WOW! This is the most viable answer to many of the questions I've been having for quite some time. I've often said that if you can get insanity mixed in with truth, the folks who might have accepted the truth will throw it all out if some insane nonsense is mixed in with it. Like FLAT EARTH? That is so easy to debunk and yet there they are! Thank you Etienne De La Boetie2 for being a LION among the hyenas that are out trying to prey on the sheep. I'm going to HAVE to upgrade to pay because your expose I just read is top notch reason, logic and common sense bringing out the most thought out critically thinking that I've seen in quite some time on this subject.
I've ALWAYS said that to blame all Jews for the misgivings of the few in control is as idiotic as to blame all Christians for murder because someone claiming to be a Christian murdered someone committing a homosexual act or other unnatural activity.
One of the most interesting yet foolish thoughts I've ever heard is the belief that man is so desperately wicked and evil in all his ways that he needs government. To which I reply so what you are saying is that you want to be RULED by men who are desperately wicked and evil in all their ways. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it. Great JOB keeping ROARING them OUT.
People need to get their heads out of the area of their body that never get's any sun and realize that we are RULED by PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES. And it's about time to stop letting them rule us AT ALL.
In the same way I am skeptical of anyone associated with Berwick, I am equally skeptical of anyone associated with Alex Jones who I think it running a similar controlled opposition media operation that takes good info and smears it with poo.
Mike has a very expensive lay out for his studio and he always is doing scare porn. Brendon interviewed a guy that said all of Jone's equipment is military grade. everything. He's military intelligence operative. Mike is too sadly.
Everyone should listen to everything from Sabrina Wallace and what she has to say about many of these and all her very scientific expose on the energy technologies and mind and body control the TRANSHUMAN AGENDAS IS REALLY ABOUT and how far advanced it is , Im very disappointed at watching what Jeffery Prather has become as well , look out when they go religious fanatic and excess fear rather than just seeing things as they are in truth.
I spent a lot of time in the last 4 years listening to him. I was easily worked into a frenzy while listening to him and had to do a major reassessment on what he was claiming and what was actually true. Lots of truth mixed with a ton of crap. His fear mongering is off the charts and you if aren't awake
to his carney barking, you'd think the ccp was already marching up your street. Yes being prepared is very important but also not allowing fear to run rough shod is even more important. I am also a follower of Jesus Christ and the thought of Mike Adams now giving sermons( over 100 now) seems very strange. Just my 2 cents and God bless.
I don’t trust him. I think he’s in it for the money. His stance on viruses varies depending on who he has on his show. He hypes anything that helps his ratings. He’s a pretty good actor.
Yes, that's the impression I also get, he's put out some interesting stuff over the years, but fearmongering is his forte, and I'm sure he likes his lolly. there's to much drama in his presentations when a lot less is required.
His stances on EVERYTHING depend on who he has on the show and the very DIFFERENT GROUPS he is always marketing to .THESE GUYS are marketers that is why they are rich.. I knew him way back when he still lived in Ecuador before he came here and created his empire , some of his work and info has certainly been of value. Money and Ego becomes a very slippery slope.
That may certainly be true , it is a ground for such things , but the best intentions can be warped by religious fanaticism and commerce . I knew him there .
Good grief that Stew (slowly cook/a state of excitement, worry, or confusion) Peters (to diminish gradually and come to an end) documentary is awful, but thanks for free link., though I had to tap out after the first hour.
Great article, keep going brother (fist bump emoji)
While I very much agree with the gist of your article and the concept of ‘controlled opposition’, I think the term gets thrown around a bit too often these days. For instance, it can be difficult to differentiate someone who is genuinely controlled opposition from others who fit in various categories, such as: hardcore crook/fraud/grifter, mistaken or has bad ideas, has behavioural problems, etc.
A few years ago I was a regular follower of JJ Couey before I got the impression that he doesn’t play well with others and regularly burns bridges with anyone who doesn’t agree with his increasingly wrong-headed ideas. Does this make him a ‘controlled opposition’ chaos agent, or simply someone who is naturally combative and narcissistic ?
Your comments around Anarchopulco piqued my interest, and I went back to the (paywalled) portion of your discussion with the Grimerica guys from last year regarding Anarchopulco (plus who you trust and don’t trust). Virtually the same information brought up as was stated in your article above, so I wasn’t able to glean anything else from it. I’ll have to dig into your investigations, as I find it all very interesting.
That being said, I’m surprised you’re cold on Charlie Robinson. I’ve listened to a ton of his material, and find him to be fairly genuine, benign, informative, insightful, and funny. And I do like your ‘trusted category’ picks, such as James Corbett (who I’m proud to say originally hails from my neck of the woods).
I'm not cold on Charlie...I like Charlie, and I have never seen any examples of him gatekeeping or being disingenuous. I think he is twisted up with Berwick in an unhealthy way similar to the way they I like and enjoy the work of David Knight and Greg Reese but don't trust Alex Jones but understand that the InfoWars TEAM does an amazing amount of good work even if there is a core group of controlled opposition running the overall operation.
It gets crazy doesnt it and as more people wake up they play the controlled opposition game deeper just allowing the "heroes" to reveal a little more when the agendas are already WAY past that point.
Ah ok, I had only gotten the impression regarding Charlie from the ‘FLAT’ label on the poster.
As for Berwick, I heard an interview with him on someone’s podcast in the last few months. Nothing stirred any suspicions at the time (if I recall correctly perhaps he sounded a bit breathless and overly passionate, kind of like Ryan Cristian). But now this, and various replies to the article, have me on guard.
One thing is for sure though, us skeptical folk tend to be somewhat untrusting of others and/or downright paranoid (I’m no different !). So it may just come with the territory.
Good stuff, as usual. I would be one of your big contributors, but I need to get you to change your thoughts on one thing. In a minute, I will explain.
I know Jeff Berwick well. I met him in Las Vegas at the 2013 Freedom Fest. He was drunk / stoned most of the time. But I did spend 5 weeks in Chile at Galt's Gulch Chile in its nascent stages. I was even offered a position as sales manager. But it didn't "smell right" to me. Anyway....
I have talked to you and exchanged some emails. I am all in, as I said, with 99% of your voluntaryism and anarchist ideas and ideals. I especially like the way Larken Rose destroys all statism.
