Everything in politics is only a theater to occupy feeble minds. :)

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You should check out the other areas like sciences as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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I don't think anyone is an oracle for "the truth." Human cognition is insufficient to process open systems even to the slightest extent of reliability.

However, it's easy to describe the reasons why people think something is "true":


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It’s embarrassing at this point. Trump could tell his followers he’s controlled opposition and they’d say it’s Trump playing 4d chess.

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So many people trapped in the Propaganda Matrix...

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I get it, I was caught in it 2020 - 2023. People are so desperate for someone to save their future that they force themselves into believing only the system will save them. I believe in humanity over voting, the Matrix sheep call me black pilled. lol

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Ain't that the truth. Just re-posted your brave article on my stack ...


Thanks for a truly incisive piece. ~~ j ~~

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Thank you! We must all hang together...

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Trump tells the truth when he says stupid things like “I could shoot someone in Times Square and I wouldn’t lose voters”, “I’m the chosen one”, and he tells you flat out he’s “the snake” with his metaphorical snake story. Israel made a coin with his mug on one side and king David on the other. He converted to Judaism back in 2017, not suspicious at all, though.

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Any evidence of the 2017 conversion?

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Compared to everything around him, do you blame them for hoping?

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Having hope on the same system that’s caused everything going on around us is plane stupidity at this point. Sorry to be blunt about it, but it’s absolutely stupid.

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A small group is running the system into the ground because they have ensured there is no accountability for what they do. Until that changes it continues off the cliff. And all of us with it.

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Unfortunately, I think the group is much bigger than you think. The club has influenced A LOT of people across the world with money and power.

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You might like this podcast on learning versus education, might be up your alley:


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WOW!!! The things we don't know! That was an amazing article, well researched. As a Canadian, I knew nothing about Trump other than he was in real estate and did the TV show. I couldn't stand him or the TV show, so that was pretty much all I knew. Then he became Prez. and everyone loved him... From what I see on X, I thought he was for freedom... clearly not. I think he is the same as our Pierre Poilievre - controlled opposition. I think X has become a sewer and propaganda machine and that Elon Musk is more of the same - controlled opposition. We are being duped by their constant slight of hand. Misdirection is their greatest tool. Trying to open the eyes of folks who think they are fighting for freedom is going to be tough. Getting the facts out to everyone is so important. Hang on to you hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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Thank you for your kind words and the value-add from the Canadian perspective!

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Canada has no perspective. Canada is not a country, it is an enterprise of the British Empire. No revolution created Canada only trickery and deceit. The government does not work the way people think not does.

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So Mr. Etienne, you like kind words when they're directed at you.But you're willing to like obnoxious remarks directed at others, Tisk tisk and here I thought you were so intelligent.

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Doesn't everyone? Not sure which obnoxious remarks I liked?? I get a lot of comments on my writings...

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Well, I don't know if you read what you like before you like it, but you clicked like and you were the only one in fact, who did on a fool's slander to me for commenting that there are no viruses and the Earth is flat.. Do you not recall? Anyway it's water under the bridge. No bad feelings.

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Elon rebranded the failing propaganda machine. It is still controlled by rabid leftist pushing their ideology. It would have self-destructed like communist enterprises do.

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True, Unfortunately allot of good people are still under the delusion that X is a free speech platform rather than a cesspool of misdirection and propaganda. Throw them a few nuggets of truth and they will eat the whole poop pie and think it is delicious truth. I would tell you to follow me on X, but I recently got locked out again for my 'hate speech'...you know, the words they hate. As I am locked out until I repent, which I won't do, I guess I will stick to my comments and articles I write here on substack. Lots of food for thought here!

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Keep up the good work!

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Just a quick observation: the ZOG is moving fast lately with Milei installed in Argenttina and Sheinbaum installed in Mexico just "coincidences" I'm sure...

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or…after decades of ruling from behind the curtain they now feel confident enough to come out into the open.

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Open collectivism.

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Etienne, I said the same here in this article: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/breaking-news-the-verdict-doesnt

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Great minds!

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Etienne! You’d like my book! Your work on “Government is a Scam” heavily influenced my chapter on Government. Here’s the link where you can get the book, followed by a Substack article I wrote describing the book:



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Absolutely. You covered that perfectly. I am speechless when I hear pro-DJT, the sense of unreality is becoming profound.

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Thank you! If you liked the article, then you will love my book Government-Scam.com

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This is a great report on Trump and his hypocrisy. Thank you.

See my article here:


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Great article... We are closing in on them!

