23 Solid Reasons to Suspect Trump’s "Assassination Attempt" was Faked and WHY the Organized Crime “Government” Would Stage a Fake Assassination on their Puppet
It's More Important to Understand WHY Than How...
Before I get into just a few (23) of the dozens of solid reasons to suspect that Trump’s “assassination attempt” was staged, I thought I would explain WHY the organized crime system running “government” on the population would fake an assassination attempt on the puppet actor playing the “president.”
Trump is allegedly shot on July 13th. 13/7 137 is the 33rd Prime Number
The “Government” Largely Depends on Enough People Supporting the System, so the Propagandists Need to Trick the Population into Investing Themselves in a Leader - The organized crime system behind the scam of “government” is leveraging their knowledge of human psychology to exploit most, but not all, humans’ biological desire for a leader/“father figure” and inclusion in the artificially created “tribe”I.E. country. In behavioral psychology, this is known as Evolutionary Leadership Theory, and the basic idea is that humans are social animals and have adapted to living in tribes where it has been advantageous to have a strong leader, so there is an innate human desire for a leader… UNLESS… YOU are a leader… It is very easy to hijack this psychological phenomenon by simply offering the population a fake “Hobson’s Choice” between 2-3 potential “leaders.” The population is offered a “blue” government leader or a “red” government leader (or a fake “outsider” leader that just happens to come from the same family as other “government” leaders), and many in the population will invest themselves in their preferred leader even if the choices are all scumbags OR hold their nose and vote for the “lesser of two-three evils” not realizing that giving the population a fake choice of 2-3 people out of 335,000,000 every four years is an easily manipulatable scam.
The fix is in, and Trump and CIA-installed “Created Legend” JD Vance have been selected to be the fake frontmen next term, so they need to polish up Trump so the election results look genuine. This is also the reason the Democrats are running the “B-Team” of complete losers Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and saving California Governor Newsom for 2036 after CIA JD Vance has had his eight years.
Many Republicans have wised up to the criminality of Donald Trump, so this “assassination” attempt was likely designed to refurbish his image - We broke down the case against Donald Trump in our article The Real Scam of Trump’s Indictment Was America Wasting Its Time on a Staged Courthouse Drama where we detailed out Trump’s involvement in the scam of “the Covid,” his ties to George Soros, the Clintons, Bill Gates, Roy Cohn, and other unsavory characters. The “assassination attempt” makes it look like the “Deep State” is against Trump when the reality is they are polishing up their turd!
This, like so much else that comes out of Washington DC/Hollywood, was a scripted distraction to pull people’s attention away from the more important issues of the day - The organized crime “government” wants to population focused on ANYTHING besides the core issues that would sap its power. The staged assassination takes the focus off the illegitimacy of “government” on its face, the fact the “government” and monopoly media are running unethically manipulative “cult indoctrination techniques” on the population, that the US is waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, that the US is supporting a genocide in Israel, that the banksters are stealing the value out of everyone’s money through inflation, and that Trump himself just participated in the eugenics program of “The Covid” that forced a bio-weapon into the population that has conservatively killed 20 million+ while vaccine damaging another 1-2 billion people etc.
23 Solid Reasons to Suspect the Assassination Was Staged to Polish Up Trump and Distract the Population
The organized crime government and monopoly media have a verifiable history of manufacturing events just like this – From the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident that justified the Vietnam War to the fake Kuwaiti babies being tossed out of incubators to the fake WMDs in Iraq to the false flag attack of 9-11 to the alleged “Boston Marathon Bombing” to the Covid-19 eugenics program that just killed 20 million people and injured 1-2 billion more where Donald Trump played a key role. The “government” and monopoly media have been caught lying to the public so often and so egregiously that believing ANYTHING they say about ANYTHING should be considered a sign of mental illness.
Screenshot from our article: Understanding U.S. "Government" False Flag Terrorism for War and Domestic Police State where you can find links exposing other hoaxes even more egregious than this one.

2. The Fact that Trump is an Actor and World Wide Wrestling Entertainer - Trump is an actor and World Wide Wrestling entertainer whose theatrical agent is Ari Emanuel, the brother of Obama’s Chief of Staff and former mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel, who famously said: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” and Ezekiel Emanuel, a eugenicist who is/was part of Biden’s Covid-19 task force. I personally believe the hidden joke in Trump’s 2004-2017 TV Series The Apprentice was that Trump, himself, was the actual apprentice. Could the organized crime system behind “government” give Trump the media training and artificial gravitas to “create the legend” of him being a successful businessman for the top acting job in the world: The President of the United States
3. The location - Butler, Pennsylvania – The population of Butler, PA is 13,176. The closest city, Pittsburgh, is an hour away, and Butler County voted for Trump 65% vs. Biden 33% in 2020. There is simply no strategic reason for Trump to be campaigning in Butler, PA, except for proximity to the patsy and the location chosen for the stage play.