OK, buckle up, because this might sting. You (and Larken, too) are 180 degrees off on Bitcoin. It will go down in history (maybe several years down the road) as the greatest discovery of human existence. More than fire, the wheel, electricity, the printing press, steamships, telegraph, automobiles, airplanes, telephones, radio, television, the internet, the iPhone, or even the Great Stones of the Yap people. Big stuff, huh? It is NOT A PONZI SCHEME. It is the most perfect form of money ever discovered (it was not invented) and is changing the fake fiat actual Ponzi scheme monies of the nationstates and their central banksters, liars, cheats, thieves, warmongers, empire builders, killers, and the largest criminal enterprise in history, FedGov.
Bitcoin has no upper limit because the US$ is inflated/debased until it unwinds to the ground. Bitcoin is the denominator with a 21 million max. Therefore, the price of Bitcoin is Infinity/21million. Today, it is $100K and by the end of this 4 year cycle its median value will be ~$500K with a + or - ranging from $250K to $1 Million per Bitcoin.
If you want to talk about this, I would like to have either emails or telephone conversations with you. I live in Arizona and sadly could not make it to Sedona in November.
Hi Jeff, For the record, I am a big fan of cryptocurrency and have never said it is a Ponzi scheme.. I agree that Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is one of the greatest inventions in all of recorded human history... I simply believe that: #1 was most likely the NSA that invented it based on the NSA whitepaper: How to make a mint, the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash. 2. That Bitcoin was semi-broken on purpose by AXA who hijacked the core development team and steered it into small blocks... 3. It is being pumped up by banks because it doesn't threaten the existing system due to transaction speed, cost, throughput, etc. and can be tracked and traced using it's public blockchain. I understand COMPLETELY why people invest in it and hold it and I have been selling my books for BTC and hold it to this day... I do think that there are other cryptos in the market with better features and performance as money... I'll DM you and we can set up a call to discuss. Sorry you missed Sedona!! It was a blast!
great article - I didn't even watch the Occupied film so I didn't know that thief Berwick was in it Such a scam artist. He scammed me out of a bunch of money because I really wanted to move to Mexico. Anyway - hopefully I'm wiser now. Thanks for all you do Etienne - which I think is not your real name. I guess your namesake was a famous anarchist. Rudolf Steiner also gave anarchists in Berlin a voice where he owned a magazine. And lost his entire subscriptuion list that the old magazine had had for decades....but he says he got new subscribers. He helped Henry Mackay I think the guy's name was. An honorable anarchist that was on the wanted list of the German authoritites, but back then the authoritites were not so blatant as they are today
My real name is Howard... It is a hard road that I hoe as so many are trapped in indoctrinated beliefs... Controlled opposition operations like Berwick and Peters make it even harder for us... Thanks for the kind words!
I'm on your side Howard...I hope you don't mind me calling you that just this once. Thank you for what you're doing. I was so stupid to believe that romeo scammer. But I'm not the only one. And its so important to expose this. It took me two full years to accept that it had just been a scam
Thank you for bringing SP into light about his MO. I have only watched his Old World Order, which I love, but there are a couple bits of poison thrown in there as well so I couldn't post it to the normies on my Facebook etc. I love planting seeds seeds with what we call "Tartaria" and think it's a good eye opener to people who can actually see for themselves buildings, windows half underground, etc but the quick flash of Jews and the gay boys was unnecessary. Yes, the Js have taken blood money as you speak about here... and yes, I think jabs, soy, etc have been an agenda to feminize men, but that isn't helping "wake up normies." I have clients who are Jews and homosexuals and this would just offend them. Not to mention, the Jewish people have been used just as much as every race of people by the apex predator. All races in politics have done wicked evil, like the twin tower implosion. What about Bush, Clinton, Pelosi, Maxine Waters? I don't know the names lol but you know what I mean. The other day I was at my studio and thought I'd listen to Rumble (it's been a long time) and turned on Stew Peters, left the room, and walking back in all I heard was hate for Jews. The owner of the building is Jewish! So I turned on Owen Benjamin thinking I'd hear about farming, etc. It was all Jew hate. Interestingly, Archaix predicted the Jews would be used as a cover to get the hate of everyone and be blamed, and Steve Falconer says the Jesuits hate the Js and Arabs so they create all this psyop as well. I just think it's wrong to lump peoples into a hateful ideology... sane with Chinese people. You're really a diamond in the rough... there's very few with a consciousness to see thru all of the psyops. Thank you.
The Tartaria thing is ANOTHER PSYOP that mixes in everything but the kitchen sink and much of it is simply not true , they are messing with all our concepts beliefs , history, and spinning it all off in confusion so we are more divided and conquered.
I read your article with great interest and genuine gratitude, as I had been previously perplexed by Peters when he first published good information about the "Covid" jabs, but soon afterwards discredited himself by advocating for Flat Earth. I am still to a considerable degree sympathetic to your viewpoint and largely share it, but my attitude changed somewhat when I actually watched "Occupied". I agree that the inclusion of the person who incessantly used the f-word is suspicious (why didn't the director suggest he tone down his language?), but otherwise I saw very little "poo" in the documentary, which mostly seemed right on to me. I agree that "inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking some of whom are Jewish" is more accurate than "the Jews" – and already did before I read your article – but despite this I don't think your formulation is truly accurate either, since you seem to understate the Jewish/Zionist influence. More accurate, I believe, would be something more like ""inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking many of whose principal and most influential figures are Jewish". In other words it's more than the absolving "some", and there is significant truth in the accusations directed at Zionist Jews. I'm not sure it says in the documentary that ALL Jews are culpable, so "It's the Jews" may be something of a straw man.
Likewise, while I was watching the film there also seemed to be truth in the "Hitler was a good man" angle, though this too might be something of an oversimplistic straw-man formulation.
Briefly put, I thought the film was generally solid. Your putdowns of various of the persons interviewed in it didn't mean anything to me, as I'm not acquainted with them or their histories. I do believe the one guy's way-overuse of the f-word was dubious to the point of being suspicious, but on the other hand everything I remember him as having actually said seemed legitimate to me.
