Oct 7Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Reading through the comments I agree with the limited hangout Overton ones, but for me this seemed more like blunt-force propaganda. Performed and produced by some individuals that positively glow in the dark, and possibly some crisis actors too.

Both pieces fail to mention the most obvious point of all.

There was never an emergency. There was never a disease, only protocols & propaganda.

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The Warrior Monk is back! I hope you can join us in Sedona! Sedona.ArtOfLiberty.org

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That looks great and would have loved to, but back in the UK then.

Hope it goes well though man.


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These people who made the film are good hearted loving people, but they still believe the hype put in place over a hundred years ago, that there are 'germs' out there trying hard to 'get you' and 'make you ill', all nicely cemented in place by rockerfellers funding of only allopathic forms of medical schooling!

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

That was my take too. VaxxIII was yet another compilation of stuff that we who are fighting have heard dozens and dozens of times. I quit after 15 minutes. It was NOT well thought out at all. We could have really benefitted from a good summary / description of where we started, and how we ended up with today's permanent, on-going global democide that our worthless political leaders refuse to admit exists - while people drop all around us.

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I thought it was valuable cause it summarizes so many different doctors and nurses telling the same story with receipts... smells like a limited hang out...

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Bombs Away!!!!!!!!!! I should have tried harder and watched more... but I'm processing info on Helene. It's day 11 and thousands have died up here... I have a friend stuck in Black Mountain and FEMA is stopping supplies from reaching the non-profits on the ground in Asheville - mostly staffed by survivors. I'm just beginning to grasp what it means when the reports say a town is no longer there...

* * * *

Dear CHD Team:

I appreciate all of your work very much, but we've about had it with endless compilations of vax injured. I quit after 15 minutes.

We want to know who is behind this nightmare. Which of the 500 financially elite families are the architects of this on-going global democide? Which ones actually control the BIS?

For example, here are the families that control the parasitic private bank, that fraudulently calls itself the "federal" Reserve:

The Rothschilds Families of Paris and London (the controllers; $400 – $500 Trillion immeasurable net worth)

The Israel Moses Seif Family of Rome (Vatican?)

The Lazard Family of Paris (control the European Union/European Central Bank)\

The Warburg Family of Hamburg

The Kuhn Loebs of New York Family

The Goldman Sachs Family (Wall Street controllers)

The Rockefeller Family (Eugenicist architects of global de-population)

The Lehmans Family


Source: "The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank" By The Herland Report and posted by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World // February 02, 2023

* * *

In May 2024, the Japanese government apologized to the 96 million Japanese who got the C19 injection... for injecting them with nanotechnology. I only heard about this from GlobalResarch.ca recently, and their article was completely corrupted on download.

Global Research.ca also provided an article on the report that the Japanese Health Ministry produced highlighting 201 of the 3,500 possible adverse effects from the C19 injection. That article was also completely corrupted on download.

* * *

Here's another example of the kind of research / information that the fightback is looking for:

Example: In September 2024, Penguin Random House sued the State of Florida for removing transgender books from elementary school libraries.

So who owns Penguin Random House? Bertelsmann Publishing in Germany.

Who owns Bertelsmann Publishing? The Mohn Family.

So, one of the global elite families, the German Mohn Family, is the identifiable cause of this legal incident. Determining this required a simple visit to Mossad-controlled Wikipedia.

* * *

So, is ICAN able to do this kind of reporting on the families that control the US HHS Complex, the US DoD/DARPA, and the Big Pharma corporations?

We need REAL attribution for the actual elite families who are most definitely responsible for implementing the advancing global democide, and the forced transition of the surviving population to a mind-controlled transhumanist state.

That's the kind of information I hoped to see in "Vaxxed III." Not more vax injured compilations. We've got dozens of them to choose from already.

Good Luck,

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Did you know the main Dr featured, Pierre Kory, was the expert witness in the George Floyd case?

