I say all the drugs cause dehydration of the brain, this brings on line the adrenals and fear based reactions thinking.

Salt restriction does the same.

Dementia and alzheimers are the result for f chronic dehydration, brain loses functionality as the tide goes out. Elderly are fed salt restricted diets for their heart health.

Hydration equals salt plus water

Read my article

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?


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Thanks for the value add! I am going to syndicate your article!

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Thank you for taking the time to read my article and syndicating it would be grand!

When I watch a show on TV I aim to be in critique mode. Looking out for dialogue etc that reveals THEIR dirty hands. THEY signpost what they do to us. I think it helps a bit to counter the hypnotic programming.

THEY have fooled us using our trusting nature against us. The only way out is to scrutinise everything we think we know. No sacred cows.

My article:

We breathe air not oxygen

Dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

And presents a logical explanation of blood and lung physiology.

The saline intravenous drip rehydrates the passing RBCs and the lung alveoli do the same. The lungs and kidneys maintain blood volume through RBC hydration.

Salt plus water is the key to maintaining and reclaiming our health. Every organ/process can be undermined by restricting salt.


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I watched 60mins on Australian tv tonight.

They aired an audio confrontation of a paedophile with his victim. She was wearing a wire to record his confession. He kept repeating: I have no memory of that, I am sorry darling. I don’t remember any of that, I’m sorry darling. And he repeated it over and over, more times than was necessary in ordinary conversation.

I recon he was running his hypnotic program to make her forget. When she was about to listen to the tape for the show, it appeared she didn’t remember listening to it back before.

I wonder if there had been no police sting operation behind her approaching and confronting- would she have forgotten again.

Recovered memories seem to take years and years to surface. The repetition of the programming as small children must go very deep.

The paedophile had 7 victims testify. There were more who didn’t want to go to court. He got sentenced with 15ys, out with good behaviour in 9.

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Awesome Video

Jason Christoff's podcast "Psychology of Freedom" is well worth a listen too.

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Thanks I had only found older podcasts on another app but am delighted to find out he is still making them on Soundcloud. Will give it a listen.

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Very interesting. A relative was watching the Australian soap opera ‘Neighbours’ and I noticed in many scenes the phone is frequently in the characters hand or on the table next to them... seems like much the same programming as the coffee 🙄

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This explains a lot to me. I'm Aspergers and very much out of step with the societal mean. I also find things like elections and fads, trends etc very easy to predict. There's a lot more going on in my mind than this after the video but the first thing it did was to make this all easy to understand. With excellent intuitive pattern recognition, I've been catching the patterns of mind control without realising it. Not personally affected, I never seem to be in tune with the majority on much, but I have been registering what controls them, albeit subconsciously. Here I was thinking I was precognitive or something. 🤣 I also have more access to memory and my subconscious mind than is normal, with a video like memory thing which can be accessed at will, and with fine tuning zero in on anything I ever experienced going back to before I even thought consciously. Being real time it would be tedious except I can intuitively zero in with key memories and also leave the subconscious on auto search and await the results when they come up in turn. Not sure yet how it all fits together but I realise precisely why I aren't subject to peer pressure and can't ever agree with a certain pattern of societal behaviour, beliefs and interests. Even though I recognised the obvious pattern of mass control and some of what I thought was doing it. I do use various substances mentioned here and subject myself to the same stimuli regarding programming, which is why I am registering the things but simply always make my own choices despite what's going on. It is definitely freeing me from much of he mass hypnosis but for sure I'm affected by some too, not least the financial limits I've always wondered about. I knew there was something wrong with my 'attitude' there. Damned if I realised it was external and not internal though.

I've never been able to be hypnotised, and never find common ground with any number of people despite a universal adoption of some moral, belief or interest either. Whether a small group or large, thousands of school kids, hundreds of prisoners, just a small group at a party, I'm inevitably just not able to see what they do. I meet others too, but rarely. It's been a very rough road frankly and I'm ambivalent about society and friendships on the whole for this reason. Late in life I'm quite OK with it, as increasingly it means I don't fall into traps and terrible errors such as the COVID hysteria. Now I'm starting to really see things differently. It's very sad really because whereas I thought I was just a weirdo with a differently wired brain and everyone else was doing fine with their neurotypical minds, it occurs to me they're on the whole enslaved and there's no reasonable chance of escape for most. Oh God this is terrible news.

Also far from complete immunity, I recognise the limits I've allowed to be programmed into my life. Adjusting my beliefs to reprioritise things, materialism and wealth, as opposed to spiritual and intellectual pursuits has been a coping mechanism and not the alternative I thought I'd found. this needs a lot of contemplation to unravel for me. Thanks for the heads up. .

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But can he save the Palestinians. Self awareness is limited to the self.

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Great exposition. I'm a filmmaker and use these "tricks" constantly. That's why it's called "Movie MAGIC". 😉

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Thank you Etienne. Very interesting stuff , know a little about all this, but very happy to learn lots more.

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AND... the wisdom of the extortionists in power et al have decided that... you SHOULD racemix. If you were one of these people who were just checking out the people around you without throwing them automatically in the ditch because they were a different race... well, that's not good enough. Fast food commercials, Lexus, Progressive, Liberty, and any given pharmaceutical company wants to make DAMN SURE that you think race mixing is per se "in". PER SE. Never mind that nature has already made that a non-starter for many tens of thousands of years and in some cases many more, these companies have managed to all agree (despite their supposed free market competition pretense) that YOU need to be racemixing or you are behind the times, you are awkward. YOU need to take injections on demand, no matter the implications concerning how you might end up a literal GMO... YOU need to be interested in sports, YOU need to acknowledge the social programming authority of some car insurance racket. Them and some random Old World Racket-installed "billionaires" (nothing compared to a trillionaire, literally 1/1000th the size), are going to rewrite your mind and your DNA, WHILE TELLING YOU to "do you".

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Wow..... mind utterly blown. Thanks for sharing!

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thanks for the links and info etienne

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So eat your daffodils (moly) so Circe not eat you!

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I've never even tasted nasty azz coFFee over 34 years, or those horrible caffeine laced energy drink garbage, chemically caffeine is six times stronger than cocaine

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Not only that but the caffeine in anything other than coffee, tea, and chocolate is a synthetic drug.

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