So the reason I'm now commenting is to express an idea I had while thinking about this that seems plausible to me. I don't swear to it, but am just throwing it out there. It's the idea that everything in a particular Stew Peters documentary, or pretty much everything, could be totally right on, and that he still discredits himself and his content, separately, by his expressed views on Flat Earth, and perhaps by another or other idiocies of which I'm unaware. (I've only seen the film he made about the "Covid" jabs, a piece of his on Flat Earth, and now "Occupied".) I notice the presence of one or a couple of Flat Earthers in the comments here; I'm suspicious of all of them, but with no pretension that my particular opinion of them matters. People believe various odd things, and I'm sure some of these people are sincerely deluded.
So I remain largely in agreement with you about Peters, though suspecting that he may have discredited himself in a different way than within the "Occupied" documentary itself.
I thought the overwhelming amount of information presented in the documentary was solid! It was the little pieces of turd floating around the punch bowl that I think was the trick. I wasn't trying to understate the influence of political zionists in the government or media and I tackle the issue in more depth here:
Thanks for the response. I suppose the question is whether the "little pieces of turd" are sufficient to discredit the content of the video, and I suppose that question is open to discussion and to different opinions. I grant that at least some of the things you mention – for example immediately identifying the US as a Christian nation – don't do the content any favors. I'm largely with you, but I've read your cited article and see the same apparent understatement there, about inter-generational organized crime, "some" of whom "happen to be" Jewish. I suspect your being Jewish, as I discovered at the end of the article, has a lot to do with your defensive stance regarding the Jews in general. There may be some people who regard all of them as being guilty, but I don't think that's the general attitude, it certainly isn't mine, and – again – I don't remember having noticed it in the Peters video either. I would suggest the same acknowledgment in the cited article as in this one: "some" > "many of whose". There IS a Jewish predominance, as you yourself demonstrate in nearly all of the other article's accompanying graphics.
As regards your shoving the blame onto a generalized Statism, I don't buy it. There are plenty of states and believers in states who don't do what Israel does. There's a particular and observable evil in Zionism, which is – whether you like it or not – essentially Jewish. The idea that God chose a certain people to rule over the earth is pernicious, and that idea IS religious and is responsible for much of the problem.
The Flat earth thing seems dominated by Christian dogmatic beliefs, now its there never were dinosaurs , Tartaria , the earth is only 6,000 years old, . There are 20 miles of HALLWAYS FLOOR TO CEILING, HIDING 500,000 ITEMS of 10,000 years of human history in the VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES , dont you think we are all missing lots of essential info, why are they hiding it , how do they still have the power and arrogance to do so? Most of the worlds problems and confusion would be solved, send in a few SEAL TEAMS , take over the place and reveal to the world the massive fraud.
Over the years of watching various, supposedly informative documentaries, I've learned to just observe and consider before jumping on any bandwagons. I watched some of Occupied but was so turned off by the one interviewed fellow whose vocabulary seemed limited to the f-word, using it as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb constantly, that I didn't finish watching the whole video.
You've raised a lot of red flags about yourself for those of us with a particular degree of intelligence, who actually read the small print and put it all together and can tell the difference between conjecture and fact, as well as the difference between unfounded and unproven suspicions and truth. I am not a supporter of these people, but I can tell an agenda when I see one. I don't know who you're funded and supported by, but it will surface at some point. On the off-chance that you are not already employed by the ones we are not allowed to criticize, I wish you well.
Hitler was an exceptionally good guy, which is why 99% of Germany followed him in the brutal fight against the Jew World Order. Germany lost, and the Jewish victors wrote the history of that struggle. We are all taught that false history and parrot it to future generations with total conviction (just like Etienne does here), but that history is actually inter-generational Jewish con-artistry and propaganda, or if you prefer, inter-generational Khazarian mafia con-artistry and propaganda founded on central banking and information control almost all of which is in Jewish hands. Of course not all of the Jews are aware of the con, but the con is of definite Jewish origin and designed for definite Jewish benefit. And the Hitler/Nazi vilification program has been actively maintained by the Jews for 80 years now. The Jews even make laws in most major countries to imprison anyone who would question the veracity of their "persecuted Jew" fairy tale! This crime is massive, and for Etienne to serve up the Jewish Kool-Aid that Hitler was definitely not a good guy makes him as shady as Jeff Berwick or Stew Peters. Character assassination is a typical Jewish tactic to cast public doubt on the presented evidence exposing Jewish con-artistry. Why no smearing of Ken O'Keefe, when he has independently arrived at the same conclusion about Big Jewish Lies concerning Hitler's Germany? And you should character assassinate me too, as I came to the same conclusions after two decades of intense research, even though I firmly believed the false WW2 history for most of my life. I even documented my 20 years of re-education on the Internet, so anyone could review it, only to have it censored, shadow-banned, and black-listed by Google and other major search engines. When that happens, you know you are close to the truth. Ask Ken O'Keefe about that, or David Irving, or Vincent Reynouard, or Ursula Haverbeck, or Ernst Zundel. They all know, but Etienne is still wet behind the ears. Yes, Jeff Berwick is a pretty good con-man, and Stew Peters might be as well, but con-artists will often recognize a con-game long before the public ever gets a clue. Give more attention to the message and less to the messenger.
"Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and... Good Karma for All!" Good Karma for all. Way to smear your message with new age poo, to leave a bad taste in the mouth of anybody who isn't an old boomer California hippie quasi-Buddhist lifelong reefer head. Just about all the same things you said about them, could be said about you. If not all of them.
Oh and, make everybody sign up to comment, to ensure your comment section is an echo chamber of your minions. That's smooth. I don't hate you or Stew Peters. What I hate is the pot calling the kettle black. Just curious, is there a Karmic debt for that?
do appreciate your free speech and opinion on the above movie 'Occupied" but there are many on the fence and who have no history of why our gov continue to rally with open borders, constant wars, constant non traditional families values. I am certain , looking around , things are certainly no as they were when I was growing up in Chicago in the 90's . So anyone can take a look around and ask questions on who or what is steering us in this way . I think a movie like this is pretty good. Yeah some of the guys look kinda out of the business arena , with tattoos and a grungy look , there may be some who have had some dicy histories . But take a look at our so called gov representatives - shameful and lifers sucking off the good will and using patriotism and the diversity n equity crap domesticating everyone into being non judgmental . It is downright shameful to see even members of my family towing the line . I think the movie was good . yeah I see your points in some of the pokes on religion , but could you give me a religious figure in the last 10 yrs that has stood up and given people maybe a fraction of what the movie gets out into the public. AND will hold Israel and its audience accountable. My opinion is , if you don't like it , make another one that is more favorable with your slant or ideology.