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You should dig into DOD Brix and Fauci connection to bioterrorism - how the Covid “vax” production was a military operation from fort Detrix decades ago

and how trump puppet sold us to Fema the minute he stuffed himself in oral office what that means for USA UN and the millions of coffins we have heard about

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I am working on another book on Voluntaryism right now... plan to pick up the Covid investigation again in the fall and turn it into a book: Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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Good investigations, but with all due respect, why ignore the virus theory scam itself? ie there never have been any 'viruses', the 'lab leak' is part of fake binary etc etc

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The article wasn't about that but I am in the No Virus camp: Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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Yes I thought you must be in that camp, but there seem to be some who think if you go too far down down that track that you alienate too many potential allies. I'm not quite sure how to approach that issue, as from personal experience, many who now understand the covid vaccines were toxic still think there is 'something' contagious out there. I've found a lot of resistance to the 'no virus' stance, but still prefer to tell people what I believe to be the truth rather than countering the lies with half-truths. Guess I'm just impatient.

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I’m with you on that. I find more people have caught on to the virus scam, but most still believe in that boogeyman. The same crowd believes in contagion as well.

I say, be patient. Plant seeds, but sometimes others have to water them before they begin to sprout.

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Viruses exist and earth is not flat

Please quit the ignorant psy op

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Please show proof that viruses exist. I’ll wait.

If you think I believe in FE, that’s your problem. I don’t, but you projected nonsense onto me. You can keep it.

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If you are that much of an easily affected fool to dismiss science you are no better than a paltering cia shill who propagated that earth is flat because “like” “everything you know is wrong” like “ they all like lied to us in school like … yo”

I imagine science was not your major or even a minor

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No viruses - ? Are you a flat earth theorists as well? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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Nope... I think viruses exist but don't believe Big Pharma's science that they are self-replicating disease factories... Viruses are the 2nd biggest scam in history... Covid is the 3rd... "viruses" are the scam that made the scam of "The Covid" possible... If viruses and gain of function are real things then why did they have to trick the population with fake PCR tests?

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Viruses have never been proven to exist ever. None. It is a scam to make people sick with fake vaccines. Makes big pharma rich.

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The population consists of 95% of uneducated fools who are happy to be eating shitting and living a more useless life than plants - none are interested in science , even less are interested in anything but immediate bodily functions . So that’s why the sheeptards fell for the Plandemic -the most unscientific degenerate hoax in history of man kind

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I guess you're trying to say you're the other 5%. ..You don't like people very much do you?

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I dont like IDIOTS very much

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Learn to like yourself dear. It is possible and will be very healthy.

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I have a masters in biology and chemistry and viruses most certainty exist and anyone telling you otherwise is engaged in paltering operation for the CIA like the flat earth society

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Guess what!. The earth is flat and viruses don't exist.

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You are a gift to NWO , either born and raised stupid or their mouth piece

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I am not so sure that viruses do what Hollywood and the NIH/CDC/NIAID say they do... If the viruses were as contagious as described then why did they have to fake the PCR tests?

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You have a degree in biology. Good for you. I prefer to source my information from the God who made everything.. you know, the stuff you spend years studying that He made in a moment of time; He knows better.

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God? Wow you are even more brainwashed than the Maga crowd

I see you are extremely Uneducated and proud of it

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Jun 8
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Interestingly, the lab leak story first appeared in the mainstream in December 2019! Some call it a false binary - they get the public arguing about two opposing irrelevancies to distract them from the real issues, ie was it an artificially-created 'virus' that leaked from a lab or did 'it' come from some animal? Answer: neither - there was no 'virus', just a massive criminal fraud that enabled the top 1% to double or triple their wealth, while everyone else became poorer, sicker or dead.

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Jun 8
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Yeah Cowan's a good one to follow. I think the Drs Bailey did a good analysis of the whole lab leak issue a few weeks back as well.

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No votey.

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No votey county unless it goes in a prescribed direction. Dont worry someone will switch it for you if it was not deep-state approved. Lol

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Like Momma said, read the label...

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"We should take the oil" D. Trump 2011



Public Law 116–37 116th Congress An Act To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to establish a congressional budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, to temporarily suspend the debt limit, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019’’. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-116publ37/pdf/PLAW-116publ37.pdfSee less

This search, https://presearch.com/search?q=site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Ftruthsocial.com%2F%40realDonaldTrump%2Fposts%20%20epps , revealed only one result, https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108911601191627576 . Trump’s post asks if the allegation that Ray Epps’s wife works for a company affiliated with Dominion Voting is true. Surely the Trump team must be resourceful enough to answer this question. Ray Epps’s documentable behavior, as well as the failure of law enforcement to arrest him until very recently, supports January sixth prisoners’ claims of malicious prosecution. Trump, instead of effectively using the Epps matter to help vindicate his most loyal supporters, poses a question designed to lure them, to again appear foolish. This Ring Master seems able to inflame the passions of both sides of the political spectrum simultaneously.

