to think.


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I think you are absolutely right and I am embarrassed that I never thought about that as the prime reason for faking the assassination: To make it look like Trump was ordained by God... They probably shot holes in George Washington's empty coat during the "Founding of the country "!

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1) Is it possible that in less than 2 weeks after a gunshot wound to the external ear as described by the attending physician, there is no physical evidence of the wound? Is there a reportable case of such a thing ever having happened before, complete with pictures? Can anyone produce one? What other kind of evidence might be dispositive?

2) How can it be proven that pictures and videos of DJT, that demonstrate a perfectly intact external right ear, are genuine? Some have alleged that the subsequent videos and pictures are fakes. If the pictures/videos are genuine, how can that evidence be overcome?

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Thanks for the comment.. you reminded me that I forgot to add a link to where I sourced the image. It is a Reuter's image from an official event and multiple news outlets carried the photo. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ear-bandage-shooting-b2586901.html

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Not with AI! All things can be done with AI according to the so called experts! They already put that out there.

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There's also the date...July 13 - 13/07 - probably a reference to friday 13th, 1307. Also his last words before being hit: "pay attention to what happens"; the people behind him holding "Joe Biden you are fired" (take away "are", you get Joe Biden you fired) signs; the surname of the alleged shooter "Crooks" (Don loves to use the word crooked/crooks when talking about his political enemies).

Maye it's just me...

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I took this as a note if I add to this article in the future. Good catch with the subliminal sign in the crowd...

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Please do. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your article, btw.

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Regarding the date of the staged event, this is what I see:

July 13th.

7/13 or, also written 13/7.


137 is the 33rd prime number. They love prime numbers, and 33 is of course one of their all time fav numbers!

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Dear Etienne. Not buying it. So sorry, even if as you claim Trumps association with unsavoury characters. Guilt by association much.

No one in their right mind would allow themselves to be a target to appease masses if the risk is death. Trump I see as not stupid and he is logical and cognisant. I also do think he is honourable and like most humans can be arrogant as well as to proud to acknowledge when he is wrong. No President bought or paid for would voluntary allow themselves to be set up for potential death and failure if at all possible. No one not even you.

The hatred for this man is unfortunate and Trump is neither a Solomon, Jesus, nor God — and that is perhaps what many of his erstwhile supporters cannot forgive him for.

Never before has an individual who is a former president has been targeted by dark forces of the Deep State as he has as well as the attack by sleaze merchants of the media on Trump. He is a threat to these evil people and he terrifies them.

Rather ask why crooks was shot? I would suggest he knew to much and would expose the plot against Trump on the assassination attempt, so he was shot.

Your speculative post is full of non-related issues and massive conflation to give plausibility. Don't take offense as that is what I read into it. And I do like your aim of getting rid of the crime syndicates running Governments everywhere on behalf of the monarchies, banksters (gangsters) and billionaire Oligarchy.

There is no thumbs down. So that here is one.

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Trump went along with it because it was obviously a stage play for the chumps... If they really wanted to kill Trump he wouldn't be in the room while they were doing the planning. They would just kill him... CIA heart attack gun... He is morbidly obese... Completely believable vs. this ASTRONOMICALLY improbable story... Out of curiosity... What is YOUR personal estimate of the odds of the story... amateur shooter penetrating Secret Service security, being seen with rangefinder, able to hit Trump's ear from 150 yards, etc. What is YOUR personal estimate of the odds of that happening?

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Of course!

Where is the blood on his hands?!!!

That bloody wound looked awful and so fake

He did this before in wrestling

What about the close-up video of him dropping something on the podium before he went down?!!

Richard Spencer is a big wimp, but when he got physically punched, he was on the ground for 10 minutes and didn’t go out for two months and this guy’s going to get shot and take the time to throw something on the podium and say fight fight, etc.?!? It doesn’t work that way.

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Your mistake is thinking that Trump was at risk at all. It was all staged theater and the audience reaction confirmed it for me. Bad acting.

Trump was all too happy to discuss the event with E. Musk, who played along agreeing with Trump's nonsense.

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Ha ha, Yes of course you must be right. I made a mistake. Really? Enjoy it as well as what you believe. Others don't.

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Funny how you're not buying what Etienne says while I didn't buy the assassination attempt from the moment I heard of it.