Stop insulting ones work when they get an A+ for effort .
I just did... I put out my version of what is going on and explained why their version was a scam. If you read the comments the overwhelming number of people are agreeing with me and that is how things play out in the market. I get an A+ in effort as well. Best, E
I’ll strongly disagree with your opinion that you think flat earth is disinformation, cause the heliocentric globe model is the proven lie and psyop given to you by the controllers yet you “truthers” defend it, since you obviously haven’t researched it.
Second, the “it’s the Jews” scam of everything is to blame Jews on is another psyop cause the real controllers are the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican through the black nobility. They use the Jews and other scape goats to hide behind, it’s always been the way and the US is heavily occupied by the Jesuits, all the intelligence CIA is, FBI etc started by Jesuits, heck the pentagon is modelled after the Farnese villa in Italy which they’re part of the 13 families. All roads lead to Rome, it’s another huge topic.
Third and lastly the attack on Jeff’s Tesla machine, is not warranted cause Tesla technology base on Rife does heal and is powerful, however that machine is very expensive and don’t trust it completely coming from him. They need to mix truth with lies that’s how it works. So can’t say if he’s completely 100% controlled opposition and just a useful gullible fool but need to research everything your own and back up claims instead of pointing fingers or saying opinions without facts.
Thanks for your comment(s) Riccardo, and also Etienne for the article. I didn't like the vibes of completely blaming the J's either, and I was looking for at least the Zionist word instead which I recall was only mentioned once or twice (by Jeff and/or Max funny enough).
With regards to the flat or how I like to say level earth, I very much agree with you Riccardo. In terms of using that point for being controlled op or something, I recall Etienne being on Alfa Vedic and fairly recently, and they are completely on board with the level understanding and I believe friends with Weiss, Falconer, Martens, and more.
My point isn't to 'argue' points or facts on the topic - just noting that colleagues or perhaps friends of the author are aligned with said topic.
Many who are level earthers are also good to point out that there are no viruses (at least as described). Yes if one looks with a powerful enough microscope there will be particles or remnants of something, which is a far cry from the official story about the otherwise invisible boogeyman.
Funny enough, haven't listened to Berwick in a while but will catch a bit of the TDV every now and then, and when I heard him acknowledging the virus fraud as well as level earth, those were positive checkmarks. (For the other info I didn't know, and thanks for the article overall).
I have friends who believe in the flat/level earth and I am happy to agree to disagree agreeably... I simply believe Berwick is injecting flat earth into a conference allegedly about Anarchy to discredit the attendees with their friends, family and colleagues... It is only one of dozens of pieces of evidence I present from our real deal investigation into Anarchapulco where I interviewed eight different ex Berwick employees, employees of the conference, attendees or Berwick acquaintances and sponsors/partners.
I have looked into flat earth but am simply not convinced... I agree that the Vatican is a HUGE power player but the US hasn't given $100 billion to the Vatican... I didn't say anything about Tesla technology.. I simply don't trust anything promoted by a serial con artist like Berwick!
Hi Hoezo, a big thing to keep in mind is that many like to conflate an explanation of the cosmos, and a complete one at that, instead of focusing on the flat or what I prefer to note as level aspect. It's a bit like doing a landscaping job, and saying 'let's look at the sky and stars to determine our work on the turf', instead of focusing on the ground!
That said, I recommend "Taboo Conspiracy" who is on Odysee as well as youtube, because he has many simple and straightforward examples of how far we can see or even measure things with lasers and mirrors. If you're open to debunking the curvature and having evidence of being flat/level, that's a good place to start.
This that you said has some truth but they are all mixed together , infiltration, espionage, intermarriage,
Second, the “it’s the Jews” scam of everything is to blame Jews on is another psyop cause the real controllers are the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican through the black nobility. They use the Jews and other scape goats to hide behind, it’s always been the way and the US is heavily occupied by the Jesuits, all the intelligence CIA is, FBI etc started by Jesuits, heck the pentagon is modelled after the Farnese villa in Italy which they’re part of the 13 families. All roads lead to Rome, it’s another huge topic. All this is why its confusing
I'm sorry to hear about your loved ones. We have the same stories. I'm a hairstylist and I'm constantly having clients who's 18 year old, or 34 year old son has "died suddenly" or kids were fine until given the round of jabs and now have diabetes, autism, probably future cancer, etc. Last week was really hard because what do I say? A coworker passed out the other day. She was 8 months pregnant got a flu shot and had a reaction. I hope her and the baby are OK, I haven't seen them recently. So, we're in WW3 and watching the casualties of war. It's horrible and people don't want to listen or even have a discussion about it.
There's more than eugenics going on. Eugenics is just one aspect of the innate need for power and control that the ruling sociopaths possess. Their inherited sociopathy is much more of a driver than eugenics per se. They practice eugenics internally via bloodlines in order to maintain those strong sociopathic traits, which they believe makes them superior to normal humans. I've seen evidence that Benjamin Netanyahu cut a lucrative secret deal with Big Pharma to use Israelis as Covid-19 "vaccine" lab rats. I've also seen evidence that the vaccine mRNA programming has less effect on Jews who are genetically of Ashkenazi descent. Perhaps Netanyahu knew this when he made the deal and appeared to sell out his own people. My main point is to be wary about declaring that you have the definitive truth. We live in a world of deception (by continuous design of the ruling sociopaths) that is far more complex and convoluted than the puny human brain can process.
WOW! This is the most viable answer to many of the questions I've been having for quite some time. I've often said that if you can get insanity mixed in with truth, the folks who might have accepted the truth will throw it all out if some insane nonsense is mixed in with it. Like FLAT EARTH? That is so easy to debunk and yet there they are! Thank you Etienne De La Boetie2 for being a LION among the hyenas that are out trying to prey on the sheep. I'm going to HAVE to upgrade to pay because your expose I just read is top notch reason, logic and common sense bringing out the most thought out critically thinking that I've seen in quite some time on this subject.
I've ALWAYS said that to blame all Jews for the misgivings of the few in control is as idiotic as to blame all Christians for murder because someone claiming to be a Christian murdered someone committing a homosexual act or other unnatural activity.