The Fact that a Bullet Supposedly Hit Him in the Ear – What are the absolutely astronomical odds that a bullet shot from 150 yards away by an amateur shooter under the pressure of being killed himself at any moment hits Trump in one of essentially two areas of the body with no serious consequences?
A rumor, apparently released to address this and sow additional confusion and distraction, claimed that the wound was caused by glass from a shattered teleprompter, but multiple fact-checkers have debunked that, with video and photographic evidence that both teleprompters were intact.
The Fact the Shooter was Able to Get Himself Into Position at an Event Controlled by the Secret Service After He Had Already Been Identified as a Suspicious Person with a Rangefinder - Take the ASTRONOMICAL odds of Trump being hit in the ear and multiply it by the additional ASTRONOMICAL odds that the same shooter was able to get into position after being recognized by the Secret Service and local law enforcement as a suspicious person carrying a range finder and positioning himself on a roof directly in view of a Secret Service observation post after visibly walking across the roof.
The Fact that the Alleged Blood on Trump’s Ear is so Minuscule and Defying the Pull Of Gravity – Here is physician Dr. Rima Labow breaking it down the inconsistencies:
“The red circle indicates where the flow of blood from Trump’s alleged wound is defying the force of gravity. Having streaked across his face when he was in a crouch behind the podium, we see that his face, shirt and suit are free of blood which, considering the abundant vascularization of the region, is astounding. And here I am speaking as a physician. Generally, bullet wounds bleed. It’s part of what they do. And the more heavily vascularized a region is, the more heavily they bleed. Not only that, the blood is well known, throughout observational studies spanning the whole of mammalian history, to follow the dictates of gravity.
But wait, you may cry. “The pina, or auricle, as it is also named, may not be highly vascularized!”
Ah, but it is. Precisely where the purported bullet purportedly ripped through the purported earlobe of the actual Former President, we find, in Latin, the arteria auricularis posterior.
The blood supply to the external ear is presumably the same in formers Presidents and others. For those who like their anatomy in the vernacular, it is the posterior auricular artery. It comes off the external carotid artery, a vessel with a good deal of flow moving through it, so when the posterior auricular artery is cut or shot or opened in any way, it bleeds like a son of a bitch.”
The angle that both obscured Trump's ear from the camera and enabled him to get the alleged grazing wound on the ear – The fact that there was a giant chart at Trump’s rally allowing him to be in position with his head turned away from the cameras allowed for the defining moment of the play. He is conveniently turned away from the cameras, which is similar to the misdirection of stage magicians.
The lack of blood on Trump's right hand after he visibly touched his supposed bloody ear – Remember, Trump visibly touched his ear when he was supposedly shot and then held his hand up. There was no blood on his hand. It is likely that he was instructed to touch his ear when the shooting started, and the blood was applied by a Secret Service agent when they had him down on the ground.
The fact that the shooter was able to get into position with multiple witnesses calling out his actions to police and Secret Service – While this is being called out as evidence that the “Deep State” was in on trying to assassinate Trump, this is ridiculous for a number of reasons.
If the banksters and intelligence agencies behind the organized crime “government” were actually trying to kill Trump, they would have. Period. They would have had a pro sniper positioned behind the patsy, or they would have had a Secret Service agent on the stage shoot him with the CIA’s heart attack gun (or prick him with the heart attack poison) to make it look like the morbidly obese Trump had a heart attack from the strain or a million other ways.
The fact that Trump wasn’t actually killed means that the more likely reason that the patsy was allowed to get into position was that this was a staged event for the reasons listed above.
Audio Analysis of the Footage from the Rally Suggests There Were Multiple Shooters - An audio forensic analysis by Catalin Grigoras, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, a senior professional research associate at Media Forensics, based on audio recorded in Butler, Pennsylvania, appear to document a second shooter.
According to these experts, “The first three shots were consistent with alleged weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B and the final ‘acoustic impulse’ was emitted by a possible weapon C.” We know that one of those was the alleged shooter and another was a Secret Service sniper. The fact that there was another gunman involved suggests that the story isn’t what we are being told. Two potential options:
Backup Sniper to Assure Trump Was Killed - highly unlikely as a Deep State pro sniper should have little trouble hitting the obese and slow-moving Trump.