Don't you know the NEWS IS ALL LIES?

I never watch the news but when I go to my local cafe my eyes cannot help straying to the large screen there and - no joke - every time I look up and see a piece of news that contains some kind of drama I'm like, "That'll be staged."

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Don't you know the NEWS IS ALL LIES? Yes. I did know. and that includes Alternative news.

Did you know speculation is all lies, as is making claims without evidence to support it. It then is just opinion? Hope that helps you?

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Where's the speculation? He's quoted a doctor putting forward biological facts that contradict the visual evidence we are shown.

There was a photo of Trump published on July 1 in the Atlantic monthly showing his ear cut out.

Predictive programming is a recognised phenomenon, you are aware of it, right?

If you recognise that the news is lies why would you believe that the attempted assassination was real when there is ZERO evidence favouring its reality.

The thing about those in power is that they are much more scrupulous than the consumers of their news in one way. Not only do they TELL us the truth underneath the propaganda with glaring anomalies above and beyond an often less-than-credible base narrative they NEVER put forward a single piece of convincing evidence that can be brandished by a believer of their nonsense in defence of it. If you think they do please provide a single piece of evidence that favours the reality of the alleged attempt over staged.

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You are entitled to believe what ever you want. You would be able to recognise speculative comment even if it slapped you.

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I've asked you a simple question. You believe in the reality of the attempted assassination.

Why? What makes you believe it?

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You didn't ask anything. BTW I don't have to provide any evidence as I made no claim. You did. Reversing the burden of proof is an old trick fella. Would you want my dogs e-mail address, maybe he will consider your entertainment

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"There was a photo of Trump published on July 1 in the Atlantic monthly showing his ear cut out" and I laughed and laughed. Anyone citing the Atlantic as evidence is a complete clown.

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You don't have to take his word that Trump ear magically regenerated.

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" voluntary allow themselves to be set up for potential death"

LOL he was never in any danger!

Geez, why do people like you even come on these types of articles?

WHERE in this article did you get the idea that he was in danger? ?

Is it the comparison to secret service stand-down in the JFK assassination? The difference is they actually wanted him dead, so he died. see? they don't miss. don't bother looking into why they wanted him dead because somebody could give you basic arithmetic (1+1=2) for ten hours straight and you still wouldn't get it.

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You can believe whatever you want. RFK, Jr would too disagree with you.

As for "Geez, why do people like you even come on these types of articles?" I respond 2u. Gee why shouldn't people like me also have an opinion? Because you don't like a contradictory view. You need to join the Censorship Party- they may even give you the honour of heading it- see

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Its not about disagreement, its about misrepresenting what was said.

If somebody is saying it is fake they are not saying he was in any danger. That's YOUR belief, not what they said. That's the point. You miss what people are saying and twist your own beliefs into the argument.

"allow themselves to be a target to appease masses if the risk is death"

You're acting like his argument that its fake means trump deliberately put himself in "danger" which is not what was presented.

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I am not acting anything. I proposed that no one would put themselves knowingly in danger. That of course escapes you.

Your derangement syndrome aka TDS has blinded you.

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Yeh that last sentence of yours explains why you keep missing the simple point I made.

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He obviously isn't a threat to right wing zionist, as they support his campaign. Trumper conveniently forget how loved his is in Isreal, or the fact Rothschild agents bailed him of if bankruptcy .

If these "dark forces" wanted Zion Don dead why send some kid and not a professional?

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Very convincing information which I didnt think I needed to know but see now how misled I was even from so called "alternate news". Have always been a little leery about Mr Trump but of all the snakes in the political arena, he was the least poisonous. Thanx Etienne for connecting so many dots

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That is how they get you to pick their chosen snake... Make one snake just a little less poisonous... The only way to win the game is the expose the illegitimacy of it...

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Between this and James Okeefe going to the Bohemian Grove, I want off this ride.

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Yeah..isn't that crazy? That surprised me too!

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Apparently all the world's a stage. Problem is, there seems to be no one we can trust anymore.

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Yes, and General Mike Flynn stating in no uncertain terms during a recent podcast his unconditional support for Israel. Such a disappointment. I so wanted to believe in him. It seems that almost anyone and everyone with a major following on social media is suspect.