One of the most interesting yet foolish thoughts I've ever heard is the belief that man is so desperately wicked and evil in all his ways that he needs government. To which I reply so what you are saying is that you want to be RULED by men who are desperately wicked and evil in all their ways. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it. Great JOB keeping ROARING them OUT.
People need to get their heads out of the area of their body that never get's any sun and realize that we are RULED by PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES. And it's about time to stop letting them rule us AT ALL.
Great article! Yes! We will syndicate on Tuesday in our Daily News publication! Welcome to the party!
Nice reply
I'm wondering your take on Mike Adams Health Ranger?
In the same way I am skeptical of anyone associated with Berwick, I am equally skeptical of anyone associated with Alex Jones who I think it running a similar controlled opposition media operation that takes good info and smears it with poo.
Mike has a very expensive lay out for his studio and he always is doing scare porn. Brendon interviewed a guy that said all of Jone's equipment is military grade. everything. He's military intelligence operative. Mike is too sadly.
Everyone should listen to everything from Sabrina Wallace and what she has to say about many of these and all her very scientific expose on the energy technologies and mind and body control the TRANSHUMAN AGENDAS IS REALLY ABOUT and how far advanced it is , Im very disappointed at watching what Jeffery Prather has become as well , look out when they go religious fanatic and excess fear rather than just seeing things as they are in truth.
so disappointed in alex stein, running with jones, barr, vomit 🤢 he used to be so fun but now hes compromised too, breuer, shame 😞
I spent a lot of time in the last 4 years listening to him. I was easily worked into a frenzy while listening to him and had to do a major reassessment on what he was claiming and what was actually true. Lots of truth mixed with a ton of crap. His fear mongering is off the charts and you if aren't awake
to his carney barking, you'd think the ccp was already marching up your street. Yes being prepared is very important but also not allowing fear to run rough shod is even more important. I am also a follower of Jesus Christ and the thought of Mike Adams now giving sermons( over 100 now) seems very strange. Just my 2 cents and God bless.
I agree. It’s a method. Humans are easily fooled. I confess. I’m a recovering fool.
He can be charming. He can tell the truth. He’s not the only one playing this con.
I don’t trust him. I think he’s in it for the money. His stance on viruses varies depending on who he has on his show. He hypes anything that helps his ratings. He’s a pretty good actor.
Yes, that's the impression I also get, he's put out some interesting stuff over the years, but fearmongering is his forte, and I'm sure he likes his lolly. there's to much drama in his presentations when a lot less is required.
His stances on EVERYTHING depend on who he has on the show and the very DIFFERENT GROUPS he is always marketing to .THESE GUYS are marketers that is why they are rich.. I knew him way back when he still lived in Ecuador before he came here and created his empire , some of his work and info has certainly been of value. Money and Ego becomes a very slippery slope.
Ecuador? A perfect place to train a covert agent before giving him an expensive lab and fancy studio.
That may certainly be true , it is a ground for such things , but the best intentions can be warped by religious fanaticism and commerce . I knew him there .
Good grief that Stew (slowly cook/a state of excitement, worry, or confusion) Peters (to diminish gradually and come to an end) documentary is awful, but thanks for free link., though I had to tap out after the first hour.
Great article, keep going brother (fist bump emoji)
Thanks Leo! I think you are spot on with the gematria of his name! ROTFLOL!
While I very much agree with the gist of your article and the concept of ‘controlled opposition’, I think the term gets thrown around a bit too often these days. For instance, it can be difficult to differentiate someone who is genuinely controlled opposition from others who fit in various categories, such as: hardcore crook/fraud/grifter, mistaken or has bad ideas, has behavioural problems, etc.
A few years ago I was a regular follower of JJ Couey before I got the impression that he doesn’t play well with others and regularly burns bridges with anyone who doesn’t agree with his increasingly wrong-headed ideas. Does this make him a ‘controlled opposition’ chaos agent, or simply someone who is naturally combative and narcissistic ?
Your comments around Anarchopulco piqued my interest, and I went back to the (paywalled) portion of your discussion with the Grimerica guys from last year regarding Anarchopulco (plus who you trust and don’t trust). Virtually the same information brought up as was stated in your article above, so I wasn’t able to glean anything else from it. I’ll have to dig into your investigations, as I find it all very interesting.
That being said, I’m surprised you’re cold on Charlie Robinson. I’ve listened to a ton of his material, and find him to be fairly genuine, benign, informative, insightful, and funny. And I do like your ‘trusted category’ picks, such as James Corbett (who I’m proud to say originally hails from my neck of the woods).
I'm not cold on Charlie...I like Charlie, and I have never seen any examples of him gatekeeping or being disingenuous. I think he is twisted up with Berwick in an unhealthy way similar to the way they I like and enjoy the work of David Knight and Greg Reese but don't trust Alex Jones but understand that the InfoWars TEAM does an amazing amount of good work even if there is a core group of controlled opposition running the overall operation.
It gets crazy doesnt it and as more people wake up they play the controlled opposition game deeper just allowing the "heroes" to reveal a little more when the agendas are already WAY past that point.
Ah ok, I had only gotten the impression regarding Charlie from the ‘FLAT’ label on the poster.
As for Berwick, I heard an interview with him on someone’s podcast in the last few months. Nothing stirred any suspicions at the time (if I recall correctly perhaps he sounded a bit breathless and overly passionate, kind of like Ryan Cristian). But now this, and various replies to the article, have me on guard.
One thing is for sure though, us skeptical folk tend to be somewhat untrusting of others and/or downright paranoid (I’m no different !). So it may just come with the territory.
Good stuff, as usual. I would be one of your big contributors, but I need to get you to change your thoughts on one thing. In a minute, I will explain.
I know Jeff Berwick well. I met him in Las Vegas at the 2013 Freedom Fest. He was drunk / stoned most of the time. But I did spend 5 weeks in Chile at Galt's Gulch Chile in its nascent stages. I was even offered a position as sales manager. But it didn't "smell right" to me. Anyway....
I have talked to you and exchanged some emails. I am all in, as I said, with 99% of your voluntaryism and anarchist ideas and ideals. I especially like the way Larken Rose destroys all statism.