On March Eighteenth 2023 Trump published his expectation that he would be arrested the following Tuesday. He instructed his supporters to “ PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!”. There was no arrest until another Tuesday, April Fourth, but this time there was no similar request for protesters to take our nation back. It is my presumption that analysis of internet activity revealed that not enough Trump supporters were inclined to risk being involved in another January Sixth type event, to make a good show. The two week delay was a cooling off break designed to maintain an illusion of narrative cohesion.


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Thanks for the value-add!

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You have a great summary here already. I am glad that you like my sprinkle on top.

Remember choose the lesser evil.

If we take the slow road to Hell we will be better acclimated when we arrive!


I think the smart cities are near the end of this program.



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great expose. will pass it on

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Thank you! That is how we win!

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My “like” button is still not working.

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Yes but the real problem is that Trump is role playing.

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It's complicated. War often is.

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Trump moved within the system, socialized with elites at times, and did what he had to do to succeed in business. Shooting photos of a billionaire at events with elites proves nothing. Of course their paths crossed. But is he one of them?

He always went his own way in life. Not a drinker, not a big party person. There are actually very few pictures of him out in the world cavorting with the criminal elites. Why do you suppose that is?

I could refute or give an alternative theory to a high percentage of your bullet points above. But I’m not that invested in proving you wrong. I don’t have a horse in the race. I think we’re all screwed. And I don’t think there’s going to be a big bang moment—- civil war, revolutionary war or nuclear bomb. Rather, each and everyday, we are being slowly and quietly led into the Great Reset. We move a little closer everyday, live a bit more differently everyday….its incremental so we don’t feel it. And they provide lots of fireworks so we don’t see it.

Your posting this article is proof that you don’t see it either. Here you are, caught up in the same divisive tactics, pointing fingers at enemies, pretending you know the score. Meanwhile, America falls a little more everyday.

Stand there and scream, “But Trump is an enemy.”

It adds very little to the conversation we need to be having, which is how can we save ourselves?

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I don't understand why you (or anyone) would defend Trump when he is so obviously a controlled opposition puppet. He made it to the Presidency and didn't do anything about the major issues: fractional reserve banking, confiscatory taxation, never ending warfare, etc. Instead he participated in a program of biowarfare and depopulation... he helped murder tens of millions of people... and... there are a gazillion photos of hm cavorting with criminal elites including Putin, Xi, Trudeau, and every other G20 leader, He was and is "In on it"

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Once again, I’m not defending Trump. I’m asking people to start getting serious about saving humanity rather than spending time on Substack pointing at enemies.

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Sounds like you do

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Too many have the (fake) Trump card down as their way out of this Great Reset! ButTrump has no interest in helping Americans, they are just people he uses to get into power. What has he done in power to make anyone think that he is the saviour!

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I’m not sure why you got the impression I think Trump is a savior. I think I made my point: Trump is just another divisive tool and a distraction. This article proves my point. He takes up a lot of real estate in people’s heads.

I must say, however, that there must be some serious Academy Award winning actors on the world stage. If you go by Substack’s rendering, there is not one pure Patriot on the entire earth. Not one. No where. Zilch. Zero. All bad.

Beyond that, instead of hunting enemies in the Patriot movement, perhaps we should be finding ways to save ourselves. It’s time better spent, to put it mildly.

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That was a general comment on Trump supporters not aimed at yourself. I'm no patriot, I'm an englishman living in Australia.

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the most important point is to show that both sides are part of the theater.

they play golf together and have similar financial and social connections.

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Get "White Pilled" and believe in the one true Savior for humanity Jesus Christ!

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I appreciate the truth over deception. The entire political system in rigged in favor of the Parasites.

We are supposed to vote for a president soon, but our options are limited. Choice? It’s more like a cartoon character playing different roles, each role having a different personna. No matter which character you choose, it will be the same outcome.

Our choice is vote for the corrupt system or abstain.

Now that the US is at war with Russia, things are going to change more than we are prepared for. Get the butt grease ready.

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The war is orchestrated as Putin is another puppet

No amount of grease will suffice

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