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Mike Flynn always had a Q feel about him, he also belongs to some strange Christian mystical group (not main stream Christianity). So much is being revealed to us now, things are not what they seem to be. I have been praying for discernment to see the truth, we really have to be vigilant these days.

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Reminded me of this fake shooting.......


I love the money shot, where the "SS" crouch down, so we can get the clear iconic fist pump with blue sky and old glory waving in the background picture (from the ramparts we watched, that our flag was STILL there)....Fight, Fight, FIGHT! Reminiscent of the WWE staged reality....


Thirdly this rite shows that there is a transference of power. Giving up a shoe is debilitating and requires forethought. (It was also very important in ancient times because who would want to wander around without shoes!) In our case the loss of a shoe shows us we are giving up authority and power to someone else – the Lodge. What is it we are giving up here? I believe it is our personal will as we work to achieve our goal of finding more light. We are willing to make a bargain to get what we are looking for. The idea here is that we are relinquishing the “self” to the power and authority of the Lodge and the GATOU.

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Thanks for the value add! This is the best explanation as to why they removed his shoes I have yet seen! I have that documentary on the Capital Shooting in our uncensorable flashdrive o' freedom: The Liberator government-scam.com/liberator

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Ole Dammagard, who analyzes false flag events around the world, says that empty shoes are always part of the setting at these events.

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Definitely! He is the kind of person that is first to give up shoes for Israel. Now it’s really all coming together.

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Very interesting, thank you for that… what is GATOU tho?

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Invaluable to anyone investigating Freemasonry for themselves, the book is a potent combination of strong teaching, historical context, testimony, and practical aids to deliverance.

“We live in a society totally contaminated by Masons whose aim is to rule the world. It is amazing the thousands of people whose relatives or even pastors are or have been Masons. Unfortunately, most of the traditional evangelical pastors and bishops are already Masons. I touch this matter in the book with great mercy and light,” says author Ana Mendez Ferrell.

She provides a clear biblical counterpoint to highlight the folly of Freemasonry’s general principles as well as its essentially pagan origins, rites, and symbolism. She also imparts critical guidance and encouragement to anyone who is ready, by book’s end, to break the power of the many curses Freemasonry unleashes on the lives of the initiates and their descendants.

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It looked fake right from the start

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To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. -Voltaire Take this a step further and find out what "scientific facts" you are not allowed to criticize, to learn which are facts lies. Same should be applied to "historical facts."

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Great article. Check out my interview with former White House Policy Analyst Barbara Honegger, who has a similar take on this obviously orchestrated PR stunt. https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/barbara-honegger-on-the-911-plea

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As an expert Marksman, I would require careful examination of the shooter's rifle and the shooters body. Powder burn evidence would link the shooter to the specific cartridges used; the accuracy of the sights for that range; the type of sights used: telescopic / iron sights / the accuracy of the rifle; the quality of the trigger that would enable accurate coordination between the sight picture & target etc. The dynamics of random movement of the human body places a much higher degree of the shooter being accurate in shot placement. One small, unanticipated, spontaneous movement by the target can cause a "miss" to the most experienced, competent shooter. The JFK assassination is an excellent example. JFK was a sitting, moving target that came towards the actual shooters. That made it so much easier for the shooter. This is why JFK had two wounds: Head and Neck. There are far move scientific aspects to be considered to the Trump attempt. A spontaneous, dynamic, unanticipated move by DJT, and his head would have been shattered by the high speed velocity of a 5.56 bullet. Immediately after the attempt on DJT, the rifle came into the custody of the Secret Service, which at this point, cannot be trusted to do a proper and detailed scientific analysis on the weapon and its true accuracy capabilities. The same happened in the JFK case. CONTROL ALL THE EVIDENCE ! A scientific & honest forensic analysis of JFK's vehicles would have revealed so much more evidence, as to actual bullet tracks, directions etc. etc. Successfully pulling off a successful, FAKE ASSASSINATION is extremely, EXTREMELY and VERY, VERY DIFFICULT from a technical "planned" standpoint. I hope the readers here found my experience and ideas helpful to weigh and contemplate. Kind Regards, FMR Intelligence Officer

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Thank you for you expertise. A few questions:

