Having since my teens not trusted government , and felt that most 'laws' should be 'unlawful', such as having to have a passport in order to be able to travel the planet on which I live, to name but one; it amazes me how easy it appears to be, to convince people that having a government is the only way to have a safe life, even though so many who believe this also do not trust government, but see no other way of ensuring that people behave well. That is one of the biggest fears people have when confronted by the concept of no government. Which is why it appears very necessary to encourage people to form groups, NOT online, but in real life, to ensure that at the grass roots level (where one lives) there will be the strength to easily overcome small local bad behaviours which are bound to occur given how 'legally' tied down so many people must feel, and come a change, ( as a result of defunding the police, more theft, food shortages or any other discomfort which may arise) we have the means to keep each other safe. Even if such support structures quickly come into being, which they appear to be doing, we will still have to contend with how low those with financial and physical power will be willing to go. They have already sunk so far down it is hardly credible, but real nonetheless...just look at the wars fermented and still ongoing, to mention but one evil; we KNOW there are many more being perpetrated in the name of Democracy, de-seating dictators, or whichever other title they wish to name their latest profitable travesties, we have to find solutions to these threats also...saying NO to the chicaneries in which we see our governments involve themselves: NO to more wars, jab passports, NO to WHO amendments, the proposed PPPT (both these latter two the lowest possible rubbish) NO to15 min. cities ( if desired by the inhabitants, then fine, but if imposed from above, without real need then NO!). No to 5G being implemented without due safety research at the behest of 'Stakeholders': Companies drooling to make massive profits from this rollout, governments seeing ways of controlling people more efficiently via digital ID's and the hoped for CBDC's made easily possible by 5G (and we don't even know for sure all the physical ills that will, and are already befalling life on earth with increased Micro-Waves, we are electro-magnetic, chemical beings and react to changes around us). WE have to rub the noses of those obeying without thinking, into realising exactly how nasty is the morass into which we may all end up if attention is not paid. Thankfully, this appears to already be taking place in the physical not only online. Onwards and upwards, not downwards.

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I share your sentiments entirely and would love to see nothing more than people getting off this hellhole of an idea called "government". As though we are children and need "governing", from mere mortals just like us! Maddening. /anyway, there is no need to say anything to them, just treat them as white noise and start putting our attention to what we DO want to see. Their means of dominance is bank-issued money so we need to start talking about using a local currency. Local currencies can be put onto a network so they can be used all over the world. As for we need people-to-people and not online as you stated, I say we need both! We are now online beings AND actual beings. We could use our online presence to "ping" volunteer "peace officers" who receive your message when you're in distress and they mobilize and come to your aid in the area. This is so simple to do now with the technology we have but if our attention is only looking at trying to get away from under government obstacles to freedom, then our days will be spent in that rather than creating the new. I hope you see this. Buckminister Fuller alluded to this dynamic many times. Where attention goes, that's what you grow. Even if it's negative attention you still grow that which you put your attention to. The illete know this and we don't but now that we do, it's more of a level playing field. We need to use every power that we have however so often people throw that away by not understanding how this realm works.

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I also couldn't agree with you more about where energy goes!!! Where I live we are forming loose associations of like minded people...like minded at least as to the travesties already perpetrated and those seemingly coming, (not if we can help it!)

Most definitely we have to form these local groups and make all sorts of contingency plans re any pitfalls we can foresee. Our world is so beautiful and we need to stop damaging it in the name of profit and power. The positive possibilities, if we work together, are infinite, only our inability to let our imaginations take flight and believe in the possibility of what we imagine and then apply the necessary work to materialise it, aided as it has been by our education and the general mindset it has created, has stopped us to date. Blessings to you!

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That's very inspiring that people in your area are forming "loose associations". I like that and the term! Working together is the only way. I'd like to start a "loose association" in my town too. People really need to get together! Thanks for your words of encouragement.

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