Pro-Sniper Used to Ensure They Got the Picture of the Bullet and that the event occurred as scripted should the patsy not go through with his programming - More likely, this happened. My assumption is the 1st three shots were the pro-sniper firing the Doug Mills “money shot” (See #11) and potentially shooting folks in the crowd to lend authenticity. The next five shots are Crooks firing wildly once the shooting started. The final shot is counter-sniper eliminating the patsy.
The presence of Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times photographer Doug Mills and his completely improbable photo of a bullet photographed in mid-air – The New York Times is behind some of the biggest cover-ups and staged news in the world. They were famously behind the manufactured “news” that the Iraqi government was importing aluminum tubes to be used in nuclear centrifuges that were used as a justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The group Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, which has organized over 3000+ high-rise architects, structural engineers, demolition engineers, and other engineering professionals that show the impossibility of that official story, has famously erected multiple billboards across the street from the New York Times calling out the paper for ignoring the evidence of controlled demolition of the twin towers and building 7. The presence of a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times photographer at an insignificant Trump rally in nowhere, Pennsylvania, with no major announcements, is improbable. Doug Mills was also the photographer who was present on 9-11 to capture George Bush being told about the planes hitting the towers. What are the odds of that? The fact that he allegedly captured one of the bullets in mid-air is astronomically improbable, BUT possible if that was his assigned task and there was another shooter positioned to shoot right behind Trump while Doug was shooting burst mode with his shutter speed set at 1/8000. This would also explain the reports of multiple guns used (Point #10).
The fact the Secret Service paused to allow Trump to pump his fist for the cameras in the middle of an alleged assassination attempt – Similar to the “Dog that Didn’t Bark” on 9-11 when the Secret Service failed to follow protocol and whisk President George Bush to safety, the fact that the Secret Service agents stopped to allow Trump to engage in a little “political theatre” in the middle of an alleged assassination attempt is another fact pointing to this being a staged event.
The apparent prepositioned American flags for the scripted post-shooting photo opportunity- I break down in my book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! how the inter-generational organized crime system behind “government” secretly indoctrinates the population with a pseudo-religion called Statism. The flag is the artificially indoctrinated holy symbol of the faith. The fact that Pulitzer Prize-winning photographers from known propaganda publications were ready to capture a staged picture suggests scripting and foreknowledge.
The completely improbable coincidence that the shooter appeared in an ad for BlackRock Capital – BlackRock Capital is one of the small handful of private equity managers that appears to be consolidating the ownership of companies stolen with fractional reserve dollars created out of thin air by the banks at the top of the organized crime pyramid. What are the odds that alleged assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, appeared in one of their commercials?
This rally was the first time that the Secret Service had sent a counter-sniper team to a Trump rally. It's another improbable coincidence that the Secret Service picked a relatively tiny Trump rally in Nowhere, Pennsylvania, to deploy a counter-sniper team for the first time. It makes complete sense if the whole thing was a staged event.
The Secret Service had its own command post and communications isolated from local law enforcement – Again, it makes no sense if you are trying to keep Trump safe, but it makes perfect sense if this was a staged event. Source.
The Secret Service is Corrupt and Willing to Go Along with Something Like This – Watch the video above to see the Secret Service pull President John F. Kennedy’s main two protective agents off his limo right before he was assassinated in Dallas in 1963. Most people have formed their opinions of the Secret Service from watching Hollywood movies, but the truth is that they are simply gunmen and bodyguards for organized crime. Most agents and officers have been tricked and indoctrinated by the same mandatory “government” schools and monopoly media propaganda, BUT I have met and interacted with DOZENS of Secret Service agents and KNOW many understand they are working for organized crime. I am going to tell that story in my next article so subscribe to be notified.
The fact that the Secret Service Had a Watch Location on the Roof Overlooking The Shooter Position That Also Could Have Served as a Sniper Nest for a 2nd Shooter - In these two videos posted by Congressman Eli Crane, you can see the Secret Service had a watch location overlooking the roof where the shooter was alleged to have run across the roof and fired the shot. In video #1 you can get a perspective on the location of the watch location and in video #2 you can get a feel for how completely visible that the shooter would have been to the agents in the room. Was this this sniper’s next for the 2nd shooter? (See points #10 & 11)
Short Video #1 - The View from the Shooter’s Roof to the Secret Service Watch Location
Short Video #2 - The View from the Watch Location Showing the Shooter’s Roof
The Fact That the Secret Service Deleted the Recordings of Their Radio Traffic From the Day of the “Assassination Attempt” – Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe admitted in Congressional testimony that they deleted their radio traffic after the event. The local police kept their recordings, but the uber-professional Secret Service didn’t think they should keep theirs. Riiigghhhtt..