1. Would anyone experienced with rifles try to use an AR15 from that distance? It's a short ranged gun right?

2. If any part of an ear was hit from a AR15 round could the ear stay intact?

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The AR 15 is fully capable of shot groupings within one inch at 100 yards; about 4 inches or less at 200 yards, and an effective "killing range" of 300+ yards. However, it really depends on the manufacturer of the rifle and their quality control of barrel production. Even with the lower priced AR 15's available today, and using standard military issue ammunition, a head shot at 150 yards is a "No Brainer". Sorry for the pun, but such a shot is routine with an AR sighted in at 100 yards, and equipped with a quality telescopic sight. As to the ear shot, a 5.56 full metal jacket round will pass right through THIN soft tissue at 150 yards. BUT, the same full metal jacket becomes dramatically unstable when it encounters a deeper soft tissue, like a shot to the human chest that strikes no bones but only soft tissue as it progress through the body; that is, the flesh "de-stabilized" the gyroscopic spin of the round and causes it to tumble, creating a larger wound cavity and severe tissue destruction from the pressure and shock wave. HOWEVER, should the round encounter solid tissue, like striking a rib or bone, the the high speed of the bullet creates high speed SECONDARY FRAGMENTS that magnify the damage, compared to one that only passes through soft tissue. Thank You for asking such intelligent questions. I trust this helps all to have a better understanding of the dynamics involved with small caliber, high speed projectiles like the 5.56 AR 15 cartridge. Respectful Regards, FMR Intelligence Officer

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What we really have are two separate investigations. One for a real attempt and one for a staged hoax of some kind. Your experience and ideas are valuable for the former. Investigating the latter requires an entirely different skillset and mindset.

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A very, very good detective (s) first step is to FREEZE the crime scene and prevent the possibility of encroachment and contamination. 2nd. Scrutinize the crime scene for any evidence of human presence i.e, more than one possible suspect. 3. Develop an accurate TIME LINE or, sequence of events, slowed down to, if necessary, a second-by-second progression of events as they most likely incurred, including the interview of all witnesses or possible witness ancillary to the crime scene. In the DJT attempt, the rifle and the shooter would be examined for power burns from the weapon discharged. There WILL BE powder burns there, and they will match up with the type of power used in the cartridges still in the magazine. Further, it is highly likely the fingerprints of the shooter will be found on the remaining cartridges remaining in the magazine, IF... the shooter did not use gloves to obscure finger prints. And of course, the cartridges / box of ammo used / purchased by the shooter will bear a manufacturer's batch number, all of which should match. All of the above makes for an "unbroken chain of evidence" that will link all participants, willing or unwilling or unknowing" to the events of the attempt on DJT. Respectful Regards to ALL, FMR Intelligence officer

PS. The rifle found with the victim should be 'test fired' by an expert to determine whether the shooter / rifle and telescopic sight / iron sight were set an capable of using the same ammunition to achieve headshot accuracy at the range of the actual shooter-to- target.

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Someone gets it

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As soon as I heard of the alleged attempt I thought, "That'll be staged," and all your points support that hypothesis. A couple of others:

--- The vantage point of the alleged shooter was too low to make the shot (just vaguely read this somewhere so not sure but it sounds like a typical Revelation-of-the-Method clue)

--- Predictive programming - image of Trump in Atlantic monthly 1 July with ear cut out https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/07/supreme-court-donald-trump-immunity-decision/678859/

Just to say that 9/11 was not a false flag per se, it was a total psyop like the Boston bombing with the addition of building destructions. In a nutshell it was the biggest demolition job of all time where the standard protocol of full evacuations were followed and the plane crashes were faked in the guise of a Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise in the further guise of a real terrorist attack. I believe that the term false flag is a propaganda term - "false flag" narratives are simply the propaganda streams targeted to the 10% disbeliever profile so we're all duped, believers and disbelievers alike.


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The blood splatter looked more like a movie blood squib and a prosthetic ear piece. He didn’t flinch enough and immediately posed for a historical photograph. The proof is that he has no marks left. It’s all a movie.

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The blood didn't turn brown either.

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It was so fake looking and he said he had blood over his hands and he didn’t even have a bit. You could see it then all the close-ups. Try to find the video where he throws something on the podium as well before he goes down. It’s on rumble

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