OK, buckle up, because this might sting. You (and Larken, too) are 180 degrees off on Bitcoin. It will go down in history (maybe several years down the road) as the greatest discovery of human existence. More than fire, the wheel, electricity, the printing press, steamships, telegraph, automobiles, airplanes, telephones, radio, television, the internet, the iPhone, or even the Great Stones of the Yap people. Big stuff, huh? It is NOT A PONZI SCHEME. It is the most perfect form of money ever discovered (it was not invented) and is changing the fake fiat actual Ponzi scheme monies of the nationstates and their central banksters, liars, cheats, thieves, warmongers, empire builders, killers, and the largest criminal enterprise in history, FedGov.
Bitcoin has no upper limit because the US$ is inflated/debased until it unwinds to the ground. Bitcoin is the denominator with a 21 million max. Therefore, the price of Bitcoin is Infinity/21million. Today, it is $100K and by the end of this 4 year cycle its median value will be ~$500K with a + or - ranging from $250K to $1 Million per Bitcoin.
If you want to talk about this, I would like to have either emails or telephone conversations with you. I live in Arizona and sadly could not make it to Sedona in November.
Jeff Greenlee / DM on Twitter (X) @JeffGreenlee18
Hi Jeff, For the record, I am a big fan of cryptocurrency and have never said it is a Ponzi scheme.. I agree that Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is one of the greatest inventions in all of recorded human history... I simply believe that: #1 was most likely the NSA that invented it based on the NSA whitepaper: How to make a mint, the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash. 2. That Bitcoin was semi-broken on purpose by AXA who hijacked the core development team and steered it into small blocks... 3. It is being pumped up by banks because it doesn't threaten the existing system due to transaction speed, cost, throughput, etc. and can be tracked and traced using it's public blockchain. I understand COMPLETELY why people invest in it and hold it and I have been selling my books for BTC and hold it to this day... I do think that there are other cryptos in the market with better features and performance as money... I'll DM you and we can set up a call to discuss. Sorry you missed Sedona!! It was a blast!
great article - I didn't even watch the Occupied film so I didn't know that thief Berwick was in it Such a scam artist. He scammed me out of a bunch of money because I really wanted to move to Mexico. Anyway - hopefully I'm wiser now. Thanks for all you do Etienne - which I think is not your real name. I guess your namesake was a famous anarchist. Rudolf Steiner also gave anarchists in Berlin a voice where he owned a magazine. And lost his entire subscriptuion list that the old magazine had had for decades....but he says he got new subscribers. He helped Henry Mackay I think the guy's name was. An honorable anarchist that was on the wanted list of the German authoritites, but back then the authoritites were not so blatant as they are today
My real name is Howard... It is a hard road that I hoe as so many are trapped in indoctrinated beliefs... Controlled opposition operations like Berwick and Peters make it even harder for us... Thanks for the kind words!
I'm on your side Howard...I hope you don't mind me calling you that just this once. Thank you for what you're doing. I was so stupid to believe that romeo scammer. But I'm not the only one. And its so important to expose this. It took me two full years to accept that it had just been a scam
Great letter today, this is very important information to share. The guy always seemed like a greasy grifter to me, same as Berwick.
Thank you for bringing SP into light about his MO. I have only watched his Old World Order, which I love, but there are a couple bits of poison thrown in there as well so I couldn't post it to the normies on my Facebook etc. I love planting seeds seeds with what we call "Tartaria" and think it's a good eye opener to people who can actually see for themselves buildings, windows half underground, etc but the quick flash of Jews and the gay boys was unnecessary. Yes, the Js have taken blood money as you speak about here... and yes, I think jabs, soy, etc have been an agenda to feminize men, but that isn't helping "wake up normies." I have clients who are Jews and homosexuals and this would just offend them. Not to mention, the Jewish people have been used just as much as every race of people by the apex predator. All races in politics have done wicked evil, like the twin tower implosion. What about Bush, Clinton, Pelosi, Maxine Waters? I don't know the names lol but you know what I mean. The other day I was at my studio and thought I'd listen to Rumble (it's been a long time) and turned on Stew Peters, left the room, and walking back in all I heard was hate for Jews. The owner of the building is Jewish! So I turned on Owen Benjamin thinking I'd hear about farming, etc. It was all Jew hate. Interestingly, Archaix predicted the Jews would be used as a cover to get the hate of everyone and be blamed, and Steve Falconer says the Jesuits hate the Js and Arabs so they create all this psyop as well. I just think it's wrong to lump peoples into a hateful ideology... sane with Chinese people. You're really a diamond in the rough... there's very few with a consciousness to see thru all of the psyops. Thank you.
The Tartaria thing is ANOTHER PSYOP that mixes in everything but the kitchen sink and much of it is simply not true , they are messing with all our concepts beliefs , history, and spinning it all off in confusion so we are more divided and conquered.
I read your article with great interest and genuine gratitude, as I had been previously perplexed by Peters when he first published good information about the "Covid" jabs, but soon afterwards discredited himself by advocating for Flat Earth. I am still to a considerable degree sympathetic to your viewpoint and largely share it, but my attitude changed somewhat when I actually watched "Occupied". I agree that the inclusion of the person who incessantly used the f-word is suspicious (why didn't the director suggest he tone down his language?), but otherwise I saw very little "poo" in the documentary, which mostly seemed right on to me. I agree that "inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking some of whom are Jewish" is more accurate than "the Jews" – and already did before I read your article – but despite this I don't think your formulation is truly accurate either, since you seem to understate the Jewish/Zionist influence. More accurate, I believe, would be something more like ""inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking many of whose principal and most influential figures are Jewish". In other words it's more than the absolving "some", and there is significant truth in the accusations directed at Zionist Jews. I'm not sure it says in the documentary that ALL Jews are culpable, so "It's the Jews" may be something of a straw man.
Likewise, while I was watching the film there also seemed to be truth in the "Hitler was a good man" angle, though this too might be something of an oversimplistic straw-man formulation.
Briefly put, I thought the film was generally solid. Your putdowns of various of the persons interviewed in it didn't mean anything to me, as I'm not acquainted with them or their histories. I do believe the one guy's way-overuse of the f-word was dubious to the point of being suspicious, but on the other hand everything I remember him as having actually said seemed legitimate to me.