Secret Service Leaves Clear Line-Of-Sight and Local Sheriff Michael Slupe was specifically instructed to “not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site” - The Gateway Pundit is reporting that Lori Levy, a vendor that has attended almost every Donald Trump rally selling MAGA merch, reports this was the first rally that the Secret Service left “clear lines of sight: “I knew something was wrong the day before when I came to set up in Butler, Pennsylvania.
They weren’t blocking the line of sight like they have in every other location. Typically they would put cranes, or heavy machinery, in the way to block a clear line-of-sight to Trump as a security protocol. I kept thinking that his security detail was going to bring it in later, but they never did.”
The Secret Service Told Butler Country Sheriff to “Stand Down” According to Reports - The Gateway Pundit also reported that “A source close with law enforcement in the area told the Gateway Pundit today that local Sheriff Michael Slupe was instructed to ‘stand down’ and not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site in advance of the President’s appearance in Butler… This was allegedly done over the objections of Sheriff Slupe.”
Trump’s “Wound” Doesn’t Require Stitches and The Doctor That Has Been Attending Trump with the Official Report on What Happened to His Ear is a Disgraced Political Operative and Holdover from the Obama Administration - Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), Trump's former White House physician, has provided what is, essentially, the official medical report on the former president's injury, a memo released by the Trump campaign that detailed:
"The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear," Jackson wrote.
"There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear," he said.
"Given the broad and blunt nature of the wound itself, no sutures were required."
Why should we be skeptical of Dr. Jackson’s report? 1. Ronny Jackson is a politician (professional liar) 2. Affiliated with organized crime Donald Trump and 3. He is a holdover from the Obama administration, where the DoD’s Inspector General found he made sexual comments to female subordinates, drank alcohol on the job and took Ambien while working as Obama’s White House physician. He sure smells compromised to me…
When Trump Finally Appears in Public Without His Propaganda Clown Bandage… His Ear is Fine—Here is the first picture of Trump taken without his exaggerated propaganda bandage. His ear is fine. I thought Trump’s controllers would have put him under anesthetic and taken a chunk out of his ear for believability, but evidently, they are so confident in the mind control of the Statism and monopolized media that they didn’t even bother.
I could have have gone on.. I could have stacked up even more facts, but those poor souls religiously attached to the idea of having a “government” and a leader, no story is too astronomically impossible to believe…
The world is divided between those who understand how the media (and search engines/social media/video sharing sites, etc.) have been monopolized and weaponized against the population… and the people who are being chumped and propagandized by inter-generational organized crime that is tax farming them under mental slavery.
About the Author
Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.
He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid - The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
About the Art of Liberty Foundation
A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!- How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia.
We publish The Daily News, a free survey of the best of the alternative media, censored videos, and documentaries, and the Daily News Digest, a once-per-day-summary of the Daily News as a premium service for paid subscribers of any Art of Liberty Foundation Substack and Five Meme Friday - a free weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best of the alternative media, censored truth videos, and at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! - A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that all three are being hierarchically controlled by inter-generational organized crime interests. You can read our 2023 Annual Report here.
This year, Republicans are saying, “Hey, Elect Trump!” And honestly, he is going to rob everyone and force these policies on you.
The Democrats are saying, “Hey, Elect Kamala!” And honestly, she is going to rob everyone and force these other policies on you”
Voluntaryists are saying: “Hey, Let’s not rob anyone!” “Government” is illegitimate and immoral on its face; it is the “technique” being used to rob and control the population.
The world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order, and the free market can provide all the services provided by the “government” better, faster and cheaper without waste, fraud, abuse and extortion.
Join Etienne de la Boetie2, Larken Rose, Derrick Broze, and more! in Sedona on November 1-3rd… live or via stream… to find out what the monopoly Mainstream Media and the controlled opposition voices of the Mainstream Alternative Media have been hiding from you.
This year, Don’t “Vote Harder” to Rob Your Neighbors! in fake elections! Discover the biggest secret in American politics:
We don’t really need “Government” AND how we can begin privatizing its essential services and rolling it back!
Liberty on the Rocks 2024 - Voluntaryism: The Good Karma Alternative to Being Tricked Into Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils
The left wants a mommy, the right wants a daddy. The state is happy to raise compliant children who think this system is anything but a deadly scam.
Isn't it amazing how so many "dissident" thinkers say "Trump assassination attempt" so quickly, assuming that first conclusion before the discussion can be held?