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Oct 12Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Hi, medical coder whistle blower from the film here, just dropping in to let you know I wrote a book about the testimony I gave, and I do go down the rabbit hole of eugenics in healthcare. All the way to the bottom of it, as Etienne also does so well. Children's health defense was going to ask me about eugenics in my interview with The Defender, but we ran out of time. If you'd like to learn more, you can pick up a copy in print here thrillkillmedicalcult.com

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I threw a shout out and link to your book in the article! Looking forward to seeing you at Liberty on the Rocks! and... Hiking!

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Oct 8Liked by Etienne de la Boetie2

Fauci & friends in Big Pharma were behind the Great Covid and Vax scams!

I'm approaching 80 - fit and healthy with serious concern about what has been going on since Fauci (& friends) lab-modified a virus in order to create a disease which requires a 'CURE'. PROFIT from 'the cure' was the end game! A 'Cure by Injection' makes massive profits, even if it doesn't work or did nothing and a few vax recipients died along the way. "So What - nobody can prove we're lying!"

I have absolutely zero medical education - just a logical brain and over the past 4 years I've diligently investigated this extremely 'foreign' subject. I have concluded that the whole Covid/Vax Plan was one coordinated concept to make money and reduce the overpopulated world with a Cull by vax.

The biggest Clue as to the honesty and sincerity of Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) is ZERO LIABILITY. It's unbelievable that they are exonerated from any/all culpability. A CONTRACT CONDITION that Vax makers insist upon for everybody who agree to sample their deadly EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injections. I have determined that mRNA is a highly dangerous, uncontrollable Gene Altering experiment which creates Spike Proteins that cannot be regulated or controlled. The net result is a sudden Post-Vax TSUNAMI of diseases that seem to be occurring in those blindly accepting these mRNA injections. How can Big Pharma justify ZERO LIABILITY? They know they're killing thousands with their 'medicines'. With ZERO LIABILITY casualties don't matter because there are ZERO consequences. No need for the manufacturers to prove safety or efficacy. No need to 'quality control' the vials full of deadly crap for 'contamination', etc,. Big Pharma's friends at the FDA 'turn a blind eye' to policing any of our reasonable expectations.

When I was a kid, there were perhaps ONE case of Autism in 1000 - today, with hundreds of opportunities to poison kids by injection, there are maybe 10 Autistic or ADHD issues in 1000 kids.

We now can't eat peanuts because Big Pharma has moved the goal posts by 'OVER-vaccinating' our who now die from 'deadly peanuts'. This insanity must stop!

I frequently comment on these topics and many seem to concur with my thought process.

I'm currently in conflict with my local GP practice, which I have just learned is part of a larger consortium of Private Health providers. Since 2021, I have frequently emailed evidence of Vax harms, excess Deaths, Unsafe and ineffective injections called VACCINES, etc,.

They have now decided I must be reigned in from spreading the truth. They suggest that my 'opinions and beliefs' are unwanted and unhelpful in their quest in providing care in their patients best interests.

I've told them that I am NOT sending my 'OPINIONS and BELIEFS' but factual evidence from other 'experts' of what has been apparent since the release of a man-modified disease in late 2019 and the dangerous 'cure' (Vax) that was knocked up in a few short weeks.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical interference!

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emotional pablum for the dependent crib dwellers

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Limited Hangout sheepdogs, calming and corralling the marks. Overton windows abound.

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Not sure about the previous instalments but Vaxxed 3 seems very much like a Limited Hangout/Paltering operation.

Don't you think?

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Just learnt a new word, thanks!

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Indeed, and these gatekeepers, controlled opposition or merely "controlled opportunists" are all telling us that DJ Trump - the "vaccine president" - will save them. The thing that astonishes me is that these critics of the Mainstream Covid Narrative TM can't fathom that the architects of this class war would not have gamed the Mainstream Covid Counter-narrative TM too?

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Yes JD VANCE AS WELL are options are controlled opposition while they destroy the country with fires and hurricanes.