So the reason I'm now commenting is to express an idea I had while thinking about this that seems plausible to me. I don't swear to it, but am just throwing it out there. It's the idea that everything in a particular Stew Peters documentary, or pretty much everything, could be totally right on, and that he still discredits himself and his content, separately, by his expressed views on Flat Earth, and perhaps by another or other idiocies of which I'm unaware. (I've only seen the film he made about the "Covid" jabs, a piece of his on Flat Earth, and now "Occupied".) I notice the presence of one or a couple of Flat Earthers in the comments here; I'm suspicious of all of them, but with no pretension that my particular opinion of them matters. People believe various odd things, and I'm sure some of these people are sincerely deluded.
So I remain largely in agreement with you about Peters, though suspecting that he may have discredited himself in a different way than within the "Occupied" documentary itself.
I thought the overwhelming amount of information presented in the documentary was solid! It was the little pieces of turd floating around the punch bowl that I think was the trick. I wasn't trying to understate the influence of political zionists in the government or media and I tackle the issue in more depth here:
Thanks for the response. I suppose the question is whether the "little pieces of turd" are sufficient to discredit the content of the video, and I suppose that question is open to discussion and to different opinions. I grant that at least some of the things you mention – for example immediately identifying the US as a Christian nation – don't do the content any favors. I'm largely with you, but I've read your cited article and see the same apparent understatement there, about inter-generational organized crime, "some" of whom "happen to be" Jewish. I suspect your being Jewish, as I discovered at the end of the article, has a lot to do with your defensive stance regarding the Jews in general. There may be some people who regard all of them as being guilty, but I don't think that's the general attitude, it certainly isn't mine, and – again – I don't remember having noticed it in the Peters video either. I would suggest the same acknowledgment in the cited article as in this one: "some" > "many of whose". There IS a Jewish predominance, as you yourself demonstrate in nearly all of the other article's accompanying graphics.
As regards your shoving the blame onto a generalized Statism, I don't buy it. There are plenty of states and believers in states who don't do what Israel does. There's a particular and observable evil in Zionism, which is – whether you like it or not – essentially Jewish. The idea that God chose a certain people to rule over the earth is pernicious, and that idea IS religious and is responsible for much of the problem.
The Flat earth thing seems dominated by Christian dogmatic beliefs, now its there never were dinosaurs , Tartaria , the earth is only 6,000 years old, . There are 20 miles of HALLWAYS FLOOR TO CEILING, HIDING 500,000 ITEMS of 10,000 years of human history in the VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES , dont you think we are all missing lots of essential info, why are they hiding it , how do they still have the power and arrogance to do so? Most of the worlds problems and confusion would be solved, send in a few SEAL TEAMS , take over the place and reveal to the world the massive fraud.
Over the years of watching various, supposedly informative documentaries, I've learned to just observe and consider before jumping on any bandwagons. I watched some of Occupied but was so turned off by the one interviewed fellow whose vocabulary seemed limited to the f-word, using it as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb constantly, that I didn't finish watching the whole video.
That was their plan!
Their plan? I watched over half of it, but it seemed too rushed or not well-thought. Not a documentary I would recommend or re-post anywhere. out
You've raised a lot of red flags about yourself for those of us with a particular degree of intelligence, who actually read the small print and put it all together and can tell the difference between conjecture and fact, as well as the difference between unfounded and unproven suspicions and truth. I am not a supporter of these people, but I can tell an agenda when I see one. I don't know who you're funded and supported by, but it will surface at some point. On the off-chance that you are not already employed by the ones we are not allowed to criticize, I wish you well.
Hitler was an exceptionally good guy, which is why 99% of Germany followed him in the brutal fight against the Jew World Order. Germany lost, and the Jewish victors wrote the history of that struggle. We are all taught that false history and parrot it to future generations with total conviction (just like Etienne does here), but that history is actually inter-generational Jewish con-artistry and propaganda, or if you prefer, inter-generational Khazarian mafia con-artistry and propaganda founded on central banking and information control almost all of which is in Jewish hands. Of course not all of the Jews are aware of the con, but the con is of definite Jewish origin and designed for definite Jewish benefit. And the Hitler/Nazi vilification program has been actively maintained by the Jews for 80 years now. The Jews even make laws in most major countries to imprison anyone who would question the veracity of their "persecuted Jew" fairy tale! This crime is massive, and for Etienne to serve up the Jewish Kool-Aid that Hitler was definitely not a good guy makes him as shady as Jeff Berwick or Stew Peters. Character assassination is a typical Jewish tactic to cast public doubt on the presented evidence exposing Jewish con-artistry. Why no smearing of Ken O'Keefe, when he has independently arrived at the same conclusion about Big Jewish Lies concerning Hitler's Germany? And you should character assassinate me too, as I came to the same conclusions after two decades of intense research, even though I firmly believed the false WW2 history for most of my life. I even documented my 20 years of re-education on the Internet, so anyone could review it, only to have it censored, shadow-banned, and black-listed by Google and other major search engines. When that happens, you know you are close to the truth. Ask Ken O'Keefe about that, or David Irving, or Vincent Reynouard, or Ursula Haverbeck, or Ernst Zundel. They all know, but Etienne is still wet behind the ears. Yes, Jeff Berwick is a pretty good con-man, and Stew Peters might be as well, but con-artists will often recognize a con-game long before the public ever gets a clue. Give more attention to the message and less to the messenger.
"Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and... Good Karma for All!" Good Karma for all. Way to smear your message with new age poo, to leave a bad taste in the mouth of anybody who isn't an old boomer California hippie quasi-Buddhist lifelong reefer head. Just about all the same things you said about them, could be said about you. If not all of them.
Oh and, make everybody sign up to comment, to ensure your comment section is an echo chamber of your minions. That's smooth. I don't hate you or Stew Peters. What I hate is the pot calling the kettle black. Just curious, is there a Karmic debt for that?
do appreciate your free speech and opinion on the above movie 'Occupied" but there are many on the fence and who have no history of why our gov continue to rally with open borders, constant wars, constant non traditional families values. I am certain , looking around , things are certainly no as they were when I was growing up in Chicago in the 90's . So anyone can take a look around and ask questions on who or what is steering us in this way . I think a movie like this is pretty good. Yeah some of the guys look kinda out of the business arena , with tattoos and a grungy look , there may be some who have had some dicy histories . But take a look at our so called gov representatives - shameful and lifers sucking off the good will and using patriotism and the diversity n equity crap domesticating everyone into being non judgmental . It is downright shameful to see even members of my family towing the line . I think the movie was good . yeah I see your points in some of the pokes on religion , but could you give me a religious figure in the last 10 yrs that has stood up and given people maybe a fraction of what the movie gets out into the public. AND will hold Israel and its audience accountable. My opinion is , if you don't like it , make another one that is more favorable with your slant or ideology.