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THIS! 👆👆👆👆👆

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As I understand it Vaxxed I exposed the covid scam, Vaxxed Il exposed the clot shot scam and now Vaxxed III exposes the hospital murders. This subject is too big to cram it all into a single documentary. I’m getting a little tired of all these ‘limited hangout’ accusations against people who’ve been there from the start. Don’t recall seeing any Etienne de la Boetie in 2020 …

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Vaxxed 1 had nothing to do with the Covid... I exposed empty hospitals in the "Epi-Center of Covid in California" on Video in 2020, organized a resistance cell in Cali with hundreds of members, reopened the beaches in Santa Cruz with Liberty Beach Parties, spoke to audiences over 3,000 at the State Capital of California, and videos of our resistance activities in Santa Cruz garnered millions of video views... oh yeah... I also started the THICKREDLINE Project as well... Finally, I have one of the best investigation regarding how the magicians pulled the trick with 600+ end-notes and references at SolvingCovid.org

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In that case I apologize, I’m not aware of any of that - probably because I don’t live in California, thank God. Don’t you agree though that the health freedom movement should join together instead of squabbling and trying to score points off each other?

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"Eugenics" isn't a fitting word. It means 'good genes', as in consciously choosing a mate with desirable genetics, which is something any intelligent person looking for a mate would be incorporating to some degree. Like so many other positive words/concepts, this word is being destroyed by turning its meaning upside-down. The ghouls of the world have been rallied and weaponized, so that those who'd desire good genetics for their offspring are perceived as the demons and destroyed.

Look at which group, which cult religion, has been relentlessly pushing the distortion of this word, and you'll be looking at who's behind poison vaccines, and global culling and weakening of the human population. Even listing some of the billionaire-class family names isn't really identifying who's behind it. The core of the religion is behind it, and has been for thousands of years. Of course the members of that religion, who dominate the mainstream and alt media, will never reveal the players or the motives.

Few know this, but the Kennedys are crypto-Israelites too. RFK Jr. will never share the truth.

I realize that for many who were asleep, all of the corruption began in 2020. From my perspective, 2020 was like every other year before, except that some of the wraps were taken off and the Rockefeller/Gates medical system and their partners in government were exposed as the killing/crippling machine that they've always been. Vaccines have always been poison, and always intentionally, and have for the past century at least killed millions every year and dumbed-down almost everyone else. And at least that many every year, probably more, are killed rapidly by 'chemotherapy', which, like vaccines, are sold by a vicious fiction & fear campaign that turns truth and science completely upside-down, and basically just cons otherwise-healthy people into committing suicide, with full doctor support, of course.

The only change in 2020, regarding the medical system, is that 'they' began adding graphene oxide to the vaccines, with a cover story about mRNA and 'spike proteins'. It's just a new chapter in the same old business of mass killing.

Isn't it interesting that CHD also isn't interested whatsoever in what's actually in the new 'covid' vaccines that's killing so many? No, they trust the story from the same people who've lied about everything else... The gatekeepers are many...

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The movie really drove home the enormous numbers injured and killed. That those deaths and injuries were purposeful is incontrovertible. Regardless as to whether it's the eugenicists behind what is happening, there are thousands of people who are willingly doing the work the eugenicists desire out of total uncaring for any ones suffering. Shame on them. Without such people the eugenicists would only be able to moan about the number of people on the planet being too many. Let them moan!

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Trump must apologize for covid policies before he gets my vote. Recently, I learned that Trump transition team, who will hire all the top advisors to Trump is headed by Jarod Kushner. Trump/Kushner are Israel First.

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And....David Knight has reported on D.J. Trump's executive order of September 2019, which can be added to the timeline. I just wanted to mention it here. I'll go get the link.

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EXCELLENT COVERAGE and everyone should read this KNOW THY ENEMIES, They are actually few , some are not shown here ,rich maybe ? BUT there are 5 billion of us

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