Stop insulting ones work when they get an A+ for effort .
I just did... I put out my version of what is going on and explained why their version was a scam. If you read the comments the overwhelming number of people are agreeing with me and that is how things play out in the market. I get an A+ in effort as well. Best, E
I’ll strongly disagree with your opinion that you think flat earth is disinformation, cause the heliocentric globe model is the proven lie and psyop given to you by the controllers yet you “truthers” defend it, since you obviously haven’t researched it.
Second, the “it’s the Jews” scam of everything is to blame Jews on is another psyop cause the real controllers are the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican through the black nobility. They use the Jews and other scape goats to hide behind, it’s always been the way and the US is heavily occupied by the Jesuits, all the intelligence CIA is, FBI etc started by Jesuits, heck the pentagon is modelled after the Farnese villa in Italy which they’re part of the 13 families. All roads lead to Rome, it’s another huge topic.
Third and lastly the attack on Jeff’s Tesla machine, is not warranted cause Tesla technology base on Rife does heal and is powerful, however that machine is very expensive and don’t trust it completely coming from him. They need to mix truth with lies that’s how it works. So can’t say if he’s completely 100% controlled opposition and just a useful gullible fool but need to research everything your own and back up claims instead of pointing fingers or saying opinions without facts.
Thanks for your comment(s) Riccardo, and also Etienne for the article. I didn't like the vibes of completely blaming the J's either, and I was looking for at least the Zionist word instead which I recall was only mentioned once or twice (by Jeff and/or Max funny enough).
With regards to the flat or how I like to say level earth, I very much agree with you Riccardo. In terms of using that point for being controlled op or something, I recall Etienne being on Alfa Vedic and fairly recently, and they are completely on board with the level understanding and I believe friends with Weiss, Falconer, Martens, and more.
My point isn't to 'argue' points or facts on the topic - just noting that colleagues or perhaps friends of the author are aligned with said topic.
Many who are level earthers are also good to point out that there are no viruses (at least as described). Yes if one looks with a powerful enough microscope there will be particles or remnants of something, which is a far cry from the official story about the otherwise invisible boogeyman.
Funny enough, haven't listened to Berwick in a while but will catch a bit of the TDV every now and then, and when I heard him acknowledging the virus fraud as well as level earth, those were positive checkmarks. (For the other info I didn't know, and thanks for the article overall).
I have friends who believe in the flat/level earth and I am happy to agree to disagree agreeably... I simply believe Berwick is injecting flat earth into a conference allegedly about Anarchy to discredit the attendees with their friends, family and colleagues... It is only one of dozens of pieces of evidence I present from our real deal investigation into Anarchapulco where I interviewed eight different ex Berwick employees, employees of the conference, attendees or Berwick acquaintances and sponsors/partners.
I have looked into flat earth but am simply not convinced... I agree that the Vatican is a HUGE power player but the US hasn't given $100 billion to the Vatican... I didn't say anything about Tesla technology.. I simply don't trust anything promoted by a serial con artist like Berwick!
Any research sources on flat Earth u recommend?
Hi Hoezo, a big thing to keep in mind is that many like to conflate an explanation of the cosmos, and a complete one at that, instead of focusing on the flat or what I prefer to note as level aspect. It's a bit like doing a landscaping job, and saying 'let's look at the sky and stars to determine our work on the turf', instead of focusing on the ground!
That said, I recommend "Taboo Conspiracy" who is on Odysee as well as youtube, because he has many simple and straightforward examples of how far we can see or even measure things with lasers and mirrors. If you're open to debunking the curvature and having evidence of being flat/level, that's a good place to start.
Cheers :)
This that you said has some truth but they are all mixed together , infiltration, espionage, intermarriage,
Second, the “it’s the Jews” scam of everything is to blame Jews on is another psyop cause the real controllers are the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican through the black nobility. They use the Jews and other scape goats to hide behind, it’s always been the way and the US is heavily occupied by the Jesuits, all the intelligence CIA is, FBI etc started by Jesuits, heck the pentagon is modelled after the Farnese villa in Italy which they’re part of the 13 families. All roads lead to Rome, it’s another huge topic. All this is why its confusing
Have to disagree with you.
I have 2 dead sisters a dead son and a dead friend in USA all dead because they took the vaccines and more distant relatives have also died
Everywhere we hear of more people whose relatives are getting cancers
Also where there are Jews there appears to be people who are in opposition to the Jewish race seem to end up dead
The most notable is Jesus Christ at the hands of Scribes and pharasies by their own admission
I'm sorry to hear about your loved ones. We have the same stories. I'm a hairstylist and I'm constantly having clients who's 18 year old, or 34 year old son has "died suddenly" or kids were fine until given the round of jabs and now have diabetes, autism, probably future cancer, etc. Last week was really hard because what do I say? A coworker passed out the other day. She was 8 months pregnant got a flu shot and had a reaction. I hope her and the baby are OK, I haven't seen them recently. So, we're in WW3 and watching the casualties of war. It's horrible and people don't want to listen or even have a discussion about it.
They pushed the "vaccines" on the Jews in Israel and the US where the uptake was huge.. It is definitely eugenics at the top. Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at to understand who is behind "The Covid"
Are there any excess death stats for Israel?
There's more than eugenics going on. Eugenics is just one aspect of the innate need for power and control that the ruling sociopaths possess. Their inherited sociopathy is much more of a driver than eugenics per se. They practice eugenics internally via bloodlines in order to maintain those strong sociopathic traits, which they believe makes them superior to normal humans. I've seen evidence that Benjamin Netanyahu cut a lucrative secret deal with Big Pharma to use Israelis as Covid-19 "vaccine" lab rats. I've also seen evidence that the vaccine mRNA programming has less effect on Jews who are genetically of Ashkenazi descent. Perhaps Netanyahu knew this when he made the deal and appeared to sell out his own people. My main point is to be wary about declaring that you have the definitive truth. We live in a world of deception (by continuous design of the ruling sociopaths) that is far more complex and convoluted than the puny